hattippin anonymous commenter for this excellent article-
UPDATE: The Carbon Cult adherents hold a "die in ": "Climate change 'die-in' protest held at top U.K. museum" Sick, sick, sick
Lots of information. And an interview of Frances Leader on the Richie Allan show. Perfect companion piece to what I'd written about on the 19th of April Ex/Stink/Shun Rebellion. The Cult .
It pleased me to no end that Frances Leader, pointed out how it is the carbon cult never, ever, ever protests one of the most damaging activities on this planet- WAR.
As has been stated time and time again here. In fact no one pushing the carbon cult agenda ever talks down war.
Embedded below is the interview with Richie Allen.
You can skip through the first hour to get to the interview with Frances Leader, which begins sin the second hour:

AnonymousApril 23, 2019 at 4:27 AMHmm, Common Purpose...
UPDATE: The Carbon Cult adherents hold a "die in ": "Climate change 'die-in' protest held at top U.K. museum" Sick, sick, sick
Lots of information. And an interview of Frances Leader on the Richie Allan show. Perfect companion piece to what I'd written about on the 19th of April Ex/Stink/Shun Rebellion. The Cult .
It pleased me to no end that Frances Leader, pointed out how it is the carbon cult never, ever, ever protests one of the most damaging activities on this planet- WAR.
As has been stated time and time again here. In fact no one pushing the carbon cult agenda ever talks down war.
"Many NGOs and politicians deny that vital information about the climate has been omitted from the peer reviewed studies and they repeat the mantra that 97% of climate scientists are in agreement with their findings.In fact, to say "the science is settled" is to promulgate fake news and fake reality
That is not possible.
No science is settled - ever.
In fact, to say that "the science is settled" would be the most unscientific statement one could make.
Embedded below is the interview with Richie Allen.
You can skip through the first hour to get to the interview with Frances Leader, which begins sin the second hour: