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Syria: Federalization, Wahabbi Ideology, Weaponized Refugees- Recolonizing Syria

Anonymous left this link a few days ago: I'm just gettin' round to posting it and another related link! AnonymousMarch 21, 2016 at 7:06 AM
How can Syria deflect the US-UK “Federation” Spin?
I loved it! PennyMarch 21, 2016 at 7:20 AM

 I pointed out in the previous post that the all inclusive new territory included Chechens?!?!
What!!! But people are so busy rahrahing some bogus injustice they are missing exactly what is going on


"Now the conference has just started in Rmelan, about 200 representatives of Rojava have joined [the event]. They represent different ethnicities and nationalities. There are Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Syriacs, Turkomans, Armenians, Circassians and Chechens,"

How many Chechen's lived in Syria prior to the destabilization?
According to common spin all Turkoman are Erdogan loyalists.....??
It appears that is not the case.

This jumped right out at me!
But flew over the heads of everyone else
I'm going to repost your article entirely cause it is a good one
Thanks again anonymous!- Below are two articles, excerpts from each article are included
Read them both, in full, at the links provided!
First: How can Syria deflect the US-UK “Federation” Spin?
Planners of the war on Syria are surely wearing a “macabre smile” on their faces as they see their ruse achieve the desired outcome.
As expected, the declaration of a “democratic federation” in northern Syria has created quite wide-scale confusion and controversy, and has re-charged a lot of the previously charged emotions. The move was surely a malevolent one, and if ignored it will entail dire consequences for Syria’s unity and viability, and if fiercely faced and repelled it will lead to another trap of more in fighting and feuding. So how should Syrians react?
The move is obviously a smokescreen designed to obscure vision so that several objectives are lost in the fog. Why do I say this?
Firstly, the announcement was made at "al-Remailan" city (basically an Oil Field, where the US was reportedly building a military base under the pretext of its on-going alleged activities to fight ISIS/Daesh).
Secondly,“forces” already receiving full US support, bearing a striking resemblance to the ill-famed previous announcement of the so-called Opposition “National Syria Council”, made the announcement. So the move should be seen as a US-UK one and not a “Kurdish” one, especially as it includes “representatives” (proxies) of so many other ethnicities and “communities”. It is essential to take this key element into consideration when analyzing the move; otherwise we fall in the trap time and time again.
Yes,  how many Chechens resided in Syria before they came in with team ISIS? And why would the so called Syrian Kurds want team ISIS residing in their so called democratic federation.I sure found that odd! (Okay, I didn't because KurdIShIS has always been a team, but, surely others who don't share my views should have caught that strange act of bizarre friendliness??
Talk about turning the other cheek! 
" Here we have to remember these key elements:
- “Kurds” have recently gained worldwide sympathy
 - Some of the “Kurdish” militias have been extensively propagated by mainstream media, and others as a “key force” in the fight against IS/ISIS (Daesh).
Secondly, the US-UK war planners are now in need of a “fresh horse” to ride, after their old one (ISIS) has been totally exposed and can no longer serve their objectives.
Thirdly, the move should NOT be viewed as a “Kurdish” one for several reasons, mainly because there is no “Kurdish consensus” on the move.
The Kurds, as we know, are not a single unitary mass. There is an array of political parties and organizations carrying “Kurdish” flags who are presumed to be serving “Kurdish aspirations”, but not all of them agree on everything, and many of them have been “infiltrated” by one of more regional or international “Intelligence” service apparatus.
Even as a “community”, not all Kurdish communities are the same. There are several confessions and affiliations within their ranks. Over and above, not all of them share the same historical, religious, cultural, or demographic background. So to deal with them as a “lump sum” is unfair and unrealistic.
What is more important to bear in mind is the fact the Kurdish issue is a time-bomb left by the post-WWII colonial powers (mainly the British and French) who deliberately carved the Middle East map in a way that would retain certain “ticking bombs” that could be detonated at will.
So, if the Kurds have any grievances, they should lay their complaints and grievances at the doors of these forces that deliberately put them and the region in such a fiasco, instead of sparking feuding and inter-fighting with their fellow compatriots of other ethnicities and faiths"
Second!  Andrew Korybko:  Why Are The Kurds Saying That Chechens Are “Genuinely Native” To Syria”?

 Yes, why are the Kurds saying that?
"In what is probably one of the most peculiar revelations thus far exposed in the War on Syria, it has come out that the Kurds’ official federalization plan, the so-called “Project For A Democratic Syria”, not only recycles SecularWahhabi rhetoric about “fascism” and “semi-fascism”, but ludicrously alleges that the Chechens are “genuinely native in this land” and “participated in creating the region’s history and culture.” This is a shameless and naked distortion of history that’s predicated solely on self-interested geopolitical reasons, namely the Kurds’ interest in extending an ‘olive branch’ of ‘win-win’ federalization to the over 2,000 Chechens that are fighting for Daesh in northern Syria.
Furthermore, by attempting to rewrite history in order to ‘legitimize’ the new jihadist Chechen settlers, the Kurds are also providing irrefutable proof about the existence of Kelly M. Greenhill’s “Weapons of Mass Migration. The logical conclusion that one can draw from this fifth generational maneuver of weaponizing history is that the Kurds and their unipolar American-Israeli-Saudi patrons are intent on existentially destroying the Syrian Arab Republic by even going as far as to change its name– an objective that’s also declared in their previously mentioned manifesto – to something more ‘identity inclusive’ such as the presumable “Levantine Federation” or whatever other artificial ‘compromise’ label they manage to think of"
 The fact that the so called Kurds of Syria are extending an olive branch to the ISIS Chechens is only understandable if you understand the KurdIShIS symbiosis. If you don't comprehend that reality, this federalization deal, including ISIS Chechens, makes no sense. But for myself. A gal who has long promoted and likely created the KurdIShIS theory. It makes perfect sense. Kurdistan will be a terror state. Can't even recall how long I've stated that very obvious fact for! Vindication, long in coming is enjoyable none the less!
"Syria political activist and journalist Afraa Dagher also reported in September of that year that Daesh was luring Uighur terrorists from China with promises of free land and housing for them and their families, further proving that an undeniable plot to literally colonize Syria was and still is aggressively underway. Had the Kurds and their patrons known the extent to which the Uighur and their families would eventually migrate to Syria in order to fight alongside Daesh, it’s possible that they would have included this Central Asian Turkic group as yet another of the myriad “genuine natives” to Syria in order to lay the groundwork for their envisioned “Federation of Northern Syria”. Like the author explained in his most recent piece on the topic, the Kurds are essentially creating a ‘federation within a proposed federation’, or in other words, a much larger scale and many times more dysfunctional entity than Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the latest “origin story” lie about the Chechens and Turkmens being “genuinely native” to Syria is part and parcel of this charade"
This colonization by the Kurds and their terrorist buddies explains all the ethnic cleansing and displacement that KurdISHIS has engaged in. With the help of NATO. The Kurds and Wahabbi ideology doesn't surprise me in the least- After all they are all Sunni extremists

Andrew wrote an excellent article- Read it entirely!

Third! Kelly Greenhill and the Weaponized Refugee Information. 

Lecture, from Ms Greenhill,  posted at the blog December 1/2015The Weapon of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion & Foreign PolicyRefresh or give it a listen for the first time
 Professor Greenhill examines an understudied, yet relatively common, bargaining tool and method of persuasion: namely, the use of migration and refugee crises as non-military instruments of state-level coercion. Who employs this unconventional weapon, how often it succeeds and fails, how and why this kind of coercion ever works, and how targets may combat this unorthodox brand of coercion will be explored

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