Roving correspondent and frequent guest Pepe Escobar of
Asia Times Online joins us once again to discuss the geopolitical machinations behind the latest developments in Syria. We discuss the possibility of an
Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline and how the regional players react to such a proposal, Prince Bandar of Saudi and his role in orchestrating the terror in Syria, the reason why the chemical weapons attack in Syria was a false flag attack and why Syria can’t come out and deny it, the
closing window of opportunity for Obama and friends to launch their strike on Assad, and much more. Don’t miss this in-depth interview with one of the world’s most insightful geopolitical analysts.
You may recall a rather large post using the Iran-Iraq- Syria Pipeline article, from Mr Escobar, as the window while dressing it up with additional complimentary info. Frilly curtains if you may?
If you didn't read it then, you can read it today:Flashback! : War against Iran, Iraq and Syria?