Both disgusting & insulting, a magnificent wondrous owl, is the representative chosen by internet tyrant Google to obfuscate their censorship.
Google’s choice of an owl, as it’s project representative, maligns the very idea represented by the wise/sage owl. Obviously Google’s “programmers” understand the meaning of this archetype, which is why it was chosen by them to mislead the masses.
The wise Owl is the same icon that Greencrow (As the Crow Flies...) had suggested as one that represented my efforts at this blog. What a terrific compliment from a fellow blogger :)
The five eyes media is the progenitor of "FAKE NEWS"
In the right sidebar is a quote from the Bernay’s book “Propaganda”
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Athena was the Greek goddess of wisdom, and is often portrayed with an owl as companion
Yes I use Google’s free blogging platform because free is what I can afford. I’ve noticed the past several months have seen new visitors to the blog drop away. The only search terms that direct interested persons to this place are ‘penny for your thoughts blog’ That’s pretty limiting. Gone are the days when ‘Syria news’ would bring a new reader. Or a search of some recent event would see a surge in readership, with some people staying on.
Pathetically one of Google’s claims for the employment of their heavy handed censorship is the “fake news” phenomena- Yet, they allow and direct all readers to their so called authoritative aka 5 eyes media resources. Which is the main progenitor of fake news.)Progenitor : a person or thing that first indicates a direction,originates something, or serves as a model; predecessor)
The five eyes media is the progenitor of "FAKE NEWS"
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There are a number of Native Mythologies that associate the owl with prophecy
To name a few whoppers brought to us all by the 5 eyes media:It’s not that the truth isn’t contained, or cannot be found in the 5 eyes media reports. It’s that the presentation or context of that news is almost entirely fake. Fabricated. A lie. Or several lies. Lies, lies and lies overlapping and layered in order to obfuscate reality.
- Syria’s civil war
- US had only 500 troops in Syria
- Saddam had nukes
- Smiling Libyan slaves
- Ukrainians rose up and overthrow a tyrant
- Gadaffi was a tyrant
- The US is the saviour of the free world
- Kurdish militias believe in freedom, peace, love etc.,
- Israel is the only democracy in the middle east
- Charles Manson is a serial killer
- Round up Is safe
- Vaccines are thoroughly tested and perfectly safe
- Consensus Science is “real science”
You get the idea? Syria’s war was never a civil war. As for the Kurdish militias..?? They’ve got zero to do with tolerance, women’s right or any of that garbage- They're thugs backed by the US - Proxies for US backed terror- Their role as proxies for remake agendas cast doubt on the commonly presented 5 eyes media concept of the US as the saviour of the free world. So called “consensus science” is nothing more then bandwagon- Illogical thinking. Gadaffi’s Libya had the best standard of living of all African nations- Charles Manson didn’t kill anyone- At either theTate or La bianca home.
All the above incorrect ideas, lies and fake news have been delivered faithfully to us all by the alleged authoritative media Google is directing the masses toward! It is the mass misinformer media, presented as the authoritative voice, that benefits from Google’s censorship of all other voices, opinion and views. Surely much of this is done as much to drive profits as to control the narrative.
My blog, on the other hand is presently being marginalized by Google’s censorship. I’ve worked diligently on this blog for nearly ten years to bring credible & truthful information to the readership. I’ve done my best and believe I’ve delivered on what has always been the goal of this blog. And, for myself as a person who prefers truth to lies. A gal who always question the information and looks for a more sensible, truthful context to the facts I can actually parse out of all the malarkey, using my well honed critical thinking skills.
From 08
“This blog is a place to not only post information that will never see the light of day on the mainstream media, but, also to present alternative perspectives to main stream media information, that most often presents no background, no context, and never questions the information presented.”
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society,"What Google is doing is neither shocking, surprising or even new & different. It is in fact more of the same, except that now it's on a global scale! Google is the mass manipulator of the globalized organized habits and opinions of the global masses. That is a frightening though! Google is sidelining all information save for that which serves a relatively small number of persons.
"Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. . . . In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons . . . who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind."
As Google Fights Fake News, Voices on the Margins Raise Alarm
I'm not endorsing World Socialist Website, however, if they have been shut out, as has Global Research here in Canada, I know that my fight is not a lonely one!Most people have little understanding of how Google’s search engine ranks different sites, what it chooses to include or exclude, and how it picks the top results among hundreds of billions of pages. And Google tightly guards the mathematical equations behind it all — the rest of the world has to take their word that it is done in an unbiased manner.
This is why it’s hard to pinpoint exactly why search traffic plummets for a site like the World Socialist Web Site, which calls itself the “online newspaper of the international Trotskyist movement.” Mr. North, the site’s chairman, said traffic coming in from search is down 70 percent since April, citing data from Alexa, a web traffic analytics firm owned by
In an open letter to Google last month, Mr. North traced his site’s traffic decline to Project Owl. Mr. North said he believed that Google was blacklisting the site, using concerns over fake news as a cover to suppress opinions from socialist, antiwar or left-wing websites and block news that Google doesn’t want covered.
In mid-April, a Google search for “socialism vs. capitalism” brought back one of the site’s links on the first results page but, by August, that same search didn’t feature any of its links. The site said 145 of the top 150 search terms that had redirected people to the site in April are now devoid of its links.
“They should be asked to explain how they’re doing it,” Mr. North said. “If they say we’re not doing anything, that’s simply not credible.”
Project Owl: Swooping in to Defeat Problematic Content
Project Owl is not actually a project. By this, we mean that it isn’t a task with a start date and end date, it’s not a project that will one day be 100% complete. Project Owl is an official commitment by Google to continuously eliminate misinformation and improve its search engine and results. Google itself stated, “While our search results will never be perfect, we’re as committed as always to preserving your trust and to ensuring our products continue to be useful for everyone”. As long as there’s fake news on the Internet, Project Owl will be there to hunt it down.
Soon enough this blog will be so obscured by the behemoth search engine that unless you have this site bookmarked... you will never land here.
When no one can see or hear what it is you have to say, what ideas you wish to disseminate do you or I really have 'free speech"and the 'freedom of discourse" Is the internet really the free market of ideas?
Google is certainly making clear that censorship rules. And we will all be worse off for this global impediment to our awareness and understanding of what is really going on.
I’m thinking about twitter? Anyone?