Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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Sunspot Activity is At Record Low Nearly Non Existent- Cold Coming

This is going to affect us all. 
From a variety of sources. Some obscure. Some better known. What is interesting is the msm/5 eyes media isn't paying a whole lot of attention to this..... Could it be that there is a concerted effort to hide/obscure the FACT the SUN affects our well being a whole lot more then the AGW cult wants to acknowledge.

Something's Happening to the Sun Right Now, Here's What It Means for Earth

Scientists say Earth's atmosphere is about to get hit by some record cold – but it's not because of anything caused by humans. It's because of a lack of sunspots which means a major decrease in ultraviolet waves coming in our direction.
Dr. Tony Philipps of SpaceWeatherArchive.com says there have been practically no sunspots in 2018, and that's causing earth's upper atmosphere to cool down and even shrink. He cites some experts from NASA.
"We see a cooling trend," says Martin Mlynczak of NASA's Langley Research Center. "High above Earth's surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy.If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold."
NASA's space weather website further explains, "All weather on Earth, from the surface of the planet out into space, begins with the Sun. Space weather and terrestrial weather (the weather we feel at the surface) are influenced by the small changes the Sun undergoes during its solar cycle."
 "All weather on Earth, from the surface of the planet out into space, begins with the Sun.  Space weather and terrestrial weather (the weather we feel at the surface) are influenced by the small changes the Sun undergoes during its solar cycle" 

Interestingly we're  already getting more cosmic radiation with a less active sun
This has already been measured across the US. And undoubtedly elsewhere!

 Atmospheric Radiation Increasing from Coast to Coast in the USA

Since 2015, we have been monitoring X-rays, gamma-rays and neutrons in the stratosphere–mainly over central California, but also in a dozen other states (NV, OR, WA, ID, WY, KS, NE, MO, IL, ME, NH, VT). Everywhere we have been there is an upward trend in radiation–ranging from +20% in central California to +33% in Maine. The latest points, circled in red, were gathered during a ballooning campaign in August-October 2018.

Also interesting....

Weather and climate may also be affected, with some research linking cosmic rays to to the formation of clouds and lightning. Finally, there are studies (one recently published in Nature) asserting that heart rate variability and cardiac arrhythmias are affected by cosmic rays in some populations. If true, it means the effects reach all the way to the ground.
As 2018 comes to an end, Solar Minimum appears to be just getting started. Cosmic rays could continue to increase for years to come, so stay tuned.
The increased climatic affects may suggest why the msm/5 eyes obfuscating media isn't reporting on the lack of sun spots and increase in cosmic rays-It may result in more stormy weather with, most probably worse lightening.  
 Certainly the psycho leaders would rather blame this on the collective mass of humanity and the carbon scam then admit that sun activity is at a record low and cosmic radiation is pouring into our atmosphere. From all I've read today, this is just the beginning.

More on the missing sun activity- Sputnik 
 NASA's SABER [Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry] instrument aboard the TIMED [Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics] satellite has been tracking the upper parts of the Earth's atmosphere — those most affected by the sun's rays — since 2001 and is detecting signs that solar output is nearing a low-point.
As a consequence, scientists are predicting one of the coldest periods ever recorded for our upper atmosphere — and that means cooler temperatures down here, too.
"We're not there quite yet," Mlynczak said about the anticipated record low thermosphere temperatures, "but it could happen in a matter of months."

Data from NASA’s TIMED satellite show that the thermosphere (the uppermost layer of air around our planet) is cooling and shrinking, literally decreasing the radius of the atmosphere.
To help track the latest developments, Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center and his colleagues recently introduced the “Thermosphere Climate Index.”
The Thermosphere Climate Index (TCI) tells how much heat nitric oxide (NO) molecules are dumping into space. During Solar Maximum, TCI is high (meaning “Hot”); during Solar Minimum, it is low (meaning “Cold”).
“Right now, it is very low indeed … 10 times smaller than we see during more active phases of the solar cycle,” says Mlynczak

Earlier today I'd come across this article. 

"The thought experiment: What would happen if the ocean froze over?

Or maybe it should be what would happen if the ocean froze over again?"

It was a head scratcher? Why would we even need to consider the oceans freezing, again. When we're supposed to be warming. Carbon = Global Warming. Human forced warming as the spin goes.  Now that I've come across all the above information..... Perhaps this 'thought experiment' is so absurd to consider?

1:Oil prices skyrocket 
Half the world’s oil is transported by sea. With the shipping lanes frozen over, the international oil market would see drastically restricted supply, just when oil is needed more than ever for heating. This would trigger global economic collapse, leading to martial law in many countries.
2: Food chain collapse 
The layer of ice over the oceans would block out most of the light in the surface water. ..........
3 Plants die 
Ice reflects more sunlight than water, so the global climate would cool drastically, freezing the land as well.
Check out the image accompanying the thought experiment article! 
Oil prices skyrocket. Food chain collapse-  The global climate cools. Martial law in enacted. No worries, you will still have a dog. To walk. While your hair blows in the wind and your arms are bared? Whaaat?!
Yah, the ocean is frozen, but I look good! (flings hair)

One last cartoon. J left this in the previous post.

Too Many Cuddly Global Warming Mascots Threatening Inuit Peoples

Here a cartoon for these "earth-warming-science-deniers" - yes, with polar bears and … Al Gore:


Dam that shrinkage!

 After all the very concerning news... it seemed some light heartedness was in order

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