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US/ Syrian Withdrawal Pt.2: Check Out Time is Long Overdue..

Following up on this post: US Syrian Withdrawal- "You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave."

1.Syria Doubts the US is Leaving

Syria’s UN Amabassador Bashar Ja’afari
"At first we need to see if this decision is genuine or not," he said. ‘The American decision was referring us to a delay of between 60 and 100 days so let is wait and see if this decision is being implemented genuinely."
The Syrian diplomat said announcements of troops withdrawals from other countries, including Iraq, were made during the previous administrations, but US forces are still there.
2. Turkey holding off on advancing

.. So much for these claims of working with the US to swap out one for the other? Israel wouldn’t hesitate

“We have postponed our military operation against the east of the Euphrates river until we see on the ground the result of America’s decision to withdraw from Syria.”

3.Pentagon Considering Using Special Ops to Continue on in Syria

“The Pentagon is considering using small teams of Special Operations forces to strike the Islamic State in Syria, one option for continuing an American military mission there despite President Trump’s order to withdraw troops from the country.”
To strike IS- roflmao
The strike teams are one of several options — including continued airstrikes and resupplying allied Kurdish fighters with arms and equipment —

4.Lo and Behold-The US continues to abundantly supply their proxy forces

A US-led coalition convoy of 150 trucks of troops and equipment has been forwarded to regions controlled by the Washington-backed militias in Northeastern Syria after President Donald Trump called for troops pullout from Syria, a Turkish state-owned daily reported on Sunday.

Yeni Safak claimed that 150 trucks, carrying arms and ammunition, have been sent by the US army to Kurdistan's People Protection Units (PKK), a military branch of the Democratic Unity Party in Northeastern Syria.
The daily went on to say that a sum of 500 US' trucks of arms and ammunitions have been forwarded to bases of the PKK and other People's Protection Units during the past week.   

The London-based pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said earlier this month that the US-led coalition forwarded a sum of 150 vehicles carrying military-logistic equipment to the SDF-held regions on the Eastern bank of the Euphrates River via Simalka passageway at Iraq-Syria border.
Divergent sources confirming the US continues to heavily supply the Kurdish militias..

Go back to this post: Rebrand Alert: Syrian Kurds/SDF to Rojova Kurds/Selling Annexation

All those arms pouring in while simultaneously the Rojova Peshmerga enter Syria...

5.Kurds concerned about the building presence of SAA in Arab majority areas they have stolen
Thousands of Syrian government forces have reached the west of the Euphrates River, spreading fear among some parts of the local population, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said.

Other reports suggest the government forces started to set up float bridges on the Euphrates.

Speculation “Tamimi said the arrival of Syrian forces may be an “anticipation of a possible deal being worked out with the SDF [Syrian Democratic Forces] where they can take land.”
Maybe a deal? Maybe not? If there was a deal why might the Kurdish atrocity committers be 'concerned'? Perhaps something else is at play, entirely, with the movement of troops on the SAA and the Turkish side of the equation?

Go back to this post"Are Turkey & Syria Coordinating Operations In North Eastern Syria? 
I posed this question not once, but twice.
"That was the question posed Friday. It's Monday and the question is still the same.
Two fronts to keep the Usrael backed Kurds busy?
One from the north west? One coming at them from the south?"
It is entirely possible. The enemy of my enemy can very easily be my friend.

6- Trump claims 2000 troops to be withdrawn. What about all the others?
Hattip annonymous commenter
AnonymousDecember 22, 2018 at 12:06 AM

This are great points, as always, and I appreciate you puttig all this in a numbered list. One thing that I believe is missing, not just here but amongst others writing, is that the US is only pulling out 2,000 troops despite Army Major General James Jarrad admitting that there was a total of 4,000 troops in Syria; so what happened to the other 2,000 (remember the US originally said there were only 500 there)?

Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/checkpoint/wp/2017/10/31/a-top-u-s-general-just-said-4000-american-troops-are-in-syria-the-pentagon-says-there-are-only-500/
A senior U.S. military commander said Tuesday that 4,000 American troops are on the ground in Syria, a figure far greater than the 503 personnel the Trump administration says are deployed there.
I’d covered something along these lines previously:

Go back to November 2017: Occupying Syria: SDF Reveals 4000 Troops in Syrian Kurdistan. Ahead of Geneva

“Nearly 4,000 troops and military advisors of the anti-Islamic State Global Coalition are present in Syria. Besides Americans, there are also German, British and French troops,”
More then a year ago the occupying proxy forces of Usrael admitted there were 4,000 troops present in Syria. Most of them are Americans. Undoubtedly additional forces have been sent in since that post of more then a year ago. Including a pile of US troops poured into Manbij.

Covered April 1/2018FSA Behind Manbij Bomb Resulting in Two Special Ops Casualties??
The United States is reportedly sending additional troops to the northern Syrian town of Manbij where Turkey threatens to attack soon.
At that time the number bandied about was 300 additional troops. 
Cutting to the chase- It's very likely the US has minimally 4,000 troops in Syria. As well as their proxy forces Alongside other members of the coaltion of the killing
If and that’s a big IF Trump removes 2,000 there are still thousands of Americans remaining
The media isn't mentioning this fact.

Last but certainly not the least: Putin speaking quite frankly about how Russia and Turkey have been able to work together regarding Syria

7. Putin says Russia, Turkey reach compromise on Syria
Putin says Russia, Turkey reach compromise on Syria

 "We should be satisfied with the development of Russian-Turkish relations in the economy and security spheres. Although our interests do not coincide sometimes, we do find compromise solutions on resolving the Syrian crisis. We respect the Turkish people’s national interests in this direction. We see that our Turkish partners are likewise ready to seek a compromise and reach that compromise with us for the good of the situation in Syria, for the good of the fight against terrorism and for the benefit of strengthening our relations," the Russian leader said.

Putin noted that ties between Russia and Turkey were expanding. "In spite of the fact that Turkey is a NATO member-country and honors its commitments as a member of the alliance, it pursues an independent foreign policy."
"We appreciate that very much, this creates the conditions for predictability and stability of our relations,"he stressed.

That's quite upbeat. 

Again, I ask for the third time now are Turkey, Iran and Syria coordinating in the east with the help of Russia? 

Related to a whole pile of previous posts:
 From earlier today:

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