No one denies climate. Making the "climate denier" label, completely and utterly absurd. But, the climate cult adherents don't let that fact interfere with their attempt at perception management.
One should always expect that a natural occurrence of any sort will be spun by Climate Cult and it’s indoctrinated followers- Weather as a weapon, works in more then one way. Natural, normal weather/climactic/geographic occurrences and patterns can always be spun as something tied to “human induced climate change”
In fact “human induced” itself is a spin term often employed in several different ways.
Human induced. Human caused. Human forced. Chose your label depending on the concept of severity one wishes to present to the sucker audience. I’m so tired of people who will not take a few minutes to look further then headlines. You annoy me!
I’m going to give you all a direct quote from a glaciologist associated with the Midas Project. The team that has been monitoring this situation
Project Midas
Dr Martin O’Leary, a Swansea University glaciologist and member of the MIDAS project team, said of the recent calving:
Professor Adrian Luckman of Swansea University, lead investigator of the MIDAS project, said:
If the planet was warming, one would have thought the length of time would be shorter but it wasn't -It was surprisingly long
And despite the claims of the always lying media, sea levels are NOT going to rise.
The lying just never stops when an agenda is being pushed. It's all lies and spin all the time.
Read the article entirely, I've saved it in my blog file.
One last item of interest from the article:
I don't enjoy being lied to. Nor should you. Ever.
Adding an insight from Gallier2
One should always expect that a natural occurrence of any sort will be spun by Climate Cult and it’s indoctrinated followers- Weather as a weapon, works in more then one way. Natural, normal weather/climactic/geographic occurrences and patterns can always be spun as something tied to “human induced climate change”
In fact “human induced” itself is a spin term often employed in several different ways.
Human induced. Human caused. Human forced. Chose your label depending on the concept of severity one wishes to present to the sucker audience. I’m so tired of people who will not take a few minutes to look further then headlines. You annoy me!
I’m going to give you all a direct quote from a glaciologist associated with the Midas Project. The team that has been monitoring this situation
Project Midas
Dr Martin O’Leary, a Swansea University glaciologist and member of the MIDAS project team, said of the recent calving:
“Although this is a natural event, and we’re not aware of any link to human-induced climate change, this puts the ice shelf in a very vulnerable position.This is the furthest back that the ice front has been in recorded history. We’re going to be watching very carefully for signs that the rest of the shelf is becoming unstable.”Repeating..........
“Although this is a natural event, and we’re not aware of any link to human-induced climate change......Natural event- Not aware of any link to AGW
Professor Adrian Luckman of Swansea University, lead investigator of the MIDAS project, said:
“We have been anticipating this event for months, and havebeen surprised how long it took for the rift to break through the final few kilometres of ice.Luckman "surprised how long it took for the rift to break through the final kilometres of ice"
NASA Suomi VIIRS panchromatic image from July 12 2017, confirming the calving |
If the planet was warming, one would have thought the length of time would be shorter but it wasn't -It was surprisingly long
And despite the claims of the always lying media, sea levels are NOT going to rise.
The iceberg weighs more than a trillion tonnes (1,000,000,000,000 metric tonnes), but it was already floating before it calved away so hasno immediate impact on sea level.Displacement- Ice in your glass, does not overflow your drink, as it melts.
The lying just never stops when an agenda is being pushed. It's all lies and spin all the time.
Read the article entirely, I've saved it in my blog file.
One last item of interest from the article:
Whilst this new iceberg will not immediately raise sea levels, (speculation- fear/fear/fear)if the shelf loses much more of its area, it could result in glaciers that flow off the land behind speeding up their passage towards the ocean. This non-floating ice would have an eventual impact on sea levels, but only at a very modest rate.My understanding of the ice on the land is it adds to the weight of the land, sort of compressing it downwards, already displacing the surrounding waters- hope I'm explaining that correctly? Displacement, again. Which is why we have the statement of IF land based glaciers flowed into the ocean their impact on sea levels would be "only at a very modest rate"
I don't enjoy being lied to. Nor should you. Ever.
Adding an insight from Gallier2
gallier2July 13, 2017 at 9:06 AMOne of the lies they always peddle when hyping up the calving of these Antarctic ics shelves (and Greenland shelves) is that they are accelerating, i.e. there are more than before, and that it is a sign of ice loss. This is completely bogus: growing inland glaciers, because they accumulate more ice will of course push more ice outward, which will of course make more icebergs at the edges. It's like piling sand, the more sand I throw on my pile, the more sand will go outwards.
So, when calving increases it is a sign that ice is GROWING.