Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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OIT Interview- Stephen Baskerville:The New Politics of Sex

All I can say is the interview below is timely. Because the war on men/ the family etc.,  relates to the "incel" meme explosion that is so very obvious and in your face due to the Toronto "Van Attack" incident and the implantation of an assuredly fake face book account, conveniently uploaded to face book just in time for the multiplier media to spread the aforementioned "incel" meme. As I stated yesterday"But pay no mind to the curiosities about this incident and by all means allow yourselves to be distracted by the 'incel' meme.  After all sex is a great distractor."

That distractor is the subject of the interview below 

hattip to Our Interesting Times and Tim Kelly (always linked in the sidebar)

Dr. Stephen Baskerville joins Our Interesting Times to discuss his book The New Politics of Sex: The Sexual Revolution and Civil Liberties, and the Growth of Governmental Power. We talk about the Sexual Revolution and how the new sexual ideology it imposed has impacted the family, government, the criminal justice system, and the global political environment. Dr. Baskerville is a Professor of Government at Patrick Henry College. He teaches Comparative Politics and upper level courses in International Politics and Policy. He has taught government and international affairs at Howard University in Washington and Palacky University in the Czech Republic. Among Dr. Baskerville's other publications is Not Peace but a Sword:The Political Theology of the English Revolution, and Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family.His website is stephenbaskerville.com.

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