So, it's crunch time..
Just going to do a roundup of news regarding Idllib, again. Including some coverage of the Astana partners meeting in Iran.
First up...
The Kurds have “Renewed their claim for Idlib”
Do tell all the Arabs present that Idlib belongs to the Kurds..... The Arabs of Qamishli are really and truly unenamored with Usrael’s besties. (Not) I expect this would be the case for Idlib as well, but, no worries the Kurds can just brow beat and abuse them until they concede. Sound familiar? Sound at all familiar to readers who understand how Israel has been to the resident Arabs for decades?
If not, perhaps, this most recent report from SANA will help?
Getting back to the SDF/PKK making a claim for Idlib- This idea/concept/plan could be seen coming from miles away. It was mentioned here, by yours truly on Thursday August 09/2018
And conveniently, of course, a senior US intelligence officer disavows knowledge of their trained and armed fighters participating by 'looking like Syrian troops"
Isn't that exactly what would be expected when one is attempting to covertly infiltrate for a counter move? Of course it is! Does anyone think they're going to go in wearing their Rojova patches and flying the annexation flag?
Also Joining forces does not indicate they are on the same team- This is a Mosul replay.
Where ISIS wore the uniform of the Iraqi military and the rest is history. If you don’t know what I’m referring to..
Let’s go back to 2014
Where it was clearly stated the 3rd scenario was the most advantageous scenario for the Usrael/Kurds.
Astana 3 in Iran, today.
1- Idlib should be ruled by Syrian government: Iran’s Jaberi Ansari
2-Russia, Iran, Turkey meet on Syria's Idlib province
There will be updates- so stay tuned
Just going to do a roundup of news regarding Idllib, again. Including some coverage of the Astana partners meeting in Iran.
First up...
The Kurds have “Renewed their claim for Idlib”
Do tell all the Arabs present that Idlib belongs to the Kurds..... The Arabs of Qamishli are really and truly unenamored with Usrael’s besties. (Not) I expect this would be the case for Idlib as well, but, no worries the Kurds can just brow beat and abuse them until they concede. Sound familiar? Sound at all familiar to readers who understand how Israel has been to the resident Arabs for decades?
If not, perhaps, this most recent report from SANA will help?
Hundreds of locals from Qamishli city protested against the storming of members of “Asayish” militia a number of schools and imposing curriculum which differs from the official curriculum of the Ministry of Education.
The protestors affirmed their rejection of the curriculum which the Asayish wants to forcibly impose upon the schools in the city of Qamishli. As they stressed on the need for putting an end to these practices which affects the educational process and threaten the future of upcoming generations.
In turn, Head of Hasaka Education Directorate EIham Sarokhan said that the imposing of curricula by force is totally rejected and that only the Syrian official curriculum will be implemented in the schools.Oh those lovable, democratic, egalitarian PKK/SDF Kurds- How the 5 eyes msm and alt media loves and lies for them.
She pointed out that the curriculum which the Asayish members are trying to impose are not related to the Syrian civilization and history.
Members of Asayish broke into a number of schools in Qamishli city and expelled the administrative staff, which aroused the anger of the citizens of Qamishli who protested against these practices and managed to restore the schools as they hoisted the national flag over them.
Getting back to the SDF/PKK making a claim for Idlib- This idea/concept/plan could be seen coming from miles away. It was mentioned here, by yours truly on Thursday August 09/2018
“If Syria were to simply rush in and battle for Idlib as some persons suggest, the US and their PKK allies would take advantage of the chaos that would surely result. And Rojova will extend ever closer to the Mediterranean. Which is what the US and Israel both want!
'Blood brings blood': Kurds renew claim for Idlib as final battle draws near"Officially the Kurds are denying they’ve hidden fighters within the troops outside of Idlib
“As of now there aren’t any movements toward sending the forces in Rojava (north-eastern Syria) to the liberation operations in Idlib alongside the Syrian government and Russian forces,” he said. “But we have shown our readiness to go into negotiations with the Syrian government to clear all parts of Syria from the Isis, jihadis and terrorist groups backed by Turkey.”
However `Another Kurdish leader said small numbers of SDF members had made the long, difficult journey to join Syrian forces”So we can't get a straight answer regarding Kurdish fighters "joining" Syrian forces.
And conveniently, of course, a senior US intelligence officer disavows knowledge of their trained and armed fighters participating by 'looking like Syrian troops"
A senior regional intelligence source said US military leaders have told the SDF that they would not accept their members participating in the Idlib operation, alongside Syrian forces and their Iranian allies.
“If they go, they’ll be without uniforms or flags. They’ll try to look like Syrian troops,” the source said.

Also Joining forces does not indicate they are on the same team- This is a Mosul replay.
Where ISIS wore the uniform of the Iraqi military and the rest is history. If you don’t know what I’m referring to..
Let’s go back to 2014
“It is being said that U.S.-trained government troops have fled the city, many of them **stripping off their uniforms so as to not be identified.**As explained in 2014:
You should not assume this is to avoid being targeted by ISIS. If these were plants, they would have stripped off their uniforms, changed into clothing pictured below and would became easily identifiable to their cohorts. In ISIS. This also explains the ease with which ISIS took Mosul.This was the image and caption from 2014:
We have the same situation with the US Trained Troops- SDF/PKK - blending in with Syrian troops gathered for the Idlib confrontation- whatever may happen? HTS firmly implanted in Idlib. Allied with Usrael. And ready to fight. This is how PKK /Usrael is hoping to take Idlib and make it theirs. Recall from the other day-3 Idlib Battle Scenarios
The insurgents, armed with anti-aircraft weapons and rocket-propelled grenades, had taken over almost all police and army checkpoints in and around the Mosul
Where it was clearly stated the 3rd scenario was the most advantageous scenario for the Usrael/Kurds.
Scenario 3 is the most beneficial to the coalition aka the terror trio of Israel, US, UK. In fact the US and coalition allies are doing all they can to create a scenario 3 situation.
Astana 3 in Iran, today.
1- Idlib should be ruled by Syrian government: Iran’s Jaberi Ansari
2-Russia, Iran, Turkey meet on Syria's Idlib province
3- US claims they have proof Syria is going to use Chemical Weapons
Shortly after arriving in Iran, Russian leader Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erodgan sat down for a summit with Iranian President Hassan Rohani, an AFP photographer said.
There is "lots of evidence" that chemical weapons are being prepared by Syrian government forces in Idlib in northwest Syria, the new U.S. adviser for Syria said on Thursday, warning of the risks of an offensive on the country's last big rebel enclave.
4- Russia says (paraphrasing) Show us the money!"I am very sure that we have very, very good grounds to be making these warnings," said Jim Jeffrey, who was named on Aug. 17 as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's special adviser on Syria overseeing talks on a political transition in that country.
5- Putin states more explicitly that US backed terrorists are prepping a chemical attackThe United States can forward information concerning preparations for an alleged attack involving the use of chemical weapons in Syria’s Idlib to Russia though bilateral conduits, if Washington has such information, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday.
6- Turkey, Iran & Russia Discuss Syria At Trilateral Summit in Tehran
"The remaining groups of extremists [in Syria] are currently concentrated in the de-escalation zone in the province of Idlib. Terrorists are making attempts to disrupt the ceasefire, moreover, they are carrying out and preparing various kinds of provocations, including using chemical weapons," the Russian President stressed.
As of this moment diplomacy might be the wisest move regarding Idlib.
The summit Friday between President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Russian President Vladimir Putin may determine whether diplomacy halts any military action ahead of an anticipated offensive targeting the northwestern Syrian province.
There will be updates- so stay tuned