Sigh..... I’m tired of reading this term.”White Privilege”
There was a discussion on the topic of slavery taking place over at Syper’s.
Some were pointing out the FACT of white slavery. Such as your’s truly.
Yet one person insisted on using arbitrary parameters to define slaves (blacks) vs indentured servitude (whites) This is sophistry and political correctness at it’s most appalling and offensive.
Without relinquishing familial privacy... I’ll make the case that whites have indeed been slaves. While making clear white slavery doesn’t get any notice or attention. Why might that be?
My contention is recognizing this REALITY does not serve the political agendas of the past several decades- Particularly since the 60's. To recognize the reality of white slavery would reduce or take away from the idea of the uniqueness of black slavery. This idea of uniqueness is one we’ve had seeded into our psyche. We’ve been inculcated with this idea that the only slaves, through out all of history, have been black persons from Africa. And that’s due to the bad ‘white man’ and his rampant racism.
Not to downplay black slavery. Indeed, there were black slaves. And they endured horrific treatment. But, why, why is there any such thing as slavery. Of blacks or whites? Chinese? Men? Women? Children? Etc., Why is their, in existence today, the modern day incarnation of the slave trade. The one known as the global labour market? ( yes that is just another slave trade that barely get's notice and isn't called what it is!) The simplest and most obvious motivation for slavery is profit- Plain and simple. Filthy Lucre.
Black persons involved in the black slave trade- Including black owners, of black slaves
I have no doubt that there were plenty of black persons complicit in the trade of other blacks. It’s only sensible. There had to have been blacks partnered with the non black slave traders - A very brief search brings up an article almost immediately verifying what already seemed obvious.
African chiefs urged to apologise for slave trade
The idea that the ‘bad white man’ was doing this without conspiring with tribal leaders, who obviously ,had followers, is absurd- Common sense, if people had any, would have seen this truth already occurring to the masses.
Jewish Slavers
Then of course, besides the evil white man, we had the Jews heavily involved in the slave trade.
An irrefutable fact, admitted by the jews themselves- Indisputable- Where’s their guilt burden?
Why is it only the anglo white man that has to own all the guilt for the slave trade?
Forward: History of Dutch Jews Role in Slavery Is Bluntly Depicted
Very clearly the slave trade was an all ethnicity, religion and colour- money making opportunity! Just the facts!! If you can handle facts, truth and reality?
If your prefer perception managed indoctrination I guess you should read no further?
What about White Slaves?
Found this first article which is based on this second article
Banner images used are from the highlighted article
In the course of our comment exchange at Syper I mentioned that one of my grandparents (grandfather) was a Barnardo Home boy- White/blue eyed and enslaved at the age of 8.
We have a copy of one of his “contracts”. (Another individual shared the contract of their ancestor with the Star) It’s quite shocking for me to both read and understand his predicament as one of this slave child’s ancestors. Where are my reparations????
Sadly, I never did meet him. The extreme hardship he endured in his life contributed to general poor health and his early death. He never knew his many grandchildren or great grandchildren. Truth be told, he had family in England- I met one member long afterwards. I'm uncertain if he had ever seen them after he was shipped here, prior to his passing.
I suspect, in all honesty, and believe there is enough information available to support the contention, that this shipping of very young children to places like Canada & Australia was little more then a money making scheme done under the guise of charity. For profit, slavery.
Showing nothing has changed from the past to now regarding the charity racket. Or the slavery racket. And the enslavement of these white British children comes after the black slave trade we hear and read and view so much about.
The wages (indentured servitude) supposed to have been paid and held in trust were most often never given to the children- I suspect, but, haven’t researched on whether or not fees were paid to the ‘charitable groups’ to have a child slave sent to you. A few of the children may have got lucky, but, abuse was rampant. Home girls were raped. Quite likely home boys were also raped.
But none of this matters because they were “privileged whites” Or so the story goes?
Of course, please do assume, the privileged white ancestors are still benefiting from all this white privilege to this day- NOT! -I'm obviously being completely facetious
More then 100,000 allegedly orphaned, but most likely children stolen for profit were sent to
Canada alone. Others went elsewhere.
