It was ten years ago this very date I published the first post on this here weblog.
Whew, what a whole lot of learning along the way! I'm not kidding. There are 4,410 published posts.
I'm unsure of how many news articles, interviews, book reviews, enlightening shows etc., have been gathered in this one place? Or just how much information has been consumed over this past decade that has enlightened me personally as well as you all over this time period?
When I think back, it's certain that is has been quite a lot!
Take a gander at the first post - Looking back I realize both myself, personally, and this blog have come a very long way.
I've definitely honed my logic, writing and investigative skills along the way.
I truly feel more aware of the real world. No longer accepting the unreasonable facsimile that has been long presented as reality.
Thanks to my hubby for helping me along the way.
Thanks to my fellow bloggers who have been such great support
Thanks to all the readers and commenters who've shared the journey. Quiet and otherwise.
It just wouldn't have been the same without you all!
Whew, what a whole lot of learning along the way! I'm not kidding. There are 4,410 published posts.
I'm unsure of how many news articles, interviews, book reviews, enlightening shows etc., have been gathered in this one place? Or just how much information has been consumed over this past decade that has enlightened me personally as well as you all over this time period?
When I think back, it's certain that is has been quite a lot!
Take a gander at the first post - Looking back I realize both myself, personally, and this blog have come a very long way.
I've definitely honed my logic, writing and investigative skills along the way.
I truly feel more aware of the real world. No longer accepting the unreasonable facsimile that has been long presented as reality.
Thanks to my hubby for helping me along the way.
Thanks to my fellow bloggers who have been such great support
Thanks to all the readers and commenters who've shared the journey. Quiet and otherwise.
It just wouldn't have been the same without you all!
I'd love to change the world
But I don't know what to do
So I'll leave it up to you
Will there be another ten? Who can really say. Certainly I'll be here for as long as I am able.But I don't know what to do
So I'll leave it up to you