It's not lost on me that Mr Koenig is a banker. Formerly with the World Bank. I don't believe he's a whistle blower outing the anglzionist attempts at reshaping the globe. In my opinion, he just obfuscates reality. He is selling the remake agenda under the guise of happenstance and necessary for peace. I ask you, how beneficial is that for the anglo zionist empire? To cover for their plans? To present them as not a plan? Looks to be a win/win for the powers that shouldn't be.
The idea that the creation of Kurdistan and a real lasting peace belong together is false. These two concepts, peace in Syria, including regional surroundings and the creation of Kurdistan do not walk hand in hand. They are not the same. To hold these ideas in your head and somehow accept them is to worsen your cognitive dissonance. Remember cognitive dissonance? “ the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values”
To believe that peace will come to the region if Kurdistan is created is the same as believing Israel was created peacefully and justly and has been nothing but good for the region...
You’ll notice it’s the same rhetoric? And the rhetoric has not matched the reality.
Israel is nothing like that fluffy beacon of freedom nonsense. And the YPG/PKK are neither peaceful, secular or genuinely community oriented. However those ideas have been the thrust of the soft sell: an indirect sale promotion of a product/service or remake
Sadly, this out of touch with reality idea is one you are reqired to hold. A necessary illusion. An illusion that has been created for us in order that we'believe' unquestioniably that what is being done is right, just and good.Despite the horrific bloodshed, displacement, exploitation, environmental degradation that is required to sever a new nation, violently, from 4 existing nations. This new nation is and has been desired all along by the global oligarchical power structure. The birth pangs of a ‘new middle east’ ala Condoleeza Rice.
How knowable was this remake agenda?
The fact that it was discernible and I was able to write about it for years suggests the plan was knowable. Able to be followed. With an end goal always in sight. I first wrote about this in 2012-Yes, 2012. Seven years ago.
And continuing on with coverage of these development to this very day. Kurdistan/Israel 2.0 has always been the goal. It has always been the plan. Which is what is going on presently is certainly not happenstance? The creation has been occurring in plain site for years and years now. All you had to have was eyes to see it. Awareness to recognize it. And good filters to block out the soft sell that was/is being pushed by the alt and msm.
His article which featured two different titles at two different sites is hard selling the idea of the long planned and desired Kurdistan having the potential to bring peace and stability to the region. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Peace for Syria or a New Kurdistan as a Regional Stabilizing Factor
Then ‘Dissident Voice” How dissident (opposing official policy especially that which is authoritarian) is any place that promotes the agenda of the elites. The power structure. The global authority. Perhaps “dissident voice’ should be The Conformist Voice? - It’s certainly more appropriate. Peace for Syria and a New Kurdistan as Regional Stabilizing Factor?
Notice the title has changed from an ‘or’ to an ‘and’? Interesting?
Assad was working towards turning Syria into a central trade hub. In partnership with Turkey, Iran and Iraq. Not having to destroy them, but, cooperatively partnering with them. Remember the ridiculing of the “Arab pipeline” by the western powers. That was just one small part of the 4 Seas Strategy. If you are unaware of all this ..... you’ve got lots of catching up to do.
This plan would have knocked Israel on it’s proverbial ass, with little to no chance to control the economics of the region. Which would have also, effectively, displaced the US from the picture.
Peter Koening is not referencing Syria of today in when he writes about the strategic country controlling the 4 Seas He is talking about the long term goal to create Greater Kurdistan aka Isreal 2.0 A point that's been repeatedly made here at the blog. Last year there were at least three posts discussing the creation of Greater Kurdistan- Pulling the 4 Seas Strategy rug right out from under Syria and blocking/controlling the Silk Road plans
No thanks to the misinforming alternative media- All of whom ignored the obvious. Along with the troll armies on line this all important information was derided and ridiculed. Now, as stated, we’ve arrived at the hard sell promotion- It had to come to this point. Now that the right time has been reached the hard sell will expand. It will grow exponentially until you believe that the creation of Kurdistan is just a happenstance occurrence. The so called alternatives as well as main stream media will sell this idea. That it will need to happen because of the situation on the ground. If you believe that presentation, YOU Will be made the fool.
What a load of manure. Initiate negotiations? The territory stolen by the Usreael Kurds is some of the most oil rich, fertile, strategic land in the area. Never mind all the available water! (The water aspect has been previously covered here as well)Why would any nation mentioned, Syria, Turkey, Iraq or Iran negotiate to give away all their wealth to a nation that never existed.And will be as much an artificial creation as Israel. Carved out of 4 others nations- With much spilled blood. Peter Koening is misrepresenting reality to sell the globalist idea.
PK continues on and do take note that he is talking about Kurdistan as something that already exists within the borders of 4 diverse nations- Except that it doesn’t. PK is pushing cognitively challenging ideas on you the readers
Again, I’ve written on how much wealth and strategic geography the Usrael Kurds will control-
PK is suggesting the Kurds who have the upper hand in Syria, present time, will negotiate nicely with Damascus to share the wealth? It won't be that kind of deal making. It'll be capitalist extraction. He’s promoting rubbish and perception management to again obfuscate the reality. And he’s tying this all to the illusory withdrawal of US troops, who in fact, will never leave. This is what they’ve planned and worked to accomplish for decades.
