Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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World Wildlife Federation Funds Guards Who Torture & Kill


Personally speaking, in my opinion, World Wildlife Fraud Federation, is a phony despicable No Good Organization.
Buzzfeed has done a recent expose on still more of their abuse.
By, stating, still more of their abuse, I'm suggesting, plainly so, that this is nothing new for this organization. Since there abuse has been covered here previously.

WWF and the Earth Hour Brainwashing- Silencing the Panda

"Its author, Wilfried Huismann, says the Geneva-based WWF International has received millions of dollars from its links with governments and business. Global corporations such as Coca-Cola, Shell, Monsanto, HSBC, Cargill, BP, Alcoa and Marine Harvest have all benefited from the group's green image only to carry on their businesses as usual"
Which included this image:

Prince Phillip ( A founder of WWF)

 And a link to this report. Among other external links.

World Wild Life Fraud Federation & business as usual!

An autopsy showed seven broken ribs and “blue marks and bruises” all over his body. Seven eyewitnesses corroborated his wife’s account of nonstop beatings. Three park officials, including the chief warden, were arrested and charged with murder.
This was a sensitive moment for one of the globe’s most prominent charities. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) had long helped fund and equip Chitwan’s forest rangers, who patrol the area in jeeps, boats, and on elephant backs alongside soldiers from the park’s in-house army battalion. Now WWF’s partners in the war against poaching stood accused of torturing a man to death.
WWF’s staff on the ground in Nepal leaped into action— not to demand justice, but to lobby for the charges to disappear. When the Nepalese government dropped the case months later, the charity declared it a victory in the fight against poaching. Then WWF Nepal continued to work closely with the rangers and fund the park as if nothing had happened.
As for the rangers who were charged in connection with Shikharam’s death, WWF Nepal later hired one of them to work for the charity. It handed a second a special anti-poaching award. By then he had written a tell-all memoir that described one of his favorite interrogation techniques: waterboarding.
WWF said that it does not tolerate any brutality by its partners. “Human rights abuses are totally unacceptable and can never be justified in the name of conservation,” the charity said in a statement.
But WWF has provided high-tech enforcement equipment, cash, and weapons to forces implicated in atrocities against indigenous communities.
  •  The charity has operated like a global spymaster, organizing, financing, and running dangerous and secretive networks of informants motivated by “fear” and “revenge,” including within indigenous communities, to provide park officials with intelligence — all while publicly denying working with informants.
An update to this March 04 report makes clear that WWF had long know all about the abuses being perped by their 'rangers'

Just one day after WWF announced an “investigation” into revelations that the guards it funds have tortured and killed people, Buzzfeed has revealed that WWF commissioned an investigation into similar reports four years ago – and then covered up the findings.
Survival International Director Stephen Corry responds today:
“Buzzfeed is uncovering a horror show involving murder, gang-rape and cover-ups. Their latest report shows how WWF seems pathologically incapable of acknowledging its complicity in human rights atrocities.
It’s known for years that the paramilitary units it funds have beaten, tortured and killed, and its response is always the same – a smokescreen of meaningless promises of action, and then carry on as before.
“This time they haven’t even tried to make their response sound convincing. They’ve commissioned a law firm that knows nothing about indigenous people, but specializes in “reputation management”, and even advises clients that “respondi[ng] fully… to all questions put… is not always the best strategy.”

Is it any wonder I've no use for NGO's of any sort? The more aware we've became of their fraudulent ways-- the less to non existent giving we did to any previously supported.
When blinded by naivete and lack of knowledge we'd given to WWF, Doctors without Borders, Amnesty International &Greenpeace. Those days are long, long gone.

The only charitable donation from our household, ever, is to the local food bank and/or the local charities that provide FREELY to those in need.
That's it.
 It's doubtful a donation to WWF will result in a saved animal, (Prince Phillip, WWF founder, Tiger killer)  but, you can be sure your donation will have helped kill an indigenous person.  Eking out a living. Don't we all have better things to do with our hard earned dollars?

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