This is the second time Mike Whitney has written a piece that is picked up everywhere and is obfuscation, transference (propaganda technique- simply put: This technique involves making an illogical association between one thing and something else that is generally viewed as positive or negative. ) and full of loaded words etc
Where is Mike Whitney as the Kurds annex Syria?Or since that is NATO approved, does Mike Whitney stay silent or obfuscate that NATO approved move? As you will read Mike Whitney obfuscates...
The turnout was very large and the pre election polls could not and did not account for the massive voter turnout. Either way AKP was polling in the lead the entire time.
So, NO surprise outcome.
Flashback: AKP's "Stunning Victory"?
An out and out bald faced lie! : The election or the 'balloting' was deemed fair. The election was conducted professionally and offered a variety of choices for the voter! The problem was that violence marred the campaigns leading up to the election, that's what the OSCE said! And that violence was not limited to one party either. The fact that Mike disinfo Whitney used the word 'balloting' instead of election is obfuscation plain and simple.
Moving through the latest Whitney nonsense....
Whitney shifts over to a quote from Brooking's analyst Michael E. O’Hanlon- Where a NATO/Neo Con plan to split Syria up is presented- This is the transference where the accusation made against Turkey is actually a NATO plan, rebranded for spin.
And right about here is where most readers will stop reading MW's piece- after having read the headlines and the lies in the first few paragraphs.. Cause sadly that is how most people read
Wait just a minute! MW actually mentions the Kurdish militias and I am quoting his writing verbatim:
Let's repeat the pertinent information in that paragraph
It is verifiable that- "the US has air-dropped pallet-loads of weapons and ammo to the Democratic Union Party (PYD)"
Where is Mike Whitney as the Kurds annex Syria?Or since that is NATO approved, does Mike Whitney stay silent or obfuscate that NATO approved move? As you will read Mike Whitney obfuscates...
MW-"The surprise outcome of the balloting, which was widely denounced as “unfair and marred by fear and violence by international election observers”, has given Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) 49 percent of the vote restoring single-party rule in Ankara"The surprise outcome? It was not a surprise. The polls predicted the AKP win and it happened.
The turnout was very large and the pre election polls could not and did not account for the massive voter turnout. Either way AKP was polling in the lead the entire time.
So, NO surprise outcome.
Flashback: AKP's "Stunning Victory"?
MW: "The surprise outcome of the balloting, which was widely denounced as “unfair and marred by fear and violence by international election observers”
An out and out bald faced lie! : The election or the 'balloting' was deemed fair. The election was conducted professionally and offered a variety of choices for the voter! The problem was that violence marred the campaigns leading up to the election, that's what the OSCE said! And that violence was not limited to one party either. The fact that Mike disinfo Whitney used the word 'balloting' instead of election is obfuscation plain and simple.
"The observer mission’s preliminary report said that while the elections were conducted professionally and offered a variety of choices for the electorate...."
“Candidate registration was inclusive overall, providing voters with a diverse and genuine choice.
There was general confidence in the voter register, the observers noted.
According to observers, women played an active role in the campaign, although they remain under-represented in political life.
Moving through the latest Whitney nonsense....
Whitney shifts over to a quote from Brooking's analyst Michael E. O’Hanlon- Where a NATO/Neo Con plan to split Syria up is presented- This is the transference where the accusation made against Turkey is actually a NATO plan, rebranded for spin.
MW- "In 2015, however, the strategy was expanded upon by Brookings analyst Michael E. O’Hanlon in a piece titled “Deconstructing Syria: A new strategy for America’s most hopeless war”. Here’s an excerpt: …the only realistic path forward may be a plan that in effect deconstructs Syria….the international community should work to create pockets with more viable security and governance within Syria over time…"That Brookings piece was posted here at the blog: Brookings: Deconstructing Syria-Order from Chaos
How can Whitney credibly get from a NATO/ neocon plan over to accusing Turkey of 'annexing Syria'? Transfer propaganda!
If Turkey did 'annex' Syria, as promoted by Brookings, it would be in cooperation and collusion with the already mentioned NATO plan. This would not be Turkey annexing Syria- This would be NATO annexing Syria. And that is happening presently using the proxy ISIS as the reason to back the Kurds and have them cut off vast swathes of Syrian territory and claim it as their own. Whitney never says a word about the Kurdish theft or annexation of Syrian territory! You will read what he says about Kurdish land theft shortly, I'll give you a hint- he obfuscates using loaded language..
