Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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Canadians Trust in Science News is “dangerously low”

Canadian trust in any news is likely dangerously low. Canadians need to realize the lie pushing by the media originates, regarding science news, in the politicized scientific community itself ! 
That's the real problem.

Thankfully most people aren’t believing the lies and agenda pushed via the always perception managing media- I am surprised and very relieved by this report and have had some faith in the Canadian populace restored.

Eight of ten Canadians are concerned “fake news” is damaging the public perception of science while nearly one in three Canadians  don’t understand or trust science reported in the news, according to a new survey.

Furthermore, four out of ten Canadians believe that science is a matter of opinion, while three in four believe scientific findings can be used to support any position, according to the Ontario Science Centre’s second annual Canadian science literacy survey.

Nearly half of Canadians believe the science behind global warming is unclear.

Unclear? Most of it is  down right created! Computer models..
Computer models gone awry last covered in the post -  Warm Antarctic Caves Harbour Secret Life & 91 NEW Volcanoes Beneath Antarctica’s Ice
"Canadians are also concerned that news media may lack the credibility to communicate scientific issues, said Dr. Maurice Bitran, CEO and Chief Science Officer, Ontario Science Centre.
Breakdown in trust

The media lacks credibility to communicate much of anything that doesn’t push an agenda - endless unquestioning unending war is just one credibility issue the media suffers from. One of many.

The survey shows nearly seven in ten Canadians believe that science is reported selectively to support news media objectives and six in ten Canadians believe that science coverage is presented to support political positions"

Six and Seven out of Ten Canadians- Hallelujiah!
“This breakdown in trust has serious consequences for Canada because our future health, prosperity and security all depend on making important, sometimes difficult, decisions based on scientific findings,” Bitran said in a statement.

“If we don’t trust the sources, or don’t understand the information we are receiving, we can’t make informed decisions.”
If the sources are skewed- we can’t trust the information. If the sources are skewed we can’t make informed decisions.
"While eight out of ten Canadians want to know more about science and how it affects our world, about one-third consider themselves science illiterate, according to the online survey conducted by Leger between August 15th to 16th, 2017, and released during Science Literacy Week"
I don’t consider myself a science illiterate. I can read and reason better then most.
“The findings of this 2017 survey demonstrate a vital role for authentic scientific voices in public education on critical issues that affect public policy and human health and wellbeing,” Bitran said.
An authentic voice? So, we need an appealing spokesperson? Like Ronald McDonald?
Gee, I thought we already had  that clown David Suzuki for that!
This is pure appeal to a perceived authority figure. 
We need authentic, real, observable, quantifiable, repeatable science.

Peer Review = Conspiracy

Another recent example of media lying to push an agenda

Another AGW Lie Bites the Dust: "Climate Change Fuelled Syrian War"

The media pushed that lie full throttle! Main stream and so called alternatives...

“There is no sound evidence that global climate change was a factor in sparking the Syrian civil war,” said University of Sussex Professor Jan Selby, one of the study’s co-authors, in a statement.

“It is extraordinary that this claim has been so widely accepted when the scientific evidence is so thin.”
How can the always perception  managing media be trusted when it  promotes the lies pushed by the politicized scientific community? 

Related from yesterday:

If Our Planet Was A Mere Fraction Further From the Sun It Would be Never Ending Ice Age

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