I'm working on a monstrosity of a post- Hopefully I'll have some of it up tomorrow? Since it didn't work out so much for today. And Ally updated us on the well being of family members living in Turkey; they are scared but safe as clashes continue in Ankara
Breaking news:

PennyJuly 16, 2016 at 9:10 AM
Ally: How's your family doing?
Breaking news:
Link:At least 42 helicopters have gone missing from Turkey's military inventory in the wake of the failed coup attempt on Friday evening causing concern that there may be another act to the attempted overthrow of Erdogan.
Tomorrow we'll talk about Egypt's bizarre behaviour during the coup and afterwards- I would say Egypt was surely involved.Emergency measures have been taken in Turkey's Istanbul, as 1,800 additional police troops were deployed in the city and ordered to shoot down helicopters without prior warning, local media reported on Monday, citing a police source.Special operation troops are deployed in strategic locations of the city while military hardware is arriving to the city, Anadolu agency said. The emergency provisions are underway in response to at least three helicopters flying over Istanbul that have been hijacked away from the Erdogan government.