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Erdogan's Response to the Christchurch Manifesto Message

 Observations--- the media, main stream and the so called "alternative" media is portraying Erdogan talking about the Christchurch incident to the citizens of Turkey as something irrational.  As if it's being discussed for no particular reason at all. 
But that's not really the case
 Of course, it's easy enough to manipulate the masses when you leave out entirely why the Turks are discussing this specific incident.  What is it about this incident that has them concerned.
 Seems to me as the leader of Turkey, Erdogan probably should keep an open dialogue with the citizens of Turkey.  Including talking about what was in the manifesto. 
Since the Christchurch shooter went to what could be characterized as extreme lengths to send a message to Turkey, Turks in general, and to call for the assassination of Erdogan in his manifesto. Erdogan must "bleed his last"
Right after the Christchurch shooter targets Turkey
And MOA writes what is at best a hit piece on Erdogan - And a poor one at that. Laughably describing Turkey as the main sponsor of ISIS. Decrying the arrests of journalists, many of whom were undoubtedly spies- (I'm thinkin' Marie Colvin here)
Yah, "journalists" who probably shouldn't have been in Turkey. 
Venezuela is another nation that target's journalists. Allegedly.
French journalists. Spanish journalists. One connected to the black out.  Univision journalists (creepy) Venezuela is condemned for arresting these alleged journalists. 
Are they really journalists? Or are they simply part and parcel of the CIA/ 5 eyes, journalist, spy racket?

As for the main sponsor of ISIS... I'm thinking the US and Israel fill that bill much better

-Wasn't it the US that dropped tons and tons of weapons to ISIS?  Including in, but not limited to, the Sinjar Mountains (Yes) 
-And wasn't/hasn't it been the US that has flown ISIS out of Syria to Afghanistan. (Yes) 
-And wasn't it the US that gave ISIS free passage out of Raqqa.(Yes) 
-Yah, and wasn't it British special forces driving around Syria dressed as ISIS.. so they could 'fight them" (Yes)

It's interesting that the Christchurch shooter, John Bolton and "alt media" like MOA all target Turkey in the mass consciousness, in the short space of one week? 

The Christchurch shooter was well versed in history for an uneducated nobody. Allegedly
And he advanced this idea that Christians should be at war with Muslims, specifically obsessed with Ottomans. Now the Ottoman empire is long gone. All that remains is Turkey.
But they are not equivalents.  
Just like the USSR does not equal Russia. 
And Italy does not equal the Roman Empire. 
However... when Turkey is demonized the “Ottoman” meme is tossed around. Much like when Russia is demonized then we get "the Soviets." It's tiresome propaganda. Rehashed relentlessly.

I'm thinking Erdogan understood the message that was sent to Turkey via the shooter’s manifesto and his dated gun etc. Recall I speculated there was a message to Turkey in the manifesto? (Christchurch Shooter Manifesto Targets Turks/Assassinate Erdogan?)
Message received and responded to. 
Except this message is not to the shooter. 
It’s to those that have the intention to destroy Turkey.

Focusing on just an excerpt from a Wapo oped

In the wake of the New Zealand attack, Turkish authorities discovered that Brenton Harrison Tarrant, the alleged gunman, had visited Turkey twice in 2016 and spent time in various parts of the country. Moreover, we established that Tarrant traveled to a number of other places — including Morocco, Israel and Croatia.
" American intelligence officers have helped the Arab governments shop for weapons, including a large procurement from Croatia"

Turkish intelligence and law enforcement agencies, in cooperation with New Zealand and others, continue their efforts to shed light on what happened and to prevent future attacks.

The Christchurch massacre’s alleged perpetrator attempted to legitimize his twisted views by distorting world history and the Christian faith. He sought to plant seeds of hate among fellow humans. As a leader who has repeatedly stressed that terrorism has no religion, language or race, I categorically reject any attempt to associate last week’s terrorist attacks with the teachings, morals or maxims of Christianity. If anything, what happened in New Zealand was the toxic product of ignorance and hate.

This is not the first time the Turkish people have witnessed a gross distortion of history in the hands of terrorists. Viewing history through the lens of its radical ideology, the self-proclaimed Islamic State, a terrorist organization that has killed thousands of predominantly Muslim civilians in recent years, called for the “reconquest” of Istanbul — much like the Christchurch attacker, who pledged in his manifesto to make the city “rightfully christian owned once more.” The Islamic State similarly vowed to destroy the Republic of Turkey — one of the reasons Turkish troops cracked down so hard on the terror group in Syria.

It should go without saying that the Turkish people won’t just abandon their centuries-old homeland because the terrorists demand it. Nor will we ever let deranged murderers talk us into targeting any religious community, nation or group.
The Turkish people will not abandon their centuries old homeland because "terrorists" demand it. No matter which terrorists. Or whose terrorists? 
Message received. Response given.

It was covered years ago, that yes,  ISIS declared they would conquer Istanbul
A new video released online called on Muslims to "conquer Istanbul"– one of the Middle East's most popular cities.

And of course ISIS claimed the Istanbul nightclub attack, with references to the attempted coup and killing of Erdogan

There were other ISIS attacks on Turkey as well... 
IS Erdogan using the incident in New Zealand as an election tool? Of course he is. 
But not without reason. 

From earlier

Recognizing Israel’s Right to Stolen Syrian Land = Recognizing Kurdish Right to Same

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