h/t friend of the blog!
This is a must listen lecture- Absolutely a must listen! In fact, listen to it twice. That's how many times I listened last week! But as you absorb the info take note of what is not really mentioned?
This woman doesn't mention that NATO is using forced displacement and coercion on a global level at this time. She mentions state actors, but, fails to mention the global tyranny above the nation state. Or the ethnic cleansing being engaged in present time: Kurdistan aka “Second Israel”- Ethnic Cleansing the Indigenous of the Middle East
Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement as an. Instrument of .... To put the prevalence of coercive engineered migration in perspective,
This is a must listen lecture- Absolutely a must listen! In fact, listen to it twice. That's how many times I listened last week! But as you absorb the info take note of what is not really mentioned?
This woman doesn't mention that NATO is using forced displacement and coercion on a global level at this time. She mentions state actors, but, fails to mention the global tyranny above the nation state. Or the ethnic cleansing being engaged in present time: Kurdistan aka “Second Israel”- Ethnic Cleansing the Indigenous of the Middle East
Professor Greenhill examines an understudied, yet relatively common, bargaining tool and method of persuasion: namely, the use of migration and refugee crises as non-military instruments of state-level coercion. Who employs this unconventional weapon, how often it succeeds and fails, how and why this kind of coercion ever works, and how targets may combat this unorthodox brand of coercion will be explored
About the speaker
Kelly M Greenhill is Associate Professor at Tufts University and Research Associate and Chair of the Conflict, Security and Public Policy Working Group at Harvard Kennedy School of Government's Belfer Center (BCSIA). Shel also serves as Associate Editor of the journal Security Studies. Much of her research focuses on the use of military force and what are frequently called 'new security challenges', including civil wars; the use of forced migration as a weapon; military intervention and (counter-) insurgency; foreign and defence policy; and international crime as a challenge to domestic governance.
She is author of Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion and Foreign Policy (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs), co-author and co-editor of Sex, Drugs and Body Counts: The Politics of Numbers in Global Crime and Conflict (Cornell) and The Use of Force, 8th edition. Her research has also appeared in a variety of other venues, including in the journals International Security, Security Studies, Civil Wars, and International Migration, in media outlets such as the New York Times, the International Herald Tribune, and the British Broadcasting Company, and in briefs prepared for the U.S. Supreme Court and other organs of the U.S. government.
Weapons of Mass Migration