Education. You think it’s about gaining life survival/advancement skills? You’re wrong
You think it’s about strengthening humanity with an eye to the future? Also wrong
Education is little more then indoctrination of the masses, starting at a very young age, to live as servile beings to elitist interests/agendas- Simply put
Of course I realize it’s more complex then that, but, for simplicity sake I will limit my critique to that.
A brief digression:
When my child was young the school was teaching the most absurd way of reading- You read what you thought might be on the page based on the pictures shown. I'm not kidding!
Utter garbage! So, I taught her to read by breaking words down phonetically. And of course reading to her and having her read to me. Wonderful times :)
Then there was math. Oh yes, the math. Let’s put it this way. Education at that time didn’t worry itself about multiplication- So, as a parent, I yet again took matters into my own hand, teaching our daughter to multiply. We memorized times tables together, though I knew them well using them my entire life . I showed her how easily division is when one understands multiplication- Because the relationship becomes quite obvious
Once you have the basic of multiplication and division down further mathematics becomes a whole lot easier. Hubby took care of measurements- figuring out volume etc
Digressing Again: Speaking of the dysfunctional math 'taught' to dumb children down- Guess what? Now it's bad and should be discarded- As I like to say- "No shit Sherlock"- Could have told you that almost 20 years ago - A news story making the rounds just today
Canada's kids aren't learning math and their math skills are worsening
Education, we are told, prepares children for the future.What we're never told is just what or whose future our children are being prepared for? Functioning as a servant to abusive psychopathic elites is not a future any aware parent would want for their child.What parents should be striving for is developing an independent, thoughtful, intelligent human that is able to survive, thrive and comprehend that which is in the best interest of that child’s future survival & well being.
Obviously indoctrination should be tossed out of the education system. Indoctrination should be avoided whole heartedly. Children should be taught critical thinking skills- The ability to think. To reason. To rationalize. To sort sense from non sense. Children should be taught about the real living world. Plants. Animals. Children should garden. Gardening teaches so much to children it’s value is beyond real comprehension. Children should cook. Yes, they should!
None of these aformentioned life skills are taught. Rather, what passes for education is whole sale indoctrination- The sex education curriculum in Ontario- the one that pays homage to a convicted pedophile is a perfect example of state sponsored Edu- Indoctrination.
Should public schools really be teaching a "sex indoctrination"program created by a convicted pedophile? This man & his social "standing" serve as a perfect example of the elite psychopathy leadership that should be tossed to the curb by all of us! Ignored. Scattered to the winds.
Instead of exercising some moral cautiousness, Edu-Indoctrination marches on in it's goal of teaching our children to be servile to elite psycho leaders - The curriculum lives on.
The Holocaust tm is yet another state taught indoctrination example. Taught to imbibe a ‘victim’ ideology as it relates to ONLY one group of people, while ignoring the atrocities committed against many other peoples, including but not limited to the Native populations in both Canada and the US. The carpet bombings and mass killing of Japanese and Germans during WW2 by the allies (US, UK and Canada) The twin nuclear bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Carpet bombing and mass civilian casualties in Korea. Chemical warfare waged in Vietnam. I could go on, but, hoping you get the point? There have been many holocausts but only one is used as a matter of indoctrination.
The dumbing down of the future generations is appalling and too many parents are silent.
Considering what is understood about the Edu-Indoctrination system and it’s real function- Servitude to elites- It comes as no surprise that schools in the US, undoubtedly coming to Canada soon, are teaching the AGW rebrand:Climate Change Indoctrination Coming To a School Near YOU!-
Serving Wall St, Banks, Big Oil, Big Toxic Agriculture & the Petrochemical cartels- Beneficiaries of the AGW LIE
I can't disagree on the problematic points raised
Recall at the beginning of my post I mentioned one reason for the very existence of Edu-Indoctrination? Servitude through Edu-Indoctrination.
Wouldn't it be more sensible to teach facts about carbon that are known to be true?
And scientific.