Over these long years my eyes have certainly opened to how it is disinformation/perception management shapes our reality- when we don’t make an effort to enlighten ourselves.
The idea that the creation of Kurdistan and a real lasting peace belong together is false. These two concepts, peace in Syria, including regional surroundings and the creation of Kurdistan do not walk hand in hand. They are not the same. To hold these ideas in your head and somehow accept them is to worsen your cognitive dissonance. Remember cognitive dissonance? “ the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values”
To believe that peace will come to the region if Kurdistan is created is the same as believing Israel was created peacefully and justly and has been nothing but good for the region...
You’ll notice it’s the same rhetoric? And the rhetoric has not matched the reality.
From Israel to Kurdistan:
Israel“ Israel shines as a beacon of freedom and hope in the Middle East. Its diverse culture, open society and guaranteed civil and political liberties for all citizens, regardless of race, religion, gender or creed, follows closely to Western democratic tradition”
Kurdistan: Rojova
Rojava’s constitution enshrines gender equality and religious freedom
Rojava “ not only is it relatively peaceful but it is a secular, multicultural community genuinely open to the myriad ethnicities present there: Arabs, Turkmen, Yazidis, Arameans, Armenians and more.
Israeli flags at Kurdish rallies. Jews and Kurds have a long history of mutual support. |
Sadly, this out of touch with reality idea is one you are reqired to hold. A necessary illusion. An illusion that has been created for us in order that we'believe' unquestioniably that what is being done is right, just and good.Despite the horrific bloodshed, displacement, exploitation, environmental degradation that is required to sever a new nation, violently, from 4 existing nations. This new nation is and has been desired all along by the global oligarchical power structure. The birth pangs of a ‘new middle east’ ala Condoleeza Rice.
How knowable was this remake agenda?
The fact that it was discernible and I was able to write about it for years suggests the plan was knowable. Able to be followed. With an end goal always in sight. I first wrote about this in 2012-Yes, 2012. Seven years ago.
Flashback to:
August 16/2012: A new UN ringmaster for Syria. Iraq & Turkey and how about Kurdistan?
- Sunday, September 2, 2012: Could a state for Greater Kurdistan be on the horizon??
And continuing on with coverage of these development to this very day. Kurdistan/Israel 2.0 has always been the goal. It has always been the plan. Which is what is going on presently is certainly not happenstance? The creation has been occurring in plain site for years and years now. All you had to have was eyes to see it. Awareness to recognize it. And good filters to block out the soft sell that was/is being pushed by the alt and msm.
We’ve now moved into the hard sell ( direct push) aspect of this regional remake:
Globaloney banker (ex World Bank?) Peter Koenig kicked off the hard sell. Expect it to pick up pace.His article which featured two different titles at two different sites is hard selling the idea of the long planned and desired Kurdistan having the potential to bring peace and stability to the region. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Peace for Syria or a New Kurdistan as a Regional Stabilizing Factor
Then ‘Dissident Voice” How dissident (opposing official policy especially that which is authoritarian) is any place that promotes the agenda of the elites. The power structure. The global authority. Perhaps “dissident voice’ should be The Conformist Voice? - It’s certainly more appropriate. Peace for Syria and a New Kurdistan as Regional Stabilizing Factor?
Notice the title has changed from an ‘or’ to an ‘and’? Interesting?
All that necessary background out of the way let’s get to some of points made in the article:
Peter K:“The US will not let go of such a strategic country with access to Four Seas, as promoted by President Bashar al-Assad, linking the Mediterranean, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf into an energy network. Washington had the full dominion of Syria in mind as the pivotal country in the Middle East, already when Washington first attempted to “negotiate” with Bashar’s dad, Háfez al-Ásad, in the late 1990s”Long time readers here should recall the 4 Seas Strategy, it was covered in a report done nearly 8 years ago. Read or reread:
Tuesday, June 21, 2011 :Assad's "Four Seas Strategy" Damascus converges with China
“While China is moving west towards the Caspian Sea, Damascus is concurrently moving eastward. Since 2009, Bashar al-Assad has been promoting a "Four Seas Strategy" to turn Damascus into a trade hub among the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea and the Caspian Sea.”
—Assad peddled this idea in May 2009 with Turkey, stating that “Once the economic space between Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran become integrated, we would link the Mediterranean, Caspian, Black Sea, and the [Persian] Gulf … we aren’t just important in the Middle East…Once we link these four seas, we become the compulsory intersection of the whole world in investment, transport and more.”
Assad was working towards turning Syria into a central trade hub. In partnership with Turkey, Iran and Iraq. Not having to destroy them, but, cooperatively partnering with them. Remember the ridiculing of the “Arab pipeline” by the western powers. That was just one small part of the 4 Seas Strategy. If you are unaware of all this ..... you’ve got lots of catching up to do.
