This lecture and PDF were first posted here December 1/ 2015- Nearly one and a half years later the topic has become that much more pressing. Ever more relevant. We're being played folks. In Canada and the US. Wake up to the division being created. Wake up to the destruction being planned. The 'refugee crisis' is a plan. The news today of the RCMP- the Royal Canadian Mounted POLICE breaking Canada's laws at the border to assist illegal entry to Canada simply left me flabbergasted! It was the impetus for the repost! This news is surreal. To say the least. We Canadians need to understand that our government does not serve us at all. It is beholden to other masters..
The RCMP standing at the border as Canada is illegally entered? When I first saw that news this morning "it blew my mind"! (really surprised me, really amazed me) Illegal entry to Canada has always been a crime and for good reasons.Yet there is the RCMP, assisting persons in breaking laws, the RCMP is supposed to uphold?How surreal is that? And the ever pushing an agenda media is present to commemorate the crime, while creating some heart tugging narrative to sell the crime as acceptable? Media is a weapon of mass mind manipulation. It's never been more obvious.
The usual child prop to manipulate - to tug heart strings.
Staged for maximum PR effect- CBC
Notice all photos of RCMP have children in them- manipulation maximus!
Chapter 5: Preventing Illegal Entry into Canada- Auditor General Report 2013
Weaponized migration folks
Back to Professor Kelly Greenhill- the lecture and the pdf from 2015
Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement as an Instrument of .... To put the prevalence of coercive engineered migration in perspective.
I will try to reconnect the 2015 link if possible, for now, PDF available at link below also:
The RCMP standing at the border as Canada is illegally entered? When I first saw that news this morning "it blew my mind"! (really surprised me, really amazed me) Illegal entry to Canada has always been a crime and for good reasons.Yet there is the RCMP, assisting persons in breaking laws, the RCMP is supposed to uphold?How surreal is that? And the ever pushing an agenda media is present to commemorate the crime, while creating some heart tugging narrative to sell the crime as acceptable? Media is a weapon of mass mind manipulation. It's never been more obvious.
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A family is helped into Canada by RCMP officers along the U.S.-Canada border near Hemmingford, Que., on Friday, February 17, 2017 |
Staged for maximum PR effect- CBC
Notice all photos of RCMP have children in them- manipulation maximus!
Eight asylum-seekers, including four children, barely made it across the Canadian border on Friday as a U.S. border patrol officer tried to stop them and a Reuters photographer captured the scene.(A Reuter's photographer at the scene)
One by one they scrambled across the snowy gully separating the two countries. RCMP officers watching from the other side helped them up, lifting the younger children and asking a woman, who leaned on her fellow passenger as she walked, if she needed medical care.
"Nobody cares about us," he told journalists.( Who just happened to be there at that exact moment- coincidence- I think not!) He said they were all from Sudan and had been living and working in Delaware for two years.
The RCMP declined on Friday to confirm the nationalities of the people. (Not doing their job, obviously) A Reuters photo showed that at least one of their passports was Sudanese.
The RCMP carried the articles to their vehicles, and the people piled in to be driven to a nearby border office to be interviewed by police and to make a refugee claim.Canada- US agreement
The Canada-United States Safe Third Country Agreement, which was signed in 2002, requires people to apply for refugee status in the first safe country they arrive in. Any refugee claimant entering Canada at an official border crossing with the U.S., which is the only country that Canada has designated as a safe third country under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, is supposed to be turned away unless they have a blood relative in the country. People who illegally sneak into Canada at unregulated crossings, however, will generally have their asylum cases heard. Because the Safe Third Country Agreement encourages dangerous illegal border crossings, there have been calls for Ottawa to revoke the U.S.’ “safe third country” status. The federal government, however, has expressed no interest in doing this.This reads to me as if this agreement was signed to encourage exactly what is happening!- Notice when it was brought into effect? 2002. Immediately after 9/11 which kicked off the remake the middle east/north africa plan that is still ongoing present day
Chapter 5: Preventing Illegal Entry into Canada- Auditor General Report 2013
Yet, the RCMP is standing at the border helping the illegals- What is really going on here?Why it’s important
Failure to prevent illegal entry compromises Canada’s border, the immigration program, and the safety and security of Canadians. Illegal entries are a significant burden on taxpayers. In some cases, authorities must spend time, resources, and effort to track down individuals who are considered a significant threat to the safety of Canadians. The government has not estimated the cost of illegal entries, but Citizenship and Immigration Canada estimates that each rejected refugee claimant, some of whom enter Canada illegally,costs taxpayers about $26,000. The Agency and the RCMP spend about $728 million per year combined on their border control activities.
Weaponized migration folks
McDonald's shuts branches across US during 'Day Without Immigrants' protest
Weaponized migration. Divide to conquer.Back to Professor Kelly Greenhill- the lecture and the pdf from 2015
This is a must listen lecture- Absolutely a must listen! In fact, listen to it twice. That's how many times I listened last week! But as you absorb the info take note of what is not really mentioned? This woman doesn't mention that NATO is using forced displacement and coercion on a global level at this time. She mentions state actors, but, fails to mention the global tyranny above the nation state. Or the ethnic cleansing being engaged in present time: Kurdistan aka “Second Israel”- Ethnic Cleansing the Indigenous of the Middle EastProfessor Greenhill examines an understudied, yet relatively common, bargaining tool and method of persuasion: namely, the use of migration and refugee crises as non-military instruments of state-level coercion. Who employs this unconventional weapon, how often it succeeds and fails, how and why this kind of coercion ever works, and how targets may combat this unorthodox brand of coercion will be explored
Kelly M Greenhill is Associate Professor at Tufts University and Research Associate and Chair of the Conflict, Security and Public Policy Working Group at Harvard Kennedy School of Government's Belfer Center (BCSIA). Shel also serves as Associate Editor of the journal Security Studies. Much of her research focuses on the use of military force and what are frequently called 'new security challenges', including civil wars; the use of forced migration as a weapon; military intervention and (counter-) insurgency; foreign and defence policy; and international crime as a challenge to domestic governance. She is author of Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion and Foreign Policy (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs), co-author and co-editor of Sex, Drugs and Body Counts: The Politics of Numbers in Global Crime and Conflict (Cornell) and The Use of Force, 8th edition. Her research has also appeared in a variety of other venues, including in the journals International Security, Security Studies, Civil Wars, and International Migration, in media outlets such as the New York Times, the International Herald Tribune, and the British Broadcasting Company, and in briefs prepared for the U.S. Supreme Court and other organs of the U.S. government.
Weapons of Mass Migration
I will try to reconnect the 2015 link if possible, for now, PDF available at link below also: