Mr Abdo gives us all a perfect example of "the pot calling the kettle black"
"“a person who is guilty of the very thing of which they accuse another and is thus an example of psychological projection”
“Russians say if we allow the Syrian regime forces enter Afrin, they will stop the Turkish attacks,” Mr Abdo said.
“We drove the Syrian regime out of Afrin five years ago, and it is impossible to allow them back,” he insisted.
Mr Abdo fails to mention they, these Kurdish militias, not only drove the Syrian government and army out they also ethnically cleansed the area of actual Syrian citizens.
Pot calling the kettle black:
Mr Abdo said: “Russians and Turks want to create more chaos and disturb people’s lives and forcibly displace them.”
Mr Abdo was a-ok with displacing actual Syrian citizens- Persons actually resident in Syria at the time of the forced ethnic cleansing- What Mr Abdo implies, very clearly, is that he and his cohorts have no intention of returning the stolen land, homes and all kinds of personal possessions from those they forcibly displaced
Youtube link
Notice the image of the cult leader Ocalan (big brother) right behind the Mr Abdo?
PKK all the way!
-You can read the english transcript for yourself
-And while you're at it, take a gander at the comments directly below the video
"“a person who is guilty of the very thing of which they accuse another and is thus an example of psychological projection”
“Russians say if we allow the Syrian regime forces enter Afrin, they will stop the Turkish attacks,” Mr Abdo said.
“We drove the Syrian regime out of Afrin five years ago, and it is impossible to allow them back,” he insisted.
Mr Abdo fails to mention they, these Kurdish militias, not only drove the Syrian government and army out they also ethnically cleansed the area of actual Syrian citizens.
Pot calling the kettle black:
Mr Abdo said: “Russians and Turks want to create more chaos and disturb people’s lives and forcibly displace them.”
Mr Abdo was a-ok with displacing actual Syrian citizens- Persons actually resident in Syria at the time of the forced ethnic cleansing- What Mr Abdo implies, very clearly, is that he and his cohorts have no intention of returning the stolen land, homes and all kinds of personal possessions from those they forcibly displaced
Youtube link
Notice the image of the cult leader Ocalan (big brother) right behind the Mr Abdo?
PKK all the way!
-You can read the english transcript for yourself
-And while you're at it, take a gander at the comments directly below the video