The Star
Here is some coverage on a few of the children shipped to Canada
Dozens of ‘British home children’ lie forgotten in Etobicoke cemetery
Bound to labour
British Home Children
No one in their right mind while maintaining a straight face cannot call this slavery. It may not fit your Hollywood implanted arbitrary parameter of what constitutes “slavery’ , brought to us via Roots, the Colour Purple and so many others movies promoting a specific idea or concept, (because really not to many people read books and most people, pathetically, believe reality as presented on their screen) but real life isn’t Hollywood and Hollywood isn’t real life. Hollywood is an artificial representation of reality complete with political motivations.
Always. It is the simulacrum.
: the unfair use of statements about race to try to influence the actions or attitudes of a particular group of peopleIt’s simple race baiting at it’s most abhorrent and yet no one recognizes it for what it is.
There was a discussion on the topic of slavery taking place over at Syper’s.
Some were pointing out the FACT of white slavery. Such as your’s truly.
Yet one person insisted on using arbitrary parameters to define slaves (blacks) vs indentured servitude (whites) This is sophistry and political correctness at it’s most appalling and offensive.
Without relinquishing familial privacy... I’ll make the case that whites have indeed been slaves. While making clear white slavery doesn’t get any notice or attention. Why might that be?
My contention is recognizing this REALITY does not serve the political agendas of the past several decades- Particularly since the 60's. To recognize the reality of white slavery would reduce or take away from the idea of the uniqueness of black slavery. This idea of uniqueness is one we’ve had seeded into our psyche. We’ve been inculcated with this idea that the only slaves, through out all of history, have been black persons from Africa. And that’s due to the bad ‘white man’ and his rampant racism.
Not to downplay black slavery. Indeed, there were black slaves. And they endured horrific treatment. But, why, why is there any such thing as slavery. Of blacks or whites? Chinese? Men? Women? Children? Etc., Why is their, in existence today, the modern day incarnation of the slave trade. The one known as the global labour market? ( yes that is just another slave trade that barely get's notice and isn't called what it is!) The simplest and most obvious motivation for slavery is profit- Plain and simple. Filthy Lucre.
Black persons involved in the black slave trade- Including black owners, of black slaves
I have no doubt that there were plenty of black persons complicit in the trade of other blacks. It’s only sensible. There had to have been blacks partnered with the non black slave traders - A very brief search brings up an article almost immediately verifying what already seemed obvious.
African chiefs urged to apologise for slave trade
Tribal leader Ancestors Sold People to Slave Traders
“The Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria has written to tribal chiefs saying: "We cannot continue to blame the white men, as Africans, particularly the traditional rulers, are not blameless."
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Is it not even more heinous that a black tribal leader would sell his own people into slavery? |
The idea that the ‘bad white man’ was doing this without conspiring with tribal leaders, who obviously ,had followers, is absurd- Common sense, if people had any, would have seen this truth already occurring to the masses.
An estimated 3,000 blacks owned a total of 20,000 black slaves in the year 1860
Jewish Slavers
Then of course, besides the evil white man, we had the Jews heavily involved in the slave trade.
An irrefutable fact, admitted by the jews themselves- Indisputable- Where’s their guilt burden?
Why is it only the anglo white man that has to own all the guilt for the slave trade?
“Money was earned by Jewish communities in South America, partly through slavery, and went to Holland, where Jewish bankers handled it,” he said. “Non-Jews were also complicit, but so were we. I feel partly complicit.”
Forward: History of Dutch Jews Role in Slavery Is Bluntly Depicted
“A few days after their arrival, slaves were sold here to Dutch and Portuguese Jewish merchants,” an exhibition wall text notes of Wagenaer’s illustration, one of very few representing the slave trade. Half of the slaves died from hunger and thirst en route to Brazil, according to the exhibit catalog.Read more:
“A few days after their arrival, slaves were sold here to Dutch and Portuguese Jewish merchants,” an exhibition wall text notes of Wagenaer’s illustration, one of very few representing the slave trade. Half of the slaves died from hunger and thirst en route to Brazil, according to the exhibit catalog.Read more:
“A few days after their arrival, slaves were sold here to Dutch and Portuguese Jewish merchants,” an exhibition wall text notes of Wagenaer’s illustration, one of very few representing the slave trade. Half of the slaves died from hunger and thirst en route to Brazil, according to the exhibit catalog.Read more:
Jews were given special dispensation to work their slaves on Sunday instead of SaturdayJews and the Slave Trade
Very clearly the slave trade was an all ethnicity, religion and colour- money making opportunity! Just the facts!! If you can handle facts, truth and reality?
