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Pompeo the Pompous |
QUESTION:Do you believe that you can still do a NATO-type alliance against Iran?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Absolutely. I’m convinced that we can. I think every country understands that it’s in their best interest. Now we’ve got to work through the details to deliver on that.
QUESTION: I recognize the threat of Iran, so tell us where we are in that regard. Because I know that the United States needs a strong player – that player is Saudi Arabia – to partner against Iran. Can you characterize the situation today?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. The President talked about this last night. We walked into a deal that had allowed Iran to move forward on its nuclear program. We’ve pulled out of that deal and we now have begun a serious campaign to work to make sure that the Iranian people had an opportunity to speak. We know that when they do, we know they don’t want to be fighting in Syria, in Yemen, in Iraq and Lebanon. The list is long where Iranian misadventurism is taking place. It’s now coming up on the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 40 years yet this week. It has been a tragic failure for the Iranian people and it continues to be the world’s largest state sponsor of terror, and we intend to fix each of those things.
QUESTION: Well, this is very important, and I know that Saudi Arabia was a partner in that. Are they – do you still consider them a partner in the fight against Iran and terrorists?
"fat bastard" Austin Powers
QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, let me move on to Syria and the pullout. The President also spoke about that last night.There’s real opposition to the President’s withdrawal plans here. We saw the Congress vote 70-24 to stop it. There seems to be no real coherent message. John Bolton is out saying we’re going to go slow. You delivered a very important message in Brussels about multilateralism. What is the strategy in terms of troop pulling out in Syria and Afghanistan?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Maria, I think the place to start is: I think the American people should know America is fundamentally safer today than it was two years ago when this administration took office, whether that’s what the President spoke about last night in the near-total destruction of the caliphate. You remember people being beheaded, people put in cages from ISIS. It seems like a long time ago, but frankly, it’s just a couple years. We’ve made real progress there.The troops aren't leaving and they never were!
The threat from radical Islamic terrorism remains. It’s real. Andthe number of troops is a tactical decisionabout how it is we’ll achieve this mission that the President has laid out for his national security team defending America from this threat. We’ll put forces – as the President said last night, we’ll put forces where we need to. But when we don’t need them, when we can bring our young men and women home, it’s the right thing to do, and we’ll do that as well.
QUESTION: It seems like ISIS is moving into a different phase of their operation in Syria and Iraq right now. Fifteen assassinations a month which are not really reported; we never hear about it. Still dozens of attacks in northern and central Iraq. The President wants to pull out, obviously. But they’ve marked their territory still. And isn’t it true, Mr. Secretary, that, in fact, the Pentagon inspector general report just out within the last week – even you said unless we keep the pressure on ISIS, they will retake territory within six to twelve months?
SECRETARY POMPEO:Yeah, I’m not sure there’s a timeline, but the President’s been very clear. We have to keep the pressure on. We have to defend the homeland from these threats from radical Islamic terrorism. It’s not just ISIS. There are al-Qaida remnants. There are groups by names that the American people wouldn’t recognize all over the world who are intent on the destruction of the United States and taking down our democracy. President Trump has been unambiguous about his commitment to using American power to protect the American people from these threats, and I am confident that we’ll continue to do so.The troops aren't leaving- Never were
QUESTION: What about the oil fields? Isn’t it true that just looking at the Syrian oil fields, where right now the Americans and the allies control 60 to 70 percent of those fields – if we pull out, doesn’t that give ISIS the opportunity to once again sell that oil and fund their terrorist operations everywhere – even the airspace, the same thing?Pay particular attention to Pompeo's spin regarding the Usreal destabilization of Syria with an agenda to remake the region. It's particularly galling.
SECRETARY POMPEO: I don’t think that will happen. Remember the challenge in Syria. We took over from an administration who had refused to act inside of that country to keep America safe. They had put out a redline, and Assad continued to use chemical weapons. That was a mistake. It put us in a very difficult position when we took office. Today, Iran and Russia are important players there, and we have worked diligently to take down the caliphate, to reduce the risk from ISIS, and now have a political process in which we are seeking to find a resolution so that the some six-plus million people who have been displaced from Syria can return home and we can take down the violence level and begin to build back Syria.
QUESTION: So what about those oil fields? If we were to – when we do pull out, where do those oil fields go in terms of ownership?
SECRETARY POMPEO: I am confident we will make sure that ISIS doesn’t have access to those oil fields.Those are Syria's oil fields so when Pompeo states "ISIS won't have access to those oil fields"Isn't he really telling us all that Syria, the state of Syria, Will be denied access to their own natural resources? That's exactly what he's stating and that was the plan.
Watch the video below- Mike Pompeo speaks- less then 20 minutes
Secretary Pompeo Remarks at Syria Working Group Ministerial Meeting- Took place today
Link to video at cspanPompeo wants Iranian forces out of Syria- The US will make requests to these coalition members, "they are forthcoming" and of course Pompeo wants their compliance. Seriously and rapidly. Strategic border security...Support the government of Iraq.
Pompeo warmly greets the Iraqi Foreign Minister @ about 5:50 seconds.
I've discussed on more then one occasion that the US is looking to form an occupying force/no fly zone in Syria with an intention to use Syria as a forward base.
Iraqi foreign minister speaks to the audience..
The US needs Iraq to attack Iran because they cannot count on Turkey any longer.
Why do I keep mentioning Iraq's involvement with the US and NATO?
A short while ago there was disinformation being disseminated far and wide regarding this alleged alliance between Damascus and Baghdad. It was claimed that Damascus had given Baghdad a free pass to bomb Syrian territory- This was a blatant falsehood.
I covered the fact this was fake news here
"Canthama at SyperActually calling rumour and wild speculation "confirmation" (same as Moon of Alabama, btw)"Canthama" persisted in making this completely and obviously false claim as if it was legit.
Yours truly pointing out
“Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has allegedly given Iraq approval to conduct attacks inside Syria without his government’s approval, Iraqi News reported on Sunday”
If Assad did that, he just okayed the US targeting Syria via Iraq."
Despite the FACT it had no substance at all! Additional reporting demonstrating quite clearly that Iraq was no ally to Damascus was reported.
It's best to get that idea out of your mind. It's certainly not one entertained here. And beware of persons making these claims.. Ask, why are they intentionally misleading the internet audience?
Believing Iraq and Damascus had some kind of a deal only served to obfuscate US bombing of Syria. That's it. It gave cover to the fact that the US is creating a big SUNNI Muslim Kurd block between Syria and it's ally in Iran. As it ethnically cleanses the east- de-arabizes in order to kurdify.
Iraq is embedded with NATO- There is no partnership with Syria. The PMF(U) fighting alongside SDF, is most likely Sadr's militia, as the US bombs eastern Syria to smithereens is all part and parcel of the coalition killing machine. That is the reality.
The subject of a coalition in the making was discussed in 2 previous posts:
U.S. Asks Western Allies to Help Form Buffer Zone in Northern Syria
Pt.2 US Asks Western Allies (Not Turkey) to Form Buffer Zone in Syria
Some in the alt media were suggesting this coalition had already failed..
That does not appear to be the case. Looks as if the US has their allies on board?
A bit of humour :)
After looking at too many images of Mike Pompeo today it dawned on me that for whatever reason he made me think of the Austin Power's character "Fat Bastard"?
Perhaps it's the outrageous pomposity of the two characters or the extra chin and excess belly fat? I don't know? What do you think?