Once the Brits, sort of came clean, the fratricide couldn't be covered up any longer.
"Support the Troops"" Honour those that serve" Sloganeering. Always.
The US as well as the UK knew nearly immediately that these were not deaths caused by enemy IED. But, both nations obfuscated, anyway..
See below
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US soldier Jonathon Dunbar/UK SAS Soldier Matt Tonroe Both Died in Syria |
The US as well as the UK knew nearly immediately that these were not deaths caused by enemy IED. But, both nations obfuscated, anyway..
"US SPECIAL FORCES have finally admitted that friendly fire killed a pair of British and US commandos in Syria last year, writes Phil Miller.
They issued the statement after an investigation by the Morning Star revealed the Pentagon’s original version of events was incorrect.
When SAS sniper Matt Tonroe and US soldier Jonathan Dunbar died last March in Manbij, the Pentagon said they were struck by an enemy mine.
But the Star obtained inquest records which showed investigators found no evidence of a roadside bomb. Instead, they concluded that an explosive carried by friendly forces had detonated accidentally.
Britain’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) confirmed our story on Friday evening and it was picked up around the world — but the Pentagon refused to comment.
On Monday night US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) finally broke its silence and told the Star: “USSOCOM confirms the accuracy of the comments the UK Ministry of Defence spokesman made about the cause of the death of British Army Sgt Matthew Tonroe.
“An investigation determined both US Army Master-Sgt Jonathan Dunbar and Sgt Tonroe died as a result of the accidental detonation of explosives carried by coalition forces, not by enemy action.
“Our thoughts continue to be with Master-Sgt Dunbar and Sgt Tonroe’s family and friends.”
Sunday, July 28, 2019: Fratricide in Manbij- British Special Forces Killed by "Friendly Fire"
Readers here were informed of this possibility at the time of the incidentSee below
- March 30/2018 2 Coalition Forces Killed by IED In Syria. In The Process of Deploying Them?
"My first thought upon reading this was... potential provocation? You'll notice the coalition is silent on where these deaths occurred, the situation in which they occurred and nationality/ies of the two deceased individuals. Or the five wounded"
- April 01/18: FSA Behind Manbij Bomb Resulting in Two Special Ops Casualties??
"Not bloody likely! One could see this claim coming a mile away. By that I mean it was obvious this was the claim that was going to be made no matter who died. Surely the plan was for civilians to die. Specials ops are valued persons, but, unintended consequences, ya know?"
PennyJuly 28, 2019 at 11:27 AMIt's not clear who (American or Brits) had the explosion in their possession- though I suspect (can't be certain) it was the American special forces soldier. They were the only two killed-which tells me they were most probably beside one another also the US hasn't, to my knowledge, explained what really happened that night in Manbij.
I covered the reports on the death of the American in this post
Official statement “On March 30, Master Sgt. Johnathan Dunbar, 36 and a British service member were killed by an IED near Manbij. The patrol was tracking an “ISIS high-value target” in the area at the time, said Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman Col. Ryan Dillon.”
Where I reiterated my assessment:
"Spot the contradiction? ISIS is hundreds and hundreds of miles away from Manbij according to the Pentagon. So, how would they be tracking an "ISIS high value target"? Of course nothing like that was reported at that time. I covered the special ops soldiers, blowing themselves up, while on "presence patrols" aka perping a false flag- and yah, that’s my opinion on that incident!