The region would border the Kurdish autonomous area in Iraq and Kurdish areas in Turkey
The Kurds pushing this are not Syrian Kurds- Many of them are Turkey's or Iraq's Kurds.
Heck even Iran's Kurds- We even have Kurds based in Germany making the call!
BEIRUT — A powerful Syrian Kurdish political party is planning to declare a federal region in northern Syria, a model it hopes can be applied to the entire country, a spokesman for the faction said Wednesday.
Nawaf Khalil of the Democratic Union Party told The Associated Press that his party is not lobbying for an only-Kurdish region but an all-inclusive area that would include representation for Turkmen, Arabs and Kurds in northern Syria.
The declaration is expected to be made at the end of a Kurdish conference that is being held Wednesday in the town of Rmeilan in the country’s northern Hassakeh province.A federal region could be a first step toward creating an autonomous region similar to the one Kurds run across the border in Iraq, where their territory is virtually a separate country.
It could also usher in similar demands for federal regions elsewhere in Syria and in effect lead to a partition of the war-shattered country.
However, both the Syrian government and the opposition, at least in theory, reject any form of partitioning of the country.
“As a Syrian citizen, I say we reject talks about a federal Syria … our people will reject any attempt to divide Syria,” Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said at a weekend press conference in Damascus.
The minister’s remarks came a day after the U.N. envoy to Syria, Staffan de Mistura, said the possibility of federalism for Syria has not been taken off the table for the peace talks in Geneva.
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Monday also said federalization is one possible option in Syria if it is the will of the Syrian people. He said Russia will support whatever solution the Syrian government and the opposition devise to end the country’s war, including “any form (of government) whatever it may be called: federalization, decentralization, unitary state.”
Khalil, distinguished between prevailing autonomous rule for the Kurdish areas — which has been in effect in Syria since 2013 — and the federalism project, which he said was ethnically inclusive.Khalil, based in Germany.- PKK. The PKK is a terror organization and should not declare anything in Syria!
“The federalism project is a model for all Syria,” he said in a phone interview from Germany, where he is based.
A federal region in northern Syria is sure to anger Turkey,which considers the Syrian Democratic Union Party, or PYD, as a terrorist group. Its military wing, the people’s Protection Units, or YPG, leads the fight against Islamic State extremists in Syria.
A separatist region in Syria was ANNEXED, by the US and NATO, to destroy Syria as we have all known it! As I've stated all along. The PKK is a terrorist organization.YPG is their affilliate and is full of Kurdish and friend terrorists. The plan was to balkanize or federalize, as the compromise, Syria. This will, as has been stated here, embolden the PKK, as it has been, to tear Turkey apart. And they are.
BTW: A Syrian "Kurdish" region could not have bordered an Iraqi Kurdish (as stated in the TIME article) region unless the Kurds had ANNEXED more Iraqi territory- Which they have. With the help of the US and NATO and Canada etc. I've written about this on a number of occassions. One below the image
Iraq's Kurdish Region in the light green- Barely touching Syria However with the taking of Sinjar and the territory connecting autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan???? Suddenly the picture looks quite different |
Sinjar: Creating a Crucial Supply Route for KurdIShIS & Annexing Iraqi Territory
Geez, I must be psychic or something. ISIS as the proxy to create Greater Kurdistan. Is it obvious enough yet to everyone? How long have I written about that here?!
All the coopted media obfuscating this very fact through their word magic?
Coopted msm and alt. All of you terrorist cheerleaders our there!
Cheering for the PKK/ISIS or as I call them KurdIShIS to destroy nations, kill, murder, maim, ethnically cleanse, displace and worse. All of this was done in plain sight. And many of you sold the agenda? Despicable!
Mike Whitney- despicable
Zero Hedge- despicable
All msm- despicable
And if anyone else noticed others in the alt media, in particular, spinning for the KurdIShIS leave a link and I will happily add them to my despicable list- I gave up on the lying alt media for the most part. It's enough to read the lying msm
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A Kurdish official in Syria claimed that the autonomous cantons in Syria Kurdistan (Rojava) will be dismantled and replaced by a federal system.
"A conference will be held in the town of Rmelan by the democratic self-administration cantons in Rojava to discuss their dismantlement," the official told Rudaw, adding that "in their place, a federalism system for Western Kurdistan [Rojava] will be declared."
At the conference a committee will be formed to prepare procedures of federalism rule to replace the administration of the cantons, the source claimed
So let me see? ISIS and all the alleged moderate rebels will be incorporated into Rojava?
Or will they just melt away as they always have?
""Now the conference has just started in Rmelan, about 200 representatives of Rojava have joined [the event]. They represent different ethnicities and nationalities. There are Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Syriacs,Turkomans, Armenians, Circassians andChechens,"
How many Chechen's lived in Syria prior to the destabilization?
According to common spin all Turkoman are Erdogan loyalists.....??
It appears that is not the case.
Just a few relinks of the 100's written around this topic