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US Plan to Arm PKK/YPG is a Declaration of War Against Turkey

Turkey Says U.S. Plan to Arm Kurds in Syria Supports Terrorism
Quoting from Bloomberg in red 
 "This issue is a matter of existence or nonexistence for Turkey,” Deputy Prime Minister Nurettin Canikli told AHaber television on Wednesday.“It is a matter of survival for Turkey. Everyone should see it this way. We can never accept or allow the existence of terrorist organizations that pose a threat to Turkey’s future.”

  The US has just declared war, without actually stating it, against Turkey! Get it? That is exactly what has occurred! In the same way the US declared war against Syria without stating it. Actions speak much louder then words and the actions of the US are loudly screaming the intent! And the 5 eyes media is delivering the message with abundance today.

Patrick Cockburn- The Independent
 "President Trump’s decision to provide weapons to the Syrian Kurds, who are fighting Isis, potentially marks a crucial change in the political geography of the Middle East."
Patrick is telling half the story... of course. While also pushing the same bullshit about "kurds/best fighters"The change in political geography will equate to an actual change in the physical geography- As has already occurred in Syria

Turkey, next.

 The US arming of the PKK /YPG is indeed an issue of existence or non- existence, a matter of survival for Turkey.  The fact is the USrael doesn’t want Turkey to survive as it is today.

This plan to destroy Turkey, as it has been occurring in plain sight,  is one that has been written about here, for years. Yes, I will relink just a few of those previous posts while having a bit of a rant.
"While the U.S. considers Syrian Kurdish forces as the most reliable ground force to fight Islamic State in Syria...."
 This has been the consistent BIG LIE. As mentioned in the post relinked below, the most effective fighters against ISIS have been SAA and allies! The US, had it truly wanted to "fight ISIS", could have allied with Syria from the get go!
flashback: Report Sees ISIS Benefiting From Assad Downfall
"The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a majority-Kurd coalition of Arabs and ethnic minorities, accounted for (ONLY)  17 percent of the action against ISIS"
"43 percent of ISIS's battles between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017 were fought against the Syrian military and its allies, which include Russia, Iran and pro-government militias"
Stated at that time:  Making the SAA and it's allies the best, most effective fighters on the ground against ISIS-  No matter how often the big lie has been repeated by the 5 eyes main stream & alternative media.

 “You would not go into the same sack with a terrorist organization,” Canikli said, referring to the designation of the PKK by both Turkey and the U.S., as well as the European Union. Turkey hopes the U.S. “will return from this mistake,” he said, reiterating that his government would foil any attempt at creating an autonomous region for the Kurds in Syria.
The US will not return from this mistake. They’ve advanced too far with the remaking of the  middle east/north africa to turn back.

 “Turkey’s lira slumped after reports of the decision, dropping more than 1 percent. It rebounded on Wednesday, strengthening 0.9 percent to 3.5902 per dollar at 2:03 p.m. in Istanbul.”
More of that financial warfare that's been waged against Turkey

 "U.S. Defense Department spokesman Eric Pahon said in an interview. That includes small arms such as rifles and ammunition, armored vehicles, heavy machines guns, and construction equipment such as bulldozers, according to Pahon.

“We plan to track these weapons and equipment and do our best to get it back afterwards,” Pahon said. Once Raqqa is liberated, “we envision Syrian Arabs governing” the city, he said"
 The US plans to track these weapons and equipment and do their best to get them back?! That's absurd! ABSURD! That claim has given me my first belly laugh of the day.
It's so farcical! 

“There is no difference between YPG and PKK,” Cavusoglu said in a speech in Montenegro. “They are both terrorist organizations.”

There is no difference between the two except for the name brand.  YPG has always been a rebrand of PKK, needed to sell/justify the balkanziation/destruction of Syria with an eye towards Turkey.

Rant time!
 This plan to destroy Turkey, as it has been occurring in plain sight, is one I’ve written here about for years now. For stating truth to the best of my ability I was virulently attacked and then just shunned.  It’s okay, I’m happy to march to the beat of my own drum. I won't lie to please people.  
 However,  the close mindedness of so many in the face of the abundance of facts presented here, all readily available, is a sharp reminder of the fact that most people refuse to think on their own and will happily ride the bandwagon rather then consider a different idea. Lesson learned for moi! 

flashback:Turkey’s Destabilization, called Here, Months Ahead of Sibel Edmonds Coup Talk

For stating the obvious. I was harassed. Called an “erdogan lover” Blocked from certain sites for making my claim regarding the obvious freakin’ destabilization of Turkey. Commenters at Syper couldn’t attack me, call me names and demonize me enough. For stating the obvious. I stopped going to Sakers. Then some of the name callers showed up at the blog... "
 2014- The dawning of the idea Turkey was being targeted!Yes, it was 2014 when the concepts of targeting Turkey and symbiosis between the Kurds and ISIS were shaping up into the theory of KurdIShIS and the take down of Turkey

November 19 2014: Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis - The Impending Destruction of Turkey.
“It seems much more likely that there is cooperation and coordination between the Kurds and ISIS. It’s a thought that has been in the back of my mind for sometime now. When one takes a look at the land grabbed by ISIS and the desired Kurdistan one can’t help but see something taking shape. Something like a new nation.”

one version- The chunk of Syria will be bigger then shown

 November 24/ 2014: Pt.2- Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey
I suspect Turkey is in the process of being double crossed- And, I believe Erdogan is aware of this. We have seen this type of double cross on more then one occasion. Libya had attempted to cooperate with the US only to be betrayed and Gaddafi brutally killed. Syria had also attempted to appease the US, again, only to find itself caught in the crosshairs of the NATO global tyranny nexus dominated by US/Israeli/UK interests.

Turkey is being prepped for that same treatment. It's been a plan in the making for at least 12 plus years, but, likely much longer.

Followed by many others afterwards- However let’s specifically look at two additional blog postings from 2015- Nearly two years ago...

 July 2015- Turkey: Creating "Safe Zones", Fighting for it's Survival, Turkey's letter to UN
And not attempting an expansion?
Reiterating: Turkey by all appearances is defending it's borders.
Turkey targeted brand ISIS from it's own airspace- Without entering Syrian airspace.

August 2015- Is the US/Turkey "Safe Zone" the April Glaspie Handshake?
NATO has already sold Turkey down the river- That's very clear. At least it is to me.
They've unleashed the PKK hell hounds, but, what about that safe zone or buffer zone?
The so called safe zone is nothing but the US and company paying lip service to Turkey's government, minimally.  But even worse, the safe zone may be a way to draw Turkey into a fight it can't win- In order to grind it down.
A statement from Mark Toner included in above post
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The United States will not allow Turkey to attack Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (PYD) forces in northern Syria, US State Department spokesman Mark Toner told Rudaw Tuesday.

The PKK/YPG have been allied with America/Israelis for years to the detriment of Syria, Turkey and Iran. This US protection is a double edged sword being employed against Syria and Turkey both. It's some sick twisted R2P, where dupes here in the west cheer on terrorists, that have been likened to some kind of mythological ideal of democratic good will and girl power- Nothing can be further from the truth.


YPG/PKK: US Weapons & Outdoor Prisons for Syria's Displaced

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