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NATO Backed Kurds Move on Mosul- Canadians and/or Americans on Frontlines?

Going long-
US or Canadian Forces Believed to Be Fighting Near Mosul, Iraq

Let’s start by talking about the US or Canadians on the front lines, alongside Kurdish militia/terrorists including PKK/YPG etc., moving towards the main city of Mosul- An offensive that began today- Sunday morning in Iraq. Iraq is 7 hours ahead of eastern standard time. (Keep that in mind)
Servicemen from the U.S.-led coalition were seen near the front line of a new offensive in northern Iraq launched on Sunday by Kurdish peshmerga forces that aims to retake a handful of villages from Islamic State east of their Mosul stronghold.

A Reuters correspondent saw the soldiers loading armored vehicles outside the village of Hassan Shami, a few miles east of the frontline. They told people present not to take photographs.

They spoke in English but their nationality was not clear. Reuters had earlier reported that they were American but this could not be confirmed officially.
Commenting on the ground deployment of coalition soldiers seen near the battle front, Baghdad-based spokesman for then coalition, U.S. Army Colonel Steve Warren, said: "U.S. and coalition forces are conducting advise and assist operations to help Kurdish Peshmerga forces".

He said he could not confirm which country those seen by Reuters were from.

"They may be Americans, they may be Canadians or from other nationalities,"he said, when told that some forces were reported to be wearing maple leaf patches, the emblem of Canada.
Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga forces in the early hours of Sunday launched an attack to dislodge Islamic State fighters from villages located about 20 km (13 miles) east of Mosul.

Flashback:U.S. Deploys B-52 Bombers to Middle East. First Time in 25 Years

The US didn't bring those bombers into the area for no reason whatsoever

Flashback: Leafletting Mosul Ahead of Annexation Operations- Coordinating with Raqqa?

See April 10th post on B-52's, leafletting and the American presently bombing Mosul ahead of Kurdish advances

Now let’s talk about the Kurdish militia’s and their move towards Mosul:

First up, a rather absurd video, from the Daily Signal:

Why use it if it’s absurd? Because, it’s a perfect example of a propaganda video created to tug at your heartstrings, despite the obvious manipulative memes, we can still glean some nuggets of truth from the six minutes of video and contrived story telling.

 An interesting aside: When I went to get the link/ embed code for this video, for the first time ever, a cautionary warning appeared- yellow background-
Link- This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing.
Not sure what the issue is becauseI got this story initially from Newsweek-
Which sent me to the Daily Signal (linked above)
The video was included with the Daily Signal article and it was very clearly posted at Youtube.
What does it mean if a video is 'unlisted'? I don't know?  It would seem if this video was made and posted to Youtube, it was made to be viewed and inevitably shared, or it simply wouldn’t be on Youtube. Newsweek linked to Daily Signal whose article contained the video .Daily Signal shared the video just by posting it on Youtube.
 The video is associated with someone named Nolan Peterson, a former special operations pilot and a combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan,  Nolan Peterson is The Daily Signal’s foreign correspondent based in Ukraine. Nolan Peterson looks to be connected. Quite well connected to the military industrial terror complex.

So, embed the video or not? I went with embed. The video has to be here for you to understand my critique/analysis. It seems sensible Nolan Peterson wants the video viewed, or he wouldn't have made it and put it on Youtube.

-We see very out of shape men posing with guns- it’s doubtful these persons are seeing any fighting- however they create the perception of ‘ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances’ and also of ordinary hero’s. Making them easy for the viewer to self identify with
-We even get the camera fixated on two faces while particularly poignant tales are told, allegedly about their personal beef with ISIS- Since we can’t verify this at all- The men do no talking at all. We may as well discount those recounts. Sorry if you think that is cruel. It’s not intended to be.
The presentation is extremely manipulative and is done to draw you and I in. 
-We see our Kurdish Sunni fighters kneeling to pray- Because as I’ve said dozens of times the Kurds are Sunni Muslim.

-The video also contains the usual poorly armed, old weapons etc- Not believable.
-Insurmountable odds. Blah, blah, blah. Not credible

And so the legend goes.................

They (the Peshmerga/PKK/YPG and company)  have the NATO special forces arms, training and men amongst their ranks.  They have NATO dropping bombs all over ordinary people- Destroying everything.  And the Kurds are at a disadvantage?! Baloney!!! Not credible. Not believable. Not even in the slightest.
The fact that you have a former special ops pilot making propaganda video tells us clearly the Peshmerga have all the benefits including great PR!
Cripes, BHL made a propaganda film that was ‘discovered’ at the last minute and included at the Cannes film festival.
To be blunt, only a complete idiot would believe the common/mainstream/ promoted memes about the Kurdish militias-

The Atlantic:No Kurd Will Die to Restore Iraqi Unity

-"At least 40,000 peshmerga continue to hold a 600-mile border against ISIS in northern Iraq"

-"These fighters have relied on mostly aging, Soviet-era equipmentto clear over 8,000 miles of territory" 

And so the legend goes............

Bullshit on the aging Soviet era equipment!(Excuse the language, but this stuff is just sickening) This is how one creates a drama, but, not reality. Not a way in hell does one clear 8,000 miles of territory with bb guns!!)

" We intend to keep it all, including the oil-rich city of Kirkuk"

 -" We are part of the global coalition against ISIS" (directly contradicting the lie of taking 8,000 miles of territory on their own with aged weapons)

-" The U.S. is devoting painstaking efforts to keeping Shia militias out of Mosul"

Since Kurds are Sunni Muslims...  It should speak volumes to us that the US is making painstaking efforts to keep Shia militias out of Mosul tells us all we need to know about the future of Mosul.

A tidbit-  The majority of Iraq’s population are Shia Muslims-
The Muslim population of Iraq is approximately 60-75% Shi'a, 32-37% Sunni. Iraqi Kurds are mostly Sunni, with about 10% being Shi'a Faili Kurds.
So the US is intent on excluding or cleansing 60 - 75 percent of Iraq’s population from vast swathes of Iraq?

Continuing from the Atlantic- twisting the arm of the Iraqi PM

 -" Beyond the Mosul operation, Abadi can accept he cannot hold back the Kurds, and offer political recognition of our national goals. We will not return to a united Iraq if Mosul is liberated"

One the Kurds have annexed Mosul and Kirkuk that’s the end of an illusion of a united Iraq

-" The Kurds believe long-term stability can only be achieved by recognizing the new, de facto segregated Iraq. No amount of firepower will deliver peace"

But all my readers already know the US is remaking the middle east. All my readers already know the US and company are carving out Kurdistan aka Israel 2.0. All my readers know that Turkey will be carved up too. And then onto Iran. That's their plan- it's in your face and mine.

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