This plan would have knocked Israel on it’s proverbial ass, with little to no chance to control the economics of the region. Which would have also, effectively, displaced the US from the picture.
Peter Koening is not referencing Syria of today in when he writes about the strategic country controlling the 4 Seas He is talking about the long term goal to create Greater Kurdistan aka Isreal 2.0 A point that's been repeatedly made here at the blog. Last year there were at least three posts discussing the creation of Greater Kurdistan- Pulling the 4 Seas Strategy rug right out from under Syria and blocking/controlling the Silk Road plans
Controlling the 4 Seas- That is Israel and the US in control |
- Kurdistan: Impeding the New Silk Road/Rimland Vs Heartland (from a year ago almost to the day
As stated:"Let's say this is the best case scenario map? Greater Kurdistan aka Israel 2.0 controlled by Usrael and allies. Stretching from the Mediterranean- (we know the Kurds, aided by Usrael, are trying to get to the Mediterranean sea) Through to the Black Sea. The shores of the Caspian. And, to the Persian Gulf. The pot stirring in Iran will take them to the Caspian. Destabilizing Turkey will take the Usrael/ Kurds to the Black Sea. Breaking up Iraq to the Persian Gulf.)"
As stated: "The great game as been at hand for years and years now. This is why I speak always of the remake the region agenda– the moves and counter moves- As they extend into North Africa.
Which is why Tell Rifaat was one stop on the silk road. it’s a battle between the big powers. Who is going to reshape the region?
Who will succeed? Who will control resources?
Etc., What is going on in Syria has larger ramifications for the entire
region- reverberating in Europe, China, Russia. It will affect how trade is conducted. How and where money is spent- Winners/Losers
Sadly much of this reality has been obfuscated by the media- fake alternatives and troll patrols that talk about rubbish when none of that is raising awareness of the geopolitics at play"
No thanks to the misinforming alternative media- All of whom ignored the obvious. Along with the troll armies on line this all important information was derided and ridiculed. Now, as stated, we’ve arrived at the hard sell promotion- It had to come to this point. Now that the right time has been reached the hard sell will expand. It will grow exponentially until you believe that the creation of Kurdistan is just a happenstance occurrence. The so called alternatives as well as main stream media will sell this idea. That it will need to happen because of the situation on the ground. If you believe that presentation, YOU Will be made the fool.
PK continues:“On these grounds Syria might want to initiate negotiations with Turkey, Iraq and Iran to finally establish within the borders of Syria and Iraq (and Iran, as it were), some kind of a Kurdish territory which might over time become a fully autonomous Kurdish Homeland, what today is already called, Kurdistan.(who call’s this territory Kurdistan?) Much like Israel was carved out of Palestine, except that Israel was an artificial creation, commanded by outside forces, with the specific purpose already 70 years ago to destabilize the region. Whereas Kurdistan would be a stabilizing factor, a natural process facilitated by the countries within the region”
What a load of manure. Initiate negotiations? The territory stolen by the Usreael Kurds is some of the most oil rich, fertile, strategic land in the area. Never mind all the available water! (The water aspect has been previously covered here as well)Why would any nation mentioned, Syria, Turkey, Iraq or Iran negotiate to give away all their wealth to a nation that never existed.And will be as much an artificial creation as Israel. Carved out of 4 others nations- With much spilled blood. Peter Koening is misrepresenting reality to sell the globalist idea.
PK continues on and do take note that he is talking about Kurdistan as something that already exists within the borders of 4 diverse nations- Except that it doesn’t. PK is pushing cognitively challenging ideas on you the readers
Peter K"“The current semi-official Kurdistan is one of the oil richest territories of the region. At present these oil resources are divided more or less along the border divisions of Kurdistan; i.e., Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. For these countries hydrocarbon is a key factor in their economy. Therefore, the creation of an autonomous region within Syria, Iraq and Iran, called Kurdistan, might require not only an honest process and equitable division of the Black Gold, but also a withdrawal of Turkey from Kurdistan; i.e., through a land swap. The development towards a sovereign Kurdistan – no time frame might at this point be suggested – would require Kurdish concessions. In other words, peace and homeland have a price. However, this price will never even come close to the benefits of independence and peace.”A withdrawal of Turkey from Kurdistan? There is no Kurdistan how can Turkey or Syria or Iran withdraw from it? How do you like your mind being screwed with?
Again, I’ve written on how much wealth and strategic geography the Usrael Kurds will control-
PK is suggesting the Kurds who have the upper hand in Syria, present time, will negotiate nicely with Damascus to share the wealth? It won't be that kind of deal making. It'll be capitalist extraction. He’s promoting rubbish and perception management to again obfuscate the reality. And he’s tying this all to the illusory withdrawal of US troops, who in fact, will never leave. This is what they’ve planned and worked to accomplish for decades.
Over these long years my eyes have certainly opened to how it is disinformation/perception management shapes our reality- when we don’t make an effort to enlighten ourselves.