hattip to hubby and ally both of them pointing this gem out to me
Thanks to both of you!
I’ll highlight the interesting bits and address the relevant points. If you don't already you should understand Israel and their Kurdish partners are thick as thieves. And have been for a very long time
May 5 2016: Kurds on the Attack in Iran- As Predicted ......
April 17 2016 : Iran's Forgotten Kurds Step Up the Struggle- So The Media Promotion Begins
August 07/2015:P5+1 is a distraction. Early Seeds of Iranian destabilization cross the Turkish border
It’s not derogatory to state the truth or facts. JP is telling us very plainly that Israel has fostered ties between themselves and the kurds for at more then half a century.
The moral thing to do. Rolling my eyes. This is a nauseating bit of propaganda. Propaganda: “information,especially of a biased or misleading nature,used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view” Yes, it was very moral to kill and displace 100,000's of thousands of people. Especially Arabs (ethnicity) and Christians (religion). Very moral
Of course Jerusalem Post glossed right over the fact that the Kurds force children to fight!
WHAT THERE IS, IS KURDISH TERRORIST GROUPS SPONSORED BY ISRAEL AND NATO! PKK, YPG. ETC ETCNever mind the fact that Israel is a freakin' theocracy!
Wonder why that is? Blackmail, mostly I would figure. Cause it sure can’t be morality!
Like I said some Kurds see allies in Israel, but, not all of them.
In my opinion, you’d have to be willfully and intentionally blind to not see and understand the depth and breadth of ties between Israel and it’s affiliated Kurdish coterie
Coterie: a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people.
Israel has been helping the Kurds already buying Kurdish oil from Iraq and stolen KurdIShIS oil from Syria, smuggled through to Turkey..I covered that extensively in two posts from last year, likely more, but there is enough in these two to connect Israel to smuggled oil to aid their KurdIShIS terror clan
November 26/2015: Carving Turkey After a NATO Roasting- Claims vs Reality
Where clear and concise connections were made between Kurdish/ISIS oil smuggling and NATO allies (Yes, that includes Israel) And this post December 1/2015: Israel buys most oil smuggled from ISIS territory - report
So Israel can obfuscate their connections- I am not buying into the nonsense that follows after the above sentence from the propaganda editorial, so it's not included. You can read it at the opening link!
Yah cause that would make the Israel 2.0 agenda that much more obvious!
Really? Does anyone believe that Israel is a champion of the national right to self determination?
Seriously? Does anyone anywhere believe such garbage?!
Thanks to both of you!
I’ll highlight the interesting bits and address the relevant points. If you don't already you should understand Israel and their Kurdish partners are thick as thieves. And have been for a very long time
"First, the Kurds and Israel have common enemies. The peshmerga fighters belonging to the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq have proven to be the most effective power against the onslaught of Islamic State"
"The Kurds organized under the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) are one of the few opposition forces effectively opposing the Revolutionary Guards. In the last several months the PDKI has renewed attacks, killing dozens of Iranian soldiers"Israel just loves that the Kurds are attacking Iran. Obviously it serves Israel's agenda. I've discussed the Kurdish attacks on Iran on a number of occasions.
May 5 2016: Kurds on the Attack in Iran- As Predicted ......
April 17 2016 : Iran's Forgotten Kurds Step Up the Struggle- So The Media Promotion Begins
August 07/2015:P5+1 is a distraction. Early Seeds of Iranian destabilization cross the Turkish border
Working with the Kurds is also part of the “peripheral strategy,” begun by David Ben-Gurion, in which Israel seeks out diverse allies in the region"Diverse Allies"- That means not the Arabs- explaining all the Arab ethnic cleansing engaged in by both the Israelis and the Kurds. Cause facts are facts. David Ben Gurion: First PM of Israel 1955-1963- Which tells us all the ties between Israel and their Kurdish partner are long and steadfast.
The creation of a Kurdish-ruled autonomous region in Iraq is part of a larger phenomenon of the rise of sub-state groups in the region
In Iran they are loosely organized under the aegis of the Congress of Nationalities for a Federal Iran.
In Syria, Kurds are carving out their own areas from what was, but probably will never again be, a unitary Arab state.
Creation of another non-Arab autonomous area in the Middle East would help preserve the lives and rights of minority groups.Hardee har har what a bunch of nonsense- creating Kurdistan would do nothing to preserve the rights of minority groups- we’ve all witnessed via the media the oppression and displacement of Arabs, Assyrians, Christians, Shiites, etc)Creating Kurdistan empowers Israel as intended
" It would also make Israel’s situation less anomalous"Anomalous:deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected. Of course it would, since Israel is firmly behind all the displacement and ethnic cleansing- making the Jews of Israel less anomalous in a region of Arabs.A win win for Israel, wouldn’t you say?
"Indeed, anti-Israel voices in the region have in the past referred derogatorily to Kurds’ aspiration for a state by calling it a “second Israel.”Kurdish aspirations- I laugh. Israeli aspirations is the reality. Kurdistan aka Israel 2.0 Oh my bad.
It’s not derogatory to state the truth or facts. JP is telling us very plainly that Israel has fostered ties between themselves and the kurds for at more then half a century.
“SUPPORTING THE Kurdistan Regional Government and Iranian Kurdish rights is the moral thing to do.”
The moral thing to do. Rolling my eyes. This is a nauseating bit of propaganda. Propaganda: “information,especially of a biased or misleading nature,used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view” Yes, it was very moral to kill and displace 100,000's of thousands of people. Especially Arabs (ethnicity) and Christians (religion). Very moral
"The Kurds, who are mostly Muslim, see Israel as an ally"Well some of them do. I’m sure the ones being displaced to create Israel 2.0 don’t
“Kurdish society is freer and more tolerant than most neighboring societies. Women’s rights are respected – women are even integrated into the Kurdish armed forces as they are in Israel’s.’That paragraph is enough to make me puke up my supper and it was dam delicious! Forced military service is only synonymous with freedom if one is a degenerate expansionist warmaking state
Of course Jerusalem Post glossed right over the fact that the Kurds force children to fight!
WHAT THERE IS, IS KURDISH TERRORIST GROUPS SPONSORED BY ISRAEL AND NATO! PKK, YPG. ETC ETCNever mind the fact that Israel is a freakin' theocracy!
“The reporting of The Jerusalem Post’s Op-Ed Editor Seth Frantzman and Magazine Editor Laura Kelly from the front lines against ISIS in Iraq has revealed the Kurds’ strong affinity with Israel. Mustafa Hijri, the 71-year-old leader of the PDKI, said, “We [Israel and the Kurds] have common enemies, but more countries support Israel.”
Wonder why that is? Blackmail, mostly I would figure. Cause it sure can’t be morality!
"Hijri was hinting that the Kurds – at least those organized in the PDKI and in the KRG – need Israeli support"
Like I said some Kurds see allies in Israel, but, not all of them.
“The KRG recognizes in Israel its best supporter in the West for the project of a Kurdish state. Former president Shimon Peres raised the issue with US President Barack Obama in a June 2014 meeting. Strong support from Jewish and Israeli opinion leaders is of great importance.
The Kurds prefer that this networking take place behind the scenes as much as possible. Seeking statehood while having hostile neighbors makes the leaders of the KRG cautious about publicizing anything that has to do with their relations with Israel. Nevertheless the KRG has taken steps in the last year to acknowledge Jewish heritage in the Kurdish region.”
In my opinion, you’d have to be willfully and intentionally blind to not see and understand the depth and breadth of ties between Israel and it’s affiliated Kurdish coterie
Coterie: a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people.
“Financially, Israel can help the Kurds by buying Kurdish oil when other countries are less willing to do so.”
Israel has been helping the Kurds already buying Kurdish oil from Iraq and stolen KurdIShIS oil from Syria, smuggled through to Turkey..I covered that extensively in two posts from last year, likely more, but there is enough in these two to connect Israel to smuggled oil to aid their KurdIShIS terror clan
November 26/2015: Carving Turkey After a NATO Roasting- Claims vs Reality
Where clear and concise connections were made between Kurdish/ISIS oil smuggling and NATO allies (Yes, that includes Israel) And this post December 1/2015: Israel buys most oil smuggled from ISIS territory - report
Israeli relations with the Kurds will of necessity remain complicated and largely clandestine.
So Israel can obfuscate their connections- I am not buying into the nonsense that follows after the above sentence from the propaganda editorial, so it's not included. You can read it at the opening link!
“Clandestine because the Kurds often cannot afford to be seen as maintaining overtly close relations with the Jewish state”
Yah cause that would make the Israel 2.0 agenda that much more obvious!
But fostering ties with the Kurds not only serves Israeli interests, it is a rare opportunity for moral clarity. Supporting Kurdish national self-determination is to choose good over evil.
Really? Does anyone believe that Israel is a champion of the national right to self determination?
Seriously? Does anyone anywhere believe such garbage?!