Yes, Turkey has built a good sized, height and length, wall on it's border with Syria. I've mentioned this reality on several occasions. Turkey began construction more then a year ago..
Where there is no wall, there will be trenches or massive barbed wire fences. Claims that Turkey has done nothing to secure it's borders just don't ring true. As I've stated once Turkey began tightening border security the US and company began airdropping arms to KurdIShIS. Or arms were brought into Syria via Iraq. Both of these truths ignored to continue pushing a simplistic narrative-
Flashback:November 13: 2015 Sinjar: Creating a Crucial Supply Route for KurdIShIS & Annexing Iraqi Territory
Speaking of simplistic memes..... Kurds: Betrayers Are Often Betrayed- Victims of and Parties to Conflict
Truth Exists, it's based in reality. Below is some reality.
Let's talk about the Turkish Border Wall
Construction began last year in July 2015:
Beginning with an 8 kilometre long wall in Hatay province
Daily Mail October 2015
Drastic action: Construction begins on a high-security border fence between Turkey and Syria, pictured in the town of Reyhanli today, in Hatay province..
The latest portion of wall construction is taking place at Ayn Al Arab or Kobane:
In my world Ayn al arab is Syrian territory, not Kurdish. And the name of the town is Ayn al Arab-not Kobane. Since the msm and alternative have already erased the actual name of that town from the collective memories of the masses I’ll use both names, but, will opt for the correct name of the town first- Ayn Al Arab. (Kobanî , officially Ayn al-Arab) My presentation of this material in this manner is in line with that of John Kerry and Sergei Lavrov: Both of whom have informed us they stand for a unified Syria and not an 'independent' Kurdistan
Yesterday the Kurds were claiming the Turks were going to attack Ayn al Arab aka Kobane- this was utter nonsense from what I had read, because the Turks were building another section of their border wall! Verified today by the Kurds themselves..
Kurds protesting wall being built a border
It appears a generous handful came out to protest- I see about 30 in the pic included with the coverage:
That would be quite hypocritical of the international community to condemn Turkey, for securing it's border, after all the caterwauling from the international community.
Where there is no wall, there will be trenches or massive barbed wire fences. Claims that Turkey has done nothing to secure it's borders just don't ring true. As I've stated once Turkey began tightening border security the US and company began airdropping arms to KurdIShIS. Or arms were brought into Syria via Iraq. Both of these truths ignored to continue pushing a simplistic narrative-
Truth Exists
Flashback:November 13: 2015 Sinjar: Creating a Crucial Supply Route for KurdIShIS & Annexing Iraqi Territory
Briefly- Turkey has been cutting off KurdIShIS supply lines for a while now- Covered previously at the blog. This is most likely the reason we recently had reports of the US dropping tons of arms to Kurdish militias in Syria.
US Airdrops Weapons to Kurdish Militias in Northern Syria: Kurds & War Crimes!Sadly, simplistic memes rule no matter how incorrect they may be. Still we can connect the beginning of airdrops to Kurdish terrorists PKK/YPG and the smuggling through Iraq with the increased security at the Turkish border
US Airdrops Tons & Tons of Munitions into Northern Syria- For the “good” terrorists
Speaking of simplistic memes..... Kurds: Betrayers Are Often Betrayed- Victims of and Parties to Conflict
Truth Exists, it's based in reality. Below is some reality.
Let's talk about the Turkish Border Wall
Concrete wall for more then half of the borderWithin this framework, Turkey has erected a 239-kilometer-long (148.5 miles) fixed concrete wall at the border with Syria and is planning to build another one, 207-km-long (128.6 miles).
Turkey shares a 900-km-long (559 miles) border with Syria, which has been involved in a civil war since 2011. Separately, the set-up of 49 km (30.4 miles) of barbed wire,72 km (44.7) of a trellis fence, and a 61-km barrier (37.9 miles) of razor accordion-wire has also been completed.
The Turkish Army has also dug a 401-km (249 miles) ditch and built an 86-km-long (53.4 miles) embankment as well as completed a 4-km (2.4 miles) shear wall.
It has also completed the construction of 57 concrete watchtowers at the border regions in the Gaziantep and Kilis provinces and has modernized many existing towers with day-and-night surveillance systems.
Turkish army troops have completed the construction of 85 km (52.8 miles) and improved 1,892 km (1175.6 miles) of roads, and ameliorated lighting on 422 km (262 miles) of the border.
In line with demands, authorities have declared temporary military security zones in 47 regions, while one region was declared a special security zone.I live quite near the US/Canada border. There is nothing like what is mentioned above going on in Niagara....

See also: Syria–Turkey border
Turkey announced a plan in July 2015 to build an 800-km (500-mi) wall along its border with Syria.[23]
Construction began last year in July 2015:
Beginning with an 8 kilometre long wall in Hatay province
Turkey has started building a new wall along a fragment of its southeastern border with Syria as it struggles against smuggling, illegal migration and the threat from al Qaeda fighters among Syria's rebel ranks.The Wall in Hatay Province is now 239 kms long
Turkey has built a 239-km wall in Hatay province on the border with Syria for enhancing its security, Anadolu Agency reported Aug. 22.
The newly built wall is three meters high and two meters wide, according to the agency.
Daily Mail October 2015
Drastic action: Construction begins on a high-security border fence between Turkey and Syria, pictured in the town of Reyhanli today, in Hatay province..
The latest portion of wall construction is taking place at Ayn Al Arab or Kobane:
In my world Ayn al arab is Syrian territory, not Kurdish. And the name of the town is Ayn al Arab-not Kobane. Since the msm and alternative have already erased the actual name of that town from the collective memories of the masses I’ll use both names, but, will opt for the correct name of the town first- Ayn Al Arab. (Kobanî , officially Ayn al-Arab) My presentation of this material in this manner is in line with that of John Kerry and Sergei Lavrov: Both of whom have informed us they stand for a unified Syria and not an 'independent' Kurdistan
Yesterday the Kurds were claiming the Turks were going to attack Ayn al Arab aka Kobane- this was utter nonsense from what I had read, because the Turks were building another section of their border wall! Verified today by the Kurds themselves..
Kurds protesting wall being built a border
It appears a generous handful came out to protest- I see about 30 in the pic included with the coverage:
The Turkish authorities started building a barrier wall on its southern border.
The Rojava Self-Administration issued a statement condemning the Turkish barrier wall project, and called on the international community to take action and stop the Turkish violations on the border with Syria.
“The Self-Administration in the Kobane canton condemns this aggression by the Turkish state against the people of our region. We appeal to the international community to break its silence and put pressure on the Turkish government to stop those violations,” it said.
That would be quite hypocritical of the international community to condemn Turkey, for securing it's border, after all the caterwauling from the international community.
We gathered here today to condemn the barrier wall project launched by Erdogan and his government,” Zaibar Kurdi, one of the Kobane protesters.
This is not the first time for Turkey to build such a barrier wall on its borders with Syria’s Kurdish region. A similar wall has been built near the cities of Qamishli, Derik and Afrin.