And right about here is where most readers will stop reading MW's piece- after having read the headlines and the lies in the first few paragraphs.. Cause sadly that is how most people read
Whitney again:
Yes, this is the Obama plan. But it's not the Erdogan plan. Nor the AKP plan? Or even the Turkish state plan? It's a US plan.MW: This is the Obama administration’s basic blueprint for toppling Assad and reducing Syria into an ungovernable failed state run by regional warlords, renegade militias and Islamic extremists
Wait just a minute! MW actually mentions the Kurdish militias and I am quoting his writing verbatim:
MW- "There is, of course, a question about the Kurdish militias role in this strategy. Recently, the US has air-dropped pallet-loads of weapons and ammo to the Democratic Union Party (PYD) hoping the group could help the US secure the last stretch of land along the border west of the Euphrates thus keeping vital supply lines open for the jihadis while establishing a safe haven on Syrian territory. Erdogan violently opposes any operation that will create a contiguous Kurdish state on the Syrian side of the border."
Let's repeat the pertinent information in that paragraph
It is verifiable that- "the US has air-dropped pallet-loads of weapons and ammo to the Democratic Union Party (PYD)"
"hoping the group could help the US secure the last stretch of land along the border west of the Euphrates thus keeping vital supply lines open for the jihadiswhile establishing a safe haven on Syrian territory"
What did Mike Whitney say in that paragraph?!Likely the only truthful statement in this article and almost no one read it!
He wrote: "the US airdropped pallet loads of weapons and ammo" to the Kurds so they can "keep vital supply lines open for jihadis"while"establishing a safe zone"- I'm quite comfortable with the fact that theKurds are indeed jihadisand the US is assisting them to ANNEX Syria-
Whitney does not use the inflammatory word "annex'when it comes to the Kurdish terrorists-because they are allies of NATO. Rather he uses the R2P language of 'safe haven'
The Kurds establishing a safe haven is the same as annexing territory- Period.
This is the second article Mr Whitney demonizes/transfers/blames Turkey for NATO activities and plans! - It is quite clear to me he is promoting the R2P version of NATO's remake the ME/ Kurdistan agenda, which will inevitably destroy Turkey and Iran, alongside Iraq/Syria. He has zero problem with NATO's Kurds annexing Syria and instead of putting responsibility for the evil destruction of Syria by NATO, on NATO, he blames Turkey. As if !! Who is touting this man's work as credible? It's not.
Mike Whitney's disinfo exposed previously:Russia: No Arms to Kurds/Cooperating with Turkey & Mike Whitney obfuscating for NATO?
Best Mike Whitney lie in previous post?
He wrote: "the US airdropped pallet loads of weapons and ammo" to the Kurds so they can "keep vital supply lines open for jihadis"while"establishing a safe zone"- I'm quite comfortable with the fact that theKurds are indeed jihadisand the US is assisting them to ANNEX Syria-
Whitney does not use the inflammatory word "annex'when it comes to the Kurdish terrorists-because they are allies of NATO. Rather he uses the R2P language of 'safe haven'
The Kurds establishing a safe haven is the same as annexing territory- Period.
This is the second article Mr Whitney demonizes/transfers/blames Turkey for NATO activities and plans! - It is quite clear to me he is promoting the R2P version of NATO's remake the ME/ Kurdistan agenda, which will inevitably destroy Turkey and Iran, alongside Iraq/Syria. He has zero problem with NATO's Kurds annexing Syria and instead of putting responsibility for the evil destruction of Syria by NATO, on NATO, he blames Turkey. As if !! Who is touting this man's work as credible? It's not.
Mike Whitney's disinfo exposed previously:Russia: No Arms to Kurds/Cooperating with Turkey & Mike Whitney obfuscating for NATO?
Best Mike Whitney lie in previous post?
Then Mr Whitney get’s really absurd with this statement
“DNA samples from the two suicide bombers indicate they were both members of ISIS”
Does ISIS have some kind of special DNA?