Like carbon is an element. And it is the sixth most abundant element in the entire universe.What children should be taught is that all life consists of carbon
Shine on you crazy diamond: why humans are carbon-based lifeforms
Instead? Indoctrination rules! And that is sad, dangerous and deadly for us.
The past 24 hours have been busy! I've left lots to read and comment about so please do!
You think it’s about strengthening humanity with an eye to the future? Also wrong
Education is little more then indoctrination of the masses, starting at a very young age, to live as servile beings to elitist interests/agendas- Simply put
Of course I realize it’s more complex then that, but, for simplicity sake I will limit my critique to that.
A brief digression:
When my child was young the school was teaching the most absurd way of reading- You read what you thought might be on the page based on the pictures shown. I'm not kidding!
Utter garbage! So, I taught her to read by breaking words down phonetically. And of course reading to her and having her read to me. Wonderful times :)
Then there was math. Oh yes, the math. Let’s put it this way. Education at that time didn’t worry itself about multiplication- So, as a parent, I yet again took matters into my own hand, teaching our daughter to multiply. We memorized times tables together, though I knew them well using them my entire life . I showed her how easily division is when one understands multiplication- Because the relationship becomes quite obvious
Once you have the basic of multiplication and division down further mathematics becomes a whole lot easier. Hubby took care of measurements- figuring out volume etc
Digressing Again: Speaking of the dysfunctional math 'taught' to dumb children down- Guess what? Now it's bad and should be discarded- As I like to say- "No shit Sherlock"- Could have told you that almost 20 years ago - A news story making the rounds just today
Canada's kids aren't learning math and their math skills are worsening
The report from the C.D. Howe Institute says that Canadian students' math performance in international exams has been declining between 2003 and 2012.From my own experience the children &, young people are now permanently damaged from this Edu-Indoctrination- Not only can they not comprehend simple math- they can't even begin to get through the process of understanding the most basic mathematics- I can tell you a multitude of stories about blank faces looking at me. An inability to add and subtract without the use of a calculator. And fractions- Again I could tell you stories, real life recounts that would cause you to have fear for the future.
Education, we are told, prepares children for the future.What we're never told is just what or whose future our children are being prepared for? Functioning as a servant to abusive psychopathic elites is not a future any aware parent would want for their child.What parents should be striving for is developing an independent, thoughtful, intelligent human that is able to survive, thrive and comprehend that which is in the best interest of that child’s future survival & well being.
Obviously indoctrination should be tossed out of the education system. Indoctrination should be avoided whole heartedly. Children should be taught critical thinking skills- The ability to think. To reason. To rationalize. To sort sense from non sense. Children should be taught about the real living world. Plants. Animals. Children should garden. Gardening teaches so much to children it’s value is beyond real comprehension. Children should cook. Yes, they should!
None of these aformentioned life skills are taught. Rather, what passes for education is whole sale indoctrination- The sex education curriculum in Ontario- the one that pays homage to a convicted pedophile is a perfect example of state sponsored Edu- Indoctrination.
Should public schools really be teaching a "sex indoctrination"program created by a convicted pedophile? This man & his social "standing" serve as a perfect example of the elite psychopathy leadership that should be tossed to the curb by all of us! Ignored. Scattered to the winds.
Instead of exercising some moral cautiousness, Edu-Indoctrination marches on in it's goal of teaching our children to be servile to elite psycho leaders - The curriculum lives on.
The Holocaust tm is yet another state taught indoctrination example. Taught to imbibe a ‘victim’ ideology as it relates to ONLY one group of people, while ignoring the atrocities committed against many other peoples, including but not limited to the Native populations in both Canada and the US. The carpet bombings and mass killing of Japanese and Germans during WW2 by the allies (US, UK and Canada) The twin nuclear bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Carpet bombing and mass civilian casualties in Korea. Chemical warfare waged in Vietnam. I could go on, but, hoping you get the point? There have been many holocausts but only one is used as a matter of indoctrination.
The dumbing down of the future generations is appalling and too many parents are silent.
