Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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The Heat is On...... Top Ten Reasons Why the Phenomena Fronted by Greta is Fraudulent

In my house.  On October 5/19

My furnace is running right now.The overnight low was 4.6 C. About 40 F, for my American readers.All day yesterday was cold. Never hitting 10 C instead hovering just below at 9.8 C.

So the house never warmed up at all. Therefore my furnace is on and running. Hoping this will be an anomalous day and will warm back up to seasonal temps. Hoping that is?

Last year the first day the heat was used to warm my house was October 12/2018. Documented here  F-f-f-f-f Freezing! Yup, the heats on in the house!
"And it has been since this Sunday. October 12/18"
Earlier this week a woman said to me" We had no spring and now it looks like we're going to head straight into winter". A response to my comment that it was too chilly that day. 

I couldn't dispute her observation of the real world, since it was in alignment with the obvious and observable late spring arrival of 2019 and the far too early appearance of unseasonably cold fall weather weather. 

hattippin' majestika


'10 reasons why Greta is a fraud' from Red Ice TV, just about nails it...

Yup, it's worth the 45 minutes of your time. In my opinion that is.

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