Merry Christmas to AllWherever you may be.
Near or Far
Matters not, to me.
Seems so hard to achieve
Despite my desire to make it a reality
Therefore I must, at the very least
To all that are here, there & everywhere...
I've said it before, but It's worth repeating..
From blogger peers, to readers that comment and you silent lurkers too.
I thank each and everyone one of you for being here with me
However, where ever, you are spending this holiday season, I wish you all the very best of time. Enjoy yourselves. Stay safe.
Merry Christmas to you All
*buon Natale
*joyeux Noël
*Feliz Navidad
*hyvää joulua
*καλά Χριστούγεννα
*счастливого Рождества
*mutlu Noeller
*Fröhliche Weihnachten
If I forgot any other Christmas wishes, sincerest apologies and leave them in the comments. I'll add them in. :)