If your prefer perception managed indoctrination I guess you should read no further?
What about White Slaves?
Found this first article which is based on this second article
Banner images used are from the highlighted article
In England, the recruiting agents who were polite enough not to bop you on the head and drag you onto a slaveship were called “drums,” because they restricted their activity to drumming up recruits. Those who slipped a mickey in your beer or overpowered you in a grimy alley were called “crimps” or “spirits.” The spirit, perhaps accompanied by several other burly ghosts, would snatch his prey quietly and suddenly. If a person disappeared suspiciously, they were thought to have been “spirited away.” According to historian Richard Hofstadter, the spirit was someone who “waylaid, kidnapped, or induced adults to get aboard ships for America. Often their victims were taken roughly in hand.”13 Gary B. Nash writes that “Kidnapping and shanghaiing of drifters and drunks was endemic. Many unfortunate seaport dwellers awakened one morning with a head-splitting hangover to find themselves in the hold of a ship headed westward across the Atlantic.”14
A British folk song from the era conjures the chilling subconscious havoc wrought by the spirit gangs:
The night I was a-married,/
And on my marriage bed,/
There come a fierce sea captain/
And stood by my bed stead.
His men, they bound me tightly/
With a rope so cruel and strong,/
And carried me over the waters/
To labor for seven years long.15
Adults weren’t the only whites being kidnapped and sold into colonial slavery. Forcible seizure of homeless and orphaned children was widespread. It was commonly known as “kid-nabbing,” later mangled by the Cockneys into “kidnapping.” Hundred of thousands of British kids were nabbed into slave work not only for colonial plantations, but also into forced domestic child labor for Britain’s smoke-snorting industrial machine.16
Because kidnapped men, women, and children were assigned forged contracts of indenture—or, in several cases, no indentures at all until they arrived in the New World—it’s difficult to gauge what percentage of white indentured servants came here against their will. In The Mind of the South, W.J. Cash guesses that “the greater number” of indentured servants “seem to have been mere children or adolescents, lured from home by professional crimps or outright kidnapped.”17
As with black slaves from Africa, white slaves from Europe were being kidnapped and shipped overseas not for reasons of unvarnished human hatred, but because it was profitable. When all the horrors are peeled away, the spirit business was precisely that—a business. Without a strong profit motive, the wholesale seizure of white flesh wouldn’t have occurred. “One could kidnap a man at random in the alleys of London and be sure of a ready sale for him in the South,” writes Thomas J. Wertenbaker in The First Americans.18 An ad in a 1784 New York newspaper refers to a still-vibrant “traffick of white people,”19 and an 1829 judicial decision notes that “It was formerly a considerable business to import Irish and German servants.”20
In the course of our comment exchange at Syper I mentioned that one of my grandparents (grandfather) was a Barnardo Home boy- White/blue eyed and enslaved at the age of 8.
We have a copy of one of his “contracts”. (Another individual shared the contract of their ancestor with the Star) It’s quite shocking for me to both read and understand his predicament as one of this slave child’s ancestors. Where are my reparations????
Sadly, I never did meet him. The extreme hardship he endured in his life contributed to general poor health and his early death. He never knew his many grandchildren or great grandchildren. Truth be told, he had family in England- I met one member long afterwards. I'm uncertain if he had ever seen them after he was shipped here, prior to his passing.
I suspect, in all honesty, and believe there is enough information available to support the contention, that this shipping of very young children to places like Canada & Australia was little more then a money making scheme done under the guise of charity. For profit, slavery.
Showing nothing has changed from the past to now regarding the charity racket. Or the slavery racket. And the enslavement of these white British children comes after the black slave trade we hear and read and view so much about.
The wages (indentured servitude) supposed to have been paid and held in trust were most often never given to the children- I suspect, but, haven’t researched on whether or not fees were paid to the ‘charitable groups’ to have a child slave sent to you. A few of the children may have got lucky, but, abuse was rampant. Home girls were raped. Quite likely home boys were also raped.
But none of this matters because they were “privileged whites” Or so the story goes?
Of course, please do assume, the privileged white ancestors are still benefiting from all this white privilege to this day- NOT! -I'm obviously being completely facetious
More then 100,000 allegedly orphaned, but most likely children stolen for profit were sent to
Canada alone. Others went elsewhere.
