I've been mulling over the whole ruckus regarding the Turkish referendum. And there is a rukus happening in the so called "alternative" AND 5 eyes media. Including but not limited to a call for violent overthrow? Overthrow call made by MoA reported by Willy Loman
Seriously? How very atlantacist.
That oped from Henri Barkey has been on my mind, particularly that last paragraph.
Sadly and pathetically most people don't "buck the system"- The alternative media doesn't even buck the system-They march in lock step with the 5 eyes media.
So, is it realistic to think the Turks would actually "buck the system" as Barkey claims? Or is Barkey simply giving us the mind virus?
I'm going with mind virus.
In conclusion I'm going to reiterate some statements made previously by me, here.
Btw: the NO side wants an annulment- A very good way to hide any intimate, fraudulent involvement with 2.5 million manipulated ballots.....
I'm just sayin'...
Seriously? How very atlantacist.
That oped from Henri Barkey has been on my mind, particularly that last paragraph.
Henri Barkey: " Turks have a tendency to buck the system when they feel that the rules of the game are unfair or that they are being bullied by their leaders. No one should assume that the vote will turn out the way Erdogan has planned"
It dawned on me today that Henri Barkey provided the basic narrative for the entire 5 eyes alt and main stream media presentation regarding the referendum-There it was staring me right in the face! In two short and sweet sentences, no less!
We are supposed to believe that the Turks actually did "buck the system" but that evil Erdogan 'stole' the referendum from those claimed system bucking/ Barkey-ing Turks.
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Stereotypical evil sultan |
Sadly and pathetically most people don't "buck the system"- The alternative media doesn't even buck the system-They march in lock step with the 5 eyes media.
So, is it realistic to think the Turks would actually "buck the system" as Barkey claims? Or is Barkey simply giving us the mind virus?
I'm going with mind virus.
“Up to 2.5 million votes could have been manipulated in Sunday's Turkish referendum which ended in a tight 'Yes' vote for greater presidential powers, Alev Korun, an Austrian member of the Council of Europe observer mission, told ORF radio on Tuesday”
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Lie Big, Repeat often |
2.5 million votescould have been manipulated? That's a big claim. That should be more accurately described as theBig LIE. Because it's big allegation of fraud involving multi millions of ballots and it's totally unsubstantiated.
That's not stopping the 5 eyes alt and main stream media from running with it!
*Do these ballots actually exist?
*How do those that claim they exist, know they do?
*If they do exist at all how were they manipulated?
*How do those that make this claim know that they actually existed and were manipulated in a nefarious fashion?
I don't know. Do you?
I talked at length about the discrepancy in polling numbers that were covered in a post prior to the referendum taking place:Turkey's Referendum: "To Close To Call" ???
It's been reported that the expected Yes support for the changes was going to be 55 percentWhat we are looking at here, and I mean really looking at is a roughly 60 yes/40 split nearly consistently-
In a television interview on Friday Erdogan had predicted a far clearer victory saying polls showed a 55-60 percent share of the vote.
This was the point I was making about internal polling- Without a doubt internal polling was conducted all along.
In conclusion I'm going to reiterate some statements made previously by me, here.
Considering the internal polling prior to the referendum...
Which did show the yes side ahead
And my final thought goes back to what I said about the 'yes' side polling well in advance of undertaking this referendum to be certain of a comfortable win- That most assuredly did not occur
I get the impression Erdogan wouldn't have taken such a risk- He is shrewd. He wouldn't have misjudged- I should add that NO political leader or party anywhere would take that type of risk in a referendum- perception being everything
Perception being everything- it's more sensible to me that the no side was manipulated just enough to create the perception of division and of the changes being unsupported- The media spin bears this out
The narrowness of Recep Tayyip Erdogan's victory and opposition complaints about election fraud are highly unlikely to lead to a vote recount, but risk undermining the international legitimacy of his executive presidency.
And that was the desired outcome- job well done
The no side complained vociferously about conditions prior to the referendum and yet they had an amazing, unexpected, never showing in the polling result- So were their complaints bogus? Or did these claimed manipulated ballots favour the no vote?
I don't know for certain. But, I certainly wonder.
Btw: the NO side wants an annulment- A very good way to hide any intimate, fraudulent involvement with 2.5 million manipulated ballots.....
I'm just sayin'...
Turkey's main secularist opposition CHP will present its appeal for the annulment of Sunday's referendum