Which most likely means we should be alert to the potential for a false flag attack this long week-end
I couldn’t believe what I read, nor what I heard when I took the linked news story in.
If one lie won’t work then lie, lie and lie again. It must be difficult for the Obama junta? I guess that is why Kerry made the comment about the internet making it difficult to govern?
Truth be told the internet doesn't make governing more difficult. What it does is level the playing field by allowing the people to keep tabs on the very governments who are supposed to be serving their populace.
I don't see a problem with that. Do you? The internet also allows the citizens to catch the lies of government easier. I don't see a problem with that. Do you?
Presenting: Obama "catapulting the propaganda"
President Obama raises the spectre of weapons of mass destruction falling into the hands of terrorists bent on attacking the US
Obama can declare he is almighty god that does not make it so.
He can declare the sky is purple when it is blue that does not make it so.
He can in fact declare any lie he wishes as true. That does not make even one of his lies the truth.
Obama is relying on “Appeal to Authority. He is the “authority” figure and therefore you and I are to fall in line. That is nonsensical. The US has presented no evidence for the simple reason that there is no evidence to support his claim. The Russians have presented evidence of exactly who perpetrated the attacks... the rebels. And the lying Obama is aware of this evidence. It was presented to the UN Security Council.
I couldn’t believe what I read, nor what I heard when I took the linked news story in.
If one lie won’t work then lie, lie and lie again. It must be difficult for the Obama junta? I guess that is why Kerry made the comment about the internet making it difficult to govern?
Truth be told the internet doesn't make governing more difficult. What it does is level the playing field by allowing the people to keep tabs on the very governments who are supposed to be serving their populace.
I don't see a problem with that. Do you? The internet also allows the citizens to catch the lies of government easier. I don't see a problem with that. Do you?
Presenting: Obama "catapulting the propaganda"
President Obama raises the spectre of weapons of mass destruction falling into the hands of terrorists bent on attacking the US
He also declared unequivocally that the United States has "concluded" that the Syrian government carried out a deadly chemical weapons attack on civilians last week.
Mr Obama did not present any direct evidence to back up his assertions.
Obama can declare he is almighty god that does not make it so.
He can declare the sky is purple when it is blue that does not make it so.
He can in fact declare any lie he wishes as true. That does not make even one of his lies the truth.
Obama is relying on “Appeal to Authority. He is the “authority” figure and therefore you and I are to fall in line. That is nonsensical. The US has presented no evidence for the simple reason that there is no evidence to support his claim. The Russians have presented evidence of exactly who perpetrated the attacks... the rebels. And the lying Obama is aware of this evidence. It was presented to the UN Security Council.