"Michel Chossudovsky discusses the recent US/Iran clash in the Persian Gulf; Iran’s capability as a military power; the breakup of the Gulf Cooperation Council; the Al-Udeid military base in Qatar the largest US base in the Middle East, and Qatar an ally of Iran; the flop of the proposed Middle East Strategic Alliance, also known as the Arab NATO; the July 2016 failed coup d’etat against Turkish President Erdogan; the US/Israel/Turkey “triple alliance” now a Turkey/Iran/Russia “triple entente”; Turkey’s purchase of the Russian S-400 missile defense shield constitutes its de facto exit from NATO; the geopolitical realignment of the Middle East and its repercussions on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization"One item of importance that has been failing to get coverage in the 5/6 eyes media, alt and otherwise, has been this fallout of NATO allies. And the potential repercussions in the region. As well as for the NATO alliance. The shortfall in this interview is there is no mention of the shift in allies the US has made from Turkey to the PKK as a huge reason for the defacto exit from NATO of Turkey. Though that was a major reason for the fall out. Qatar is discussed. Also just last week I'd wrote about the Israeli concerns and plans made years ago, for Israel to attack Iran. This attack would have needed a friendly Turkey, without S-400's
- July 16/19: S-400 Deliveries Cause No Concern In Damascus, Though Israel May Be Concerned- Which will take you back to a 2012 post covering Israeli strike plans against Iran
2017: NATO Fracturing at Manbij? US Reinforces Manbij to Defend From Turkish Attack??
Saker featured an article written by Eric Zuesse claiming that there were no Kurdish forces backed by the US in Manbij. (they had withdrawn) Eric Zuesse was mistaken in his claim and I'm not sure how he could have gotten such a significant bit of information so wrong? (I'm not sold on the work of Eric Zuesse and have said as much previously here at the blog)Considering the latest news had a Saudi minister visiting the PKK forces in Manbij, alongside the Americans. (What is al-Sabhan doing in Manbij? ) To my mind the reporting of the still occupying PKK Kurds as having withdrawn from Manbij is like claiming American forces have withdrawn from Syria as well ( U.S Forces Staying in Northern Syria INDEFINITELY, That sure hasn't happened!
The interview is about an hour long- give it a listen and share some thoughts