Ignore the hard sell against cash designed to mainly serve the interests of big banks? And the hard sell is on. I have seen countless articles deriding the use of cash and linking it to crime
I am personally not here to serves the banks. I don't encourage anyone to serve the interests of big banks, credit card companies and other plundering aspects of society.
To not use cash serves the banks and strengthens the central governmental control grid
No cash = No bank runs
No cash = more fees for banks
No cash = more tracking
No cash = less privacy for you
Continue to use cash, it is after all legal tender, deny the government & banks their control and profit over your life /personal business-
Bank of Canada promotional piece
One fact that can be taken away from this piece is people are relying on credit cards because they have no money!
Which suggests that those people having cash to use, are still using cash. The only real change has come in the credit card use alongside the level of Canadian indebtedness. You would have never known the actual true fact from the headline that accompanies the agenda pushing 'news'. This article is really about credit card use and massive indebtedness.
I am personally not here to serves the banks. I don't encourage anyone to serve the interests of big banks, credit card companies and other plundering aspects of society.
To not use cash serves the banks and strengthens the central governmental control grid
No cash = No bank runs
No cash = more fees for banks
No cash = more tracking
No cash = less privacy for you
Continue to use cash, it is after all legal tender, deny the government & banks their control and profit over your life /personal business-
Bank of Canada promotional piece
Canadians are now using cash for fewer than half of their transactions, a survey done for the Bank of Canada suggests.Fact: Canadians are using cash for almost half of their transactions- Notice how the Bank of Canada chose to present this information? Emphasizing the do not use rather then focusing on those that still do use cash
The research was included as part of the spring edition of the Bank of Canada Review on Thursday.As stated Bank of Canada 'research'- promoting their agenda
One fact that can be taken away from this piece is people are relying on credit cards because they have no money!
According to a 2013 method-of-payment survey, credit card use increased to nearly 31 per cent compared with just over 19 per cent in 2009. Debit card usage slipped to 21 per cent from nearly 25 per cent.This increased credit card uses coincides very nicely with the huge indebtedness of Canadians- this does not demonstrate a move away from cash use
Canada household debt ratio hits new record of 163.3%
Therefore credit card use, in this case, does not indicate a move from cash. It actually indicates no income, no savings, no money.
Here is an interesting fact- dead last sentence
Cash has held ground as a total percentage of payments....Cash has held its ground as a percentage of the total value of payments at about 23 per cent.
Which suggests that those people having cash to use, are still using cash. The only real change has come in the credit card use alongside the level of Canadian indebtedness. You would have never known the actual true fact from the headline that accompanies the agenda pushing 'news'. This article is really about credit card use and massive indebtedness.