My thoughts?
Like any/every other dog and pony show this alleged summit is going to be all show and no substance at all!
The NGO's will steal the day. They've got protests all ready to go. They'll get the majority of the news coverage. They'll blather on about human rights etc., All of it meaningless of course, but, it's what NGO's exist to do!
Trump and Putin will be derided. For perception management purposes.
The idea of Trump 'bull in the china' demeanor is pushed so when the desired war worsens or expands, everyone will go- oh that Trump he's so irrational- He's so erratic.
That meme is reinforced constantly. That's not an apology for the man because he does thrive on that concept. However, that is the idea behind the promotion of Trump as a one man wrecking crew.
Contrary to the 'wrecking ball' rhetoric at the most recent NATO summit, reality was, Trump did as every American leader has in the past- He used NATO, as the tool it was designed specifically for, keeping Germany down and Russia out!
While 'encouraging' the EU to toe the line. The is a classic NATO, led by the US, stance.
Flashback toWest Unhinged Over Turkish Referendum
If one has this mindset, which the US political class does, nothing can or will be accomplished.
There will be no grand deal on Syria, Ukraine or Crimea.
To my way of thinking all those claims presented by the always managing your perception media have been little more then unadulterated, Grade A, stinking piles of distractionary dung!
If any type of grand deal is made. Which is highly doubtful.
It will be reneged on in short order
As mentioned in-RAND: Time To Make A Deal on Syria? Like Pompeo's Offer To Iran?
Small arrangements may be made. Deals worked out? Like giving a free pass for Usrael's terrorists aka 'white helmets' Reportedly discussed at the recent NATO meeting.
West Scrambling to Find Options to Pull White Helmets Out of Syria – Reports
But no breath holding for me!
hattip to YaYa for directing me to this interview with Sergey Lavrov.
He is always excellent. Thoughtful and informed.
Like any/every other dog and pony show this alleged summit is going to be all show and no substance at all!
The NGO's will steal the day. They've got protests all ready to go. They'll get the majority of the news coverage. They'll blather on about human rights etc., All of it meaningless of course, but, it's what NGO's exist to do!
Trump and Putin will be derided. For perception management purposes.
The idea of Trump 'bull in the china' demeanor is pushed so when the desired war worsens or expands, everyone will go- oh that Trump he's so irrational- He's so erratic.
That meme is reinforced constantly. That's not an apology for the man because he does thrive on that concept. However, that is the idea behind the promotion of Trump as a one man wrecking crew.
Contrary to the 'wrecking ball' rhetoric at the most recent NATO summit, reality was, Trump did as every American leader has in the past- He used NATO, as the tool it was designed specifically for, keeping Germany down and Russia out!
While 'encouraging' the EU to toe the line. The is a classic NATO, led by the US, stance.
Flashback toWest Unhinged Over Turkish Referendum
- Keep in mind that NATO was created,as stated by the very first secretary General of NATO General Ismay,"to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down"From my reading today and yesterday Putin will be in attendance in Helsinki, as will Sergey Lavrov, in hopes of some sort of meeting of the minds. There will be NO meeting of the minds. Not in a big picture sort of way. There can't be. Because the US has all sorts of designs on Russia. They've long had a plan to destroy Russia and believe they are closer to this goal.
If one has this mindset, which the US political class does, nothing can or will be accomplished.
There will be no grand deal on Syria, Ukraine or Crimea.
To my way of thinking all those claims presented by the always managing your perception media have been little more then unadulterated, Grade A, stinking piles of distractionary dung!
If any type of grand deal is made. Which is highly doubtful.
It will be reneged on in short order
As mentioned in-RAND: Time To Make A Deal on Syria? Like Pompeo's Offer To Iran?
Small arrangements may be made. Deals worked out? Like giving a free pass for Usrael's terrorists aka 'white helmets' Reportedly discussed at the recent NATO meeting.
West Scrambling to Find Options to Pull White Helmets Out of Syria – Reports
Several NATO countries have discussed the possibility of evacuating the White Helmets from Syria, specifically from Daraa province, with US President Donald Trump, CBS News reported, citing an anonymous US official. According to the media outlet, western countries are afraid that Damascus could "assassinate" the NGO's members as it advances through Daraa province.Hope to be wrong. Hope that the US and Russia make some real moves towards peacefully resolving a number of on going struggles"They are promising no retribution on anyone in the southwest but nobody trusts or believes that," the source told CBS.
But no breath holding for me!
hattip to YaYa for directing me to this interview with Sergey Lavrov.
He is always excellent. Thoughtful and informed.