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Walter Knight (Left) - Where was his so called white privilege? |
Here is some coverage on a few of the children shipped to Canada
Dozens of ‘British home children’ lie forgotten in Etobicoke cemetery
Charles Bradbury was still a child when his throat was slit with a razor on Feb. 1, 1897. His charred remains were found the same day in a burned-down barn near the Don River
Charles is one of 75 children whose remains lie buried, unmarked and virtually forgotten in a pair of mass graves at an Etobicoke cemetery. They were drops in the wave of British home children, sent in droves from the U.K. to build a fresh life on Canadian soil.
One article from 1905 on the death of a 15-year-old Barnado’s child reads: “The autopsy showed he had been prodded with a pitchfork, was under-nourished and poorly clad and bruised, had severely frostbitten hands and feet, and fractured skull. He lay on a bed of manure in his coffin.”
At the time, authorities believed they were solving a problem: destitute children in the overcrowded, disease-riddled cities of Victorian Britain needed a fresh start; Canada’s mostly rural population needed labour.
All too often, the freshly minted farm hands and domestics — many as young as 10 — emerged from poverty or orphanhood overseas to find abuse, neglect and isolation waiting on the other side.
Agreement of servitude aka slavery-Barnardo’s did not respond to requests for comment.
This copy of the indenture agreement for British Home Child Cecil Bennett binds him to work as a farm labourer for five and a half years at $21 per year. From that amount would be deducted all his expenses, clothing, haircuts and other “necessaries.”
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Very famil(y)iar looking |
Expecting to learn of a dozen plots at most, Oschefski contacted the cemetery. They sent her a list of 75.
“That just blew me away,” Oschefski said.
Over 50 years, their remains were piled into plots intended for no more than 24 caskets.
Jennifer Harrington, who curated an ongoing home child exhibit at Black Creek Pioneer Village, said many home children “were treated poorly, or even terribly abused.”
Harrington noted the sense of shame that accompanied the term Home Child. “They felt a bit like outcasts, and sometimes they were treated that way.”
“They worked on the farm with the idea that they would … have a nest egg once they were adults,” released from their contract at 18, with their meager earnings supposedly held in trust by organizations like Barnardo’s,” Harrington said. “Payment didn’t always happen.”
Bound to labour
This “after-sailing notice” from Dr. Barnardo’s Homes illustrates how the agency sent kids to Canada without alerting the parents beforehand. Parents lost their rights as guardians once a child was placed into care. “It destroyed these families; it destroyed these people,” says researcher Lori Oschefski.Benjamin Butterworth
Benjamin Butterworth, an orphan and milk delivery boy now buried at Park Lawn, stepped onto the tracks as two trains were approaching from opposite directions. He died from the impact in hospital at age 15 on Nov. 13, 1898. “The children were labelled as trouble-makers and degenerates by Canadian press and by society,” Oschefski says. “If anything happened, they were blamed.”Stepped onto the train tracks as two trains were approaching from opposite directions? Was it suicide to end what may have been insufferable living conditions? Did he wonder about his mom and dad?
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Albert Jefkins, left, worked on a farm in Ontario as a boy. |
British Home Children
For the most part, these children were not picked up from the streets but came from intact families, who, through sickness or even death of one of their parents, had fallen on hard times. Because there was no social system in place to help them get through these difficult circumstances, the family had no other way than to surrender their offspring to the organizations.Link
Sometimes this was meant to be a temporary solution until the family got back on their feet and there are cases on record where some parents went back to pick their children up, only to find that they had already been sent away. Sometimes the parents received an ‘after sailing’ notification, informing that their children had been emigrated a week before.
No one in their right mind while maintaining a straight face cannot call this slavery. It may not fit your Hollywood implanted arbitrary parameter of what constitutes “slavery’ , brought to us via Roots, the Colour Purple and so many others movies promoting a specific idea or concept, (because really not to many people read books and most people, pathetically, believe reality as presented on their screen) but real life isn’t Hollywood and Hollywood isn’t real life. Hollywood is an artificial representation of reality complete with political motivations.
Always. It is the simulacrum.
“The American motion picture is the greatest unconscious carrier of propaganda in the world to-day. It is a great distributor for ideas and opinions. The motion picture can standardize the ideas and habits of a nation.” (Bernays 1928)If you're offended that's your problem-