Considering what is understood about the Edu-Indoctrination system and it’s real function- Servitude to elites- It comes as no surprise that schools in the US, undoubtedly coming to Canada soon, are teaching the AGW rebrand:Climate Change Indoctrination Coming To a School Near YOU!-
Serving Wall St, Banks, Big Oil, Big Toxic Agriculture & the Petrochemical cartels- Beneficiaries of the AGW LIE
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Carbon is Bad = Humanity/Bad |
While many American parents are angry about the Common Core educational standards and related student assessments in math and English, less attention is being paid to the federally driven green Common Core that is now being rolled out across the country. Under the guise of the first new K-12 science curriculum to be introduced in 15 years, the real goal seems to be to expose students to politically correct climate-change orthodoxy during their formative learning years.Indoctrination
The National Research Council framework for K-12 science education recommends that by the end of Grade 5, students should appreciate that rising average global temperatures will affect the lives of all humans and other organisms on the planet. By Grade 8, students should understand that the release of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels is a major factor in global warmingProblems: AGW is a theory. Unproven and demonstrably wrong. Particularly since there has been no rise in global temps for years- And every overblown dire claim has been shown to be false.
By Grade 12, students should know that global climate models are very effective in modeling, predicting and managing the current and future impact of climate change.More Indoctrination and a claim that is completely false. Climate models have shown themselves to be completely ineffective in modelling or predicting much of anything real.
Relying on a climate-change curriculum and teaching materials largely sourced from federal agencies-raises a number of issues. Along with the undue authoritative weight that such government-produced documents carry in the classroom, most of the work is one-sided and presented in categorical terms, leaving no room for a balanced discussion. Moreover, too much blind trust is placed in the predictive power of long-range computer simulations, despite the weak forecasting track record of most climate models to date.
I can't disagree on the problematic points raised
The topic of man-made global warming, properly taught, would present many teachable moments and provide an example of the scientific method in action. Precisely because the science of climate change is still just a theory, discussion would help to build student skills in critical thinking, argumentation and reasoning, which is the stated objective of the new K-12 science standards.Can't teach that! Critical thinking? Reasoning? That's bad. That's not servile.
"For instance: Why has the planet inconveniently stopped warming since the late 1990s even as carbon dioxide levels have continued to rise?
How reliable are historical measurements of average global temperatures and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels when, before the 1950s, much of the data are interpolated from such diverse sources as weather balloons, kites, cloud observations, primordial tree rings and Antarctic ice bubbles?
How statistically significant is a 1.4-degree Fahrenheit increase in average global surface temperatures since 1880 for a 4.6 billion-year-old planet with multiple ecosystems and a surface area of some 200 million square miles?
How dangerous is the current level of carbon dioxide in the world’s atmosphere, when 400 parts per million expressed as a percentage of the volume of the atmosphere would equate to only 0.04% or approximately zero?"Good Questions!
Employing such a Socratic approach to teaching climate change would likely lead to a rational and thought-provoking classroom debate on the merits of the case. However, that is not the point of this academic exercise—which seems to be to indoctrinate young people by using K-12 educators to establish the same positive political feedback loop around global warming that has existed between the federal government and the nation’s colleges and universities for the past two decades.
Recall at the beginning of my post I mentioned one reason for the very existence of Edu-Indoctrination? Servitude through Edu-Indoctrination.
Wouldn't it be more sensible to teach facts about carbon that are known to be true?
And scientific.
Like carbon is an element. And it is the sixth most abundant element in the entire universe.What children should be taught is that all life consists of carbon
Shine on you crazy diamond: why humans are carbon-based lifeforms
Instead? Indoctrination rules! And that is sad, dangerous and deadly for us.
The past 24 hours have been busy! I've left lots to read and comment about so please do!
The US Uses FIFA to Ostracize Russia: Updated!
Industry delayed EU regulation of toxic chemicals- Chemical Manipulation of Humanity
Ramadi to Palmyra: KurdISHIS/Israeli collusion- Stealing Assyrian history