Janes: Intensifying PKK attacks in Turkey unlikely to provide pretext for US ceasing sponsorship of Syrian Kurdish militias
Of course the US won't cease supporting the "Syrian" (not all Syrians) Kurdish militias, even when other members of the same group are terrorizing a long time ally... And these attacks aren't retaliatory either.. it's just more of the same ongoing destabilization of Turkey. From the time the PKK ended the ceasefire with Turkey- Jane's obfuscates that fact with not so clever spelling.
"A succession of attacks by the Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (PKK) between 2 and 3 September resulted in a total of 27 Turkish security forces personnel killed and 66 wounded.
The attacks, which included roadside improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and small-arms ambushes, were concentrated in the Çaldiran and Dogubeyazit districts in Agri and the Çukurca district in Hakkari. The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) claimed that 101 PKK militants were killed in ensuing follow-up operations. The incidents mark an eight-fold jump from the daily average of security forces casualties since the resumption of the conflict in 20 July 2015"
Let's go back to my post from 2014
Linking back to articles from 2002... quoting and commentary from myself at that time:
“And Turkey wants assurances that events in Iraq won’t have a negative impact on its own unity.If we look at the situation in Iraq present day, we see Paul Wolfowitz is as big a liaras he is a war criminal. He reassured the Turkish leadership on all their concerns. He claimed the Kurd brand of Sunni Muslim understood this also“A separate Kurdish state in the north would be destabilizing to Turkey and unacceptable to the United States. Fortunately, the Kurds of north Iraq increasingly seem to understand this fact and understand the importance of thinking themselves as Iraqis who will participate fully in the political life of a future democratic Iraq.Wolfowitz and the US/Israel/UK Zionists knew full well a Kurdish state would be destabilizing for Turkey. We see today that Kirkuk (allegedly taken as troops fled ISIS, so taken from ISIS)
and Mosul (not all of it, but the dam and surrounding area) (taken from ISIS) are in the hands of the Kurd brand Sunni Muslim. Kirkuk and Mosul"won" from the alleged omnipotent ISIS brand Sunni Muslim. As was Sinjar. As is Kobane/i
As mentioned yesterday, it's a pattern!
Kurdistan, like Israel and Kosovo, is being created for purely political, geopolitical and resource advantages. In Iraq an independent Kurdish state is present in all but official recognition.
Yes, Turkey has assisted the Kurds in nothern Iraq. Worked with them. Transports their oil. Has been a good neighbour etc., Likely because Turkey is keeping it's enemies closer.Keep your friends close but your enemies closer
But there is a world of difference for Turkey between the Kurds in Iraq and an entire, internationally recognized, nation of Kurdistan. Suddenly the Turkish dream of being a power player in the Middle East is just wishful thinking. Usurped by a Greater Israel and it's more favoured Sunni Muslims in Kurdistan"
From 2002 to 2016 the remake the middle east agenda has been in full swing. 9/11 kicked that off!
The birth pangs of a new middle east... Wow, this has been on long labour!