Though myself and so many others were freezing earlier this week... Unusually so. In Harbin, China they are enjoying themselves at their yearly Ice and Snow Festival .I gotta admit this icy cold display is pretty darn awesome! I will post a few images. And link to the rest.
Or here
![The Harbin Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival in the northern city of Harbin, Heilongjiang province]()
![The Harbin Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival in the northern city of Harbin, Heilongjiang province]()
![The Harbin Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival in the northern city of Harbin, Heilongjiang province]()
Brrrrr..... but beautiful
Or here
"It took 7,000 artists to create this sprawling 6,458,400 square feet of winter wonderland in Harbin, China's tenth most populous city in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang, where winter temperatures drop to a low of -40 degrees Celsius.Countless blocks of crystal ice were cut from the frozen Songhua River and transported to the site of the festival, where sub-zero temperatures kept them from melting, and will do so until mid-February when winter wanes and marks the end of the festival"2014 is the 30th anniversary of this Ice and Snow Festival!


Brrrrr..... but beautiful