Question: What do Michael Weiss and Jeremy Scahill have in common?
Answer: They both have a big beef with Mother Agnes and TRUTH.
Surprised ? You shouldn’t be.
Excerpts from William M Boardman at Dissident Voice
That's too dam easy. Jeremy Scahill meet Michael Weiss. Israeli mouthpiece extraordinaire. That is if you haven't already? You both appear to have much in common
BTW: Michael Weiss gets around. He is everywhere.
No proof of that claim.
No proof of that claim. Just Michael Weiss’s obvious name calling propaganda
He just keeps going and going “catapulting the (name calling) propaganda.
Name Calling
According to the Dissident voice author- French reporters have written a book linking Mother Agnes to the death of a French cameraman in Homs.
The French cameraman? This was a tale I knew. Having blogged on the news surrounding the French cameraman’s death at that time. The way the reporting was handled, vague, giving as little details as possible in order to put forth the standard western propaganda meme-
Cameraman from france 2 television dies
Also refresh your memory via a link from
It was pretty obvious, or plainly obvious, the western backed mercenary rebels killed the cameraman necessitating the goulish body snatching by France. Damage control.
The dissident voice piece closes:
The war on terror is a sham. It is obvious. Jeremy Scahill will never explain his behaviour. He doesn’t have to. He is part of the war machine. He sucks at the teat of a faux news outlet “Democracy Now” passes nonsense off as sense at other lefty gatekeeping media outlets.
Jeremy Scahill and Michael Weiss. Can you see a difference? I can't see a difference. When it comes to promoting propaganda and pushing the war agenda there is no difference
Answer: They both have a big beef with Mother Agnes and TRUTH.
Surprised ? You shouldn’t be.
Excerpts from William M Boardman at Dissident Voice
Here’s what it looks like when a respected reporter tweets about his blackmail note to an established anti-war organization regarding the organization’s upcoming conference in a tweet on November 15:
This change of heart on the part of Scahill came about due to twitter pressure??
<!–[if !vml]–><!–[endif]–>”jeremy scahillVerified account?@jeremyscahill
“I’ve informed organizers of @STWuk that I will not participate in their conference if Mother Agnes is on the platform.”
RT: An ’Assad apologist’ speaking to a large audience in Britain?! Why, in the name of ‘free speech‘ and ‘democracy‘ it must not be allowed! We must Stop the Nun! Two 'A List’ speakers at the Stop the War event – Owen Jones and Jeremy Scahill– were urged by Mother Agnes’ enemies via Twitter not to share a platform with the nun. ‘Dear Owen/Jeremy, do you know who you’re sharing a platform with?’ style tweets were sent. The two were sent links to articles attacking Mother Agnes.And that is all it took for Mr Scahill and his pal Owen Jones to boycott an anti-war conference?
That's too dam easy. Jeremy Scahill meet Michael Weiss. Israeli mouthpiece extraordinaire. That is if you haven't already? You both appear to have much in common
BTW: Michael Weiss gets around. He is everywhere.
Michael Weiss,editor-in-chief of the Interpreter, an online journal that translates Russian media into English, and a columnist for NOW Lebanon, said in an interview that Mother Agnes appears to support virtually every position held by the Assad regime. She has helped legitimize Assad’s propaganda campaign, which has portrayed him as the protector of Syrian minorities in the face of attacks by jihadists, he added.Michael Weiss continues with his demonization/name calling, classic propaganda tactic
“It’s clearly a case of someone who doesn’t work so much with the Syrian regime as for them,” Weiss said.
No proof of that claim.
“The woman is a crackpot, but she’s a sinister crackpot,” he added. “She’s supporting what the world has come to understand as a mass-murdering, totalitarian regime, but she’s doing it under the cloak of a nun.”
No proof of that claim. Just Michael Weiss’s obvious name calling propaganda
“She has been co-opted by the Kremlin as a kind of mouthpiece for the regime’s propaganda,” Weiss said. “They love her take on the chemical weapons.”
He just keeps going and going “catapulting the (name calling) propaganda.
Name Calling
The name-calling technique links a person, or idea, to a negative symbol. The propagandist who uses this technique hopes that the audience will reject the person or the idea on the basis of the negative symbol, instead of looking at the available evidence.It is very difficult for me to believe that Jeremy Scahill, a' savvy reporter', would so easily succumb to a campaign of name calling on twitter. I just do not buy that simple narrative.
According to the Dissident voice author- French reporters have written a book linking Mother Agnes to the death of a French cameraman in Homs.
“French reporters have written a book accusing her of conspiring with the government to kill another French reporter in 2012. She has sued the authors for libel”
The French cameraman? This was a tale I knew. Having blogged on the news surrounding the French cameraman’s death at that time. The way the reporting was handled, vague, giving as little details as possible in order to put forth the standard western propaganda meme-
Cameraman from france 2 television dies
Also refresh your memory via a link from
felixFebruary 29, 2012 at 9:12 PM
It was pretty obvious, or plainly obvious, the western backed mercenary rebels killed the cameraman necessitating the goulish body snatching by France. Damage control.
The dissident voice piece closes:
Mother Agnes is currently on a six-week speaking tour in North America, largely ignored by most media. In Cleveland on November 14, she received a special peace award from the mayor, a congressman, and a senator. The tour ends December 4.
Jeremy Scahill has yet to explain his own behavior, but columnist Neil Clark, writing for Russia Today, blames “liberal hawks and neo-cons” for silencing the nun because:
Mother Agnes’ testimony reveals that the so-called ‘War on Terror’ is a sham – that in Syria, the western countries and their regional allies, Saudi Arabia and Israel, are on the same side as the extremist Islamic terror groups that we are told are our greatest enemies.
The war on terror is a sham. It is obvious. Jeremy Scahill will never explain his behaviour. He doesn’t have to. He is part of the war machine. He sucks at the teat of a faux news outlet “Democracy Now” passes nonsense off as sense at other lefty gatekeeping media outlets.
Jeremy Scahill and Michael Weiss. Can you see a difference? I can't see a difference. When it comes to promoting propaganda and pushing the war agenda there is no difference