-US-backed Kurdish-led fighters have seized ground from the Islamic State group in Syria- The Syrian Democratic Forces, (PKK/YPG and a facade of Arabs) who control a swathe of (Syrian) territory along the Turkish border, launched a push south towards the ISIS stronghold of Raqa last week,capturing a string of villages in the north of Raqa province."The SDF has captured 12 villages... northwest of Raqa in the past 36 hours," Syrian Observatory for Human Rights chief Rami Abdel Rahman said.Abdel Rahman said that the villages lie 80 kilometres (50 miles) or more from Raqa itself but that the jihadists' de facto Syria capital was not the immediate goal.He saidthe target of the offensive was the town of Tabqa and its adjacent dam on the Euphrates River, which lie some 40 kilometres (25 miles) upstream.
Well, well, well.... we've discussed a few dams and the control of water on a number of occasions
Leafletting Mosul Ahead of Annexation Operations- Coordinating with Raqqa?
Clearly tied to coincide with the move on Raqqa, Syria. Or shall we say, annexation of Raqqa? Yah, I'm good with that! Raqqa home to yet another dam. Tabqua Dam. And it's a big one.
Annexing Mosul, Destroying Iraq & Collapsing Mosul Dam (Making way for Badush): Part 2
Water is a big part of remaking, redrawing or birthing the new middle east.There is also a third very large dam to consider- Another one the PKK/YPG terror crowd are after the Ilisu dam in Turkey
Control of water. Consolidating the control of water into fewer and fewer hands is part and parcel of the global elitists control agenda- No different then oil control/consolidation.
Currently the Turkish government is in the last stages of completing the Ilisu Dam, but the growing Kurdish rebellion and the worsening security situation in the area is impeding construction.Water, water everywhere... but not a drop to drink?
From earlier today: