Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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US Led Coalition Plans Two Pronged Attack Against ISIS in Raqqa and Mosul

This is interesting to contemplate, again. AGAIN? Yup!
It's been mentioned previously that moves were being made a few months back, coordinated moves in Raqqa and Mosul
Friday May 27/2016:Leafletting Mosul Ahead of Annexation Operations- Coordinating with Raqqa?
“It appears the US and company are making their move on Mosul!
Clearly tied to coincide with the move on Raqqa, Syria. Or shall we say, annexation of Raqqa? Yah, I'm good with that!  Raqqa home to yet another dam. Tabqua Dam. And it's a big one.”
Tuesday May 31/2016: PKK/YPG Militias Annex More Syria Territory - Heading for Tabqua Dam
"He said the target of the offensive was the town of Tabqa and its adjacent dam on the Euphrates River, which lie some 40 kilometres (25 miles) upstream"
It seemed this two for one attack was a possibility. I surely got to thinking this kind of double pronged attack might be in the works.

Mosul and Raqqa-Two nations. Iraq and Syria.Two Dams. Mosul and Tabqa  Potential for catastrophe? Astronomical!

So naturally this little gem caught my eye:

“The U.S.-led coalition plans to place simultaneous military pressure on the Islamic State's two critical strongholds in Iraq and Syria to thwart the militant group's grip in the region, a top U.S. commander said.
 Thwart the militant groups grip- absurd.. My readers know this has always been about annexing Syrian, Iraqi territory for Israel 2.0 /Kurdistan. I’ve written about this extensively.

Conducting offensives at about the same time in Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, and in Raqqa, the Islamic State’s de facto capital in Syria, will force the militants to choose which city to defend and undermine their ability to control their forces. The plan also calls for coordinating ground offensives in both cities.

“If we’re able to do simultaneous operations in and synchronize the Mosul piece and the Raqqa piece, think about the problem that generates for (the Islamic State),” Air Force Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Harrigian said”
This generates no real problems for IS. This is not a fight against ISIS and it never was. This is a carving up of the middle east and asia-  Sykes- Picot 2.Under the guise of fighting some rebranded, freshly marketed,  version of an older terror group. This is creating Kurdistan aka Israel 2.0 a new NATO terror state.
“I think we have an opportunity there,” Harrigian said in an interview this week with USA TODAY, his first since recently assuming command of air operations in the Middle East.

“They’ve been presented with an opportunity to come at the Islamic State from both sides,” said Matthew Levitt, an analyst at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

“It denies the Islamic State the ability to send additional forces from one to the other,” Levitt said. “Having to fight on two major fronts at once is much more difficult for
Baloney. This is just more of the same. Annexation. Displacement. Death. At the hands of NATO and their thug terror militias- Manbij is but a sample of what has gone on all over Iraq and Syria, attempted in Turkey too- While the gullible, witless masses and many alt media persons, I used to think were credible, cheered for the NATO backed terrorists- "the best fighters' against ISIS- the PKK in all their alphabet soup glory. All the while I was derided for stating the obvious.

I'll share this with my readers:

Hi Ozskeptic:
Thanks for the friendly hello 🙂
I've been talking the Kurdish aspect of the destabilization of Syria at my blog-
As you are aware- I was not ever a fan of the US/NATO/Israel backed Kurdish thugs- Ever. That hasn't changed.
The Kurds were the 'best fighters against ISIS' meme was only because they were always the right hand to the ISIS left hand, puppeted by the same bunch of global terrorists- NATO.
Israel 2.0 aka Kurdistan was the goal. And it still is. Will it be successful? Still hoping it's a fail

Thank you
Keep posting.
I think I speak for most of us saying you are always welcome, if you can spare the time.
*(You were proven right in the end, weren't you?)

@ Ozskeptic
"*(You were proven right in the end, weren't you?)"
Yes, yes I was. And not trying to be arrogant, I knew I was correct-
One: there was abundant evidence to link the Kurdish militias to NATO and Israel- I was posting it all at my place as I found it
Two- the vicious manner in which I was attacked, derided and name called was the other indicator that I was correct. And certain interested parties were attempting to shut me down- Stop me from reaching a wider audience.
It worked too- Sadly.
Most people want to attach themselves to that which is popularly accepted rather then facts and truth
I prefer facts and truth as best as can be discerned by my own processes
a commenter left this at my place
"What is a lie? It is to say what is real is not real. It is to deny the existence of what exists"
Peter Nivio Zarlenga"
Sadly Syper had a problem with lies and liars ((hopefully the liars have gone?) who didn't want a wider audience to see that which actually existed
remaking the middle east and asia to the benefit of NATO/Israel to the detriment of all affected nations and Europe, in particular-
thanks for that quotation james :)
Syria: PYD accused of changing demography in Manbij
Syria: PYD accused of changing demography in Manbij

 It wasn't enough that the US killed untold numbers of civilians by bombing them to smithereens
According to local sources, PYD forces set ablaze civil registry and land registry buildings in Manbij, shortly after capturing the city from Daesh group with the support of the U.S.-led coalition and the U.S.-backed Syrian Arab Coalition.
The sources, who spoke anonymously due to security fears, told Anadolu Agency that the PYD was setting the land registry and civil registry buildings on fire in an alleged attempt to change the demographic structure of the city.
In addition, the PYD has also been allegedly repelling Sunni Arabs and Turkmen residents who want to return to their homes in Manbij on the pretext that Daesh has planted mines inside the houses.
Manbij fell to the PYD and the Syrian Arab Coalition -- both of which fight under the umbrella of what is known as the Syrian Democratic forces (SDF) -- after some two and a half months of fighting.
There was little to no fighting. Only killing and displacement. As has been the case all along. In town after town, in Iraq and Syria-

BBC's:  blah, blah, blah blah, blah, pretending to be news: Straight up logical fallacy; An alliance of misfits? Who says? BBC says.

Russia and Turkey: An 'alliance of misfits'?

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