If at first you don't succeed? Lie, lie again.
We're getting into Holocaust™ territory with this claim
Reinforcing well known, well worn mind viruses.
New York Times
Is this the Sednaya Prison Complex? Could this be something other then a prison? I don't know. And I've no intention of taking the US word on this!
Lots of beliefs out there. Lots of claims too Not all of them factual.
Making this an ideal claim for the US to make, right?
Obviously I cannot believe ...
We're getting into Holocaust™ territory with this claim
Reinforcing well known, well worn mind viruses.
New York Times
The State Department released satellite images on Monday that officials (CLAIM) said showed that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria has built a crematory at a military prison outside Damascus to hide a large number of executions.
Stuart E. Jones, the acting assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs, said officials believed that the crematory had been constructed so that little evidence exists of the thousands of people who are executed every year at the Sednaya Prison complex.
Lots of beliefs out there. Lots of claims too Not all of them factual.
Should I believe what is being said? Should I believe this circumstantial evidence?The evidence presented by the United States remains circumstantial.Satellite photographs of the complex show that while nearby buildings were covered in snow, the roof of the building suspected to be a crematory was free of snow, suggesting a significant internal heat source.
"...could dispose of the bodies without leaving evidence behind"Mr. Jones said that prisoners had in the past been buried in mass graves, but that a crematory could dispose of the bodies without leaving evidence behind.
Making this an ideal claim for the US to make, right?
Obviously I cannot believe ...