It's not a mystery why Venice has a flooding issue- It's not an unknown. It's not even a new occurrence. And the proof that this has a thing to do with "climate change" is non existent. Though the spin is always and ever present.In fact, the record high tide was set in 1966. Long before AGW was claimed to have been occurring. Facts and reality have to reign over spin and perception management.
Another High Tide Hits Venice
In 1966 the tides hit a peak of 194 centimeters- higher then highest tidal wave that occurred last week. The fact that Venice is pretty much a floating city built on many small islands and has been sinking for years (shifting plate tectonics) doesn't get mentioned in the indoctrination media.
How many Islands make up Venice?
Venice Sinking as Tectonic Plates Shift
The Moon and Tides
So simple even a child, including Greta Thunberg, can and should understand..
Greta says listen to the scientists. Are you? I certainly am.
The science says tides come in and go out. The science says the moon affects the Tides.
Venice is built on more then a hundred small islands, which are sinking due to plate tectonics. It's a shame that's for sure, but, it's the way of the earth and the larger system having zero to do with "climate change" as spun. Still the planet is not on fire.
Another High Tide Hits Venice
Reeling from devastating floods this week, Venice suffered another exceptionally high tide on Sunday, with the water peaking at 150 centimeters (4.9 feet)
Though lower than the water peak of 187 centimeters on Tuesday - the highest level in 50 years, the third major flooding was still dangerous.
"Maximum attention for today's tide," Luigi Brugnaro, the Italian city's major, tweeted.
Water flooded St. Mark's Square and hundreds of voluntary workers were helping citizens cope with the emergency.
The city beloved around the world for its canals, historic architecture and art, was hit by the week's highest tide on Tuesday. That was just seven centimeters lower than the record 194 centimeters set in 1966 and caused the city's worst flooding in 50 years, submerging nearly 80 percent of the city.
In 1966 the tides hit a peak of 194 centimeters- higher then highest tidal wave that occurred last week. The fact that Venice is pretty much a floating city built on many small islands and has been sinking for years (shifting plate tectonics) doesn't get mentioned in the indoctrination media.
How many Islands make up Venice?
The city of Venice is the capital and the administrative center of the Veneto region in northeastern Italy. It consists of 118 small islands linked by 400 bridges.
Venice Sinking as Tectonic Plates Shift
Venice's subsidence (the gradual caving in or sinking of an area of land) was recognized as a major issue decades ago, when scientists realized that pumping groundwater from beneath the city, combined with the ground's compaction from centuries of building, was causing the city to settle.Venice has been sinking, slowly, for decades now.
Still sinking
The team use data from 2000 to 2010 to track changes in the elevation of Venice and its surrounding lagoons and found that the city of Venice was subsiding on average about 1 to 2 millimeters a year (0.04 to 0.08 inches per year). The patches of land in Venice's lagoon (117 islands in all) are also sinking, with northern sections of the lagoon dropping at a rate of 2 to 3 mm (0.08 to 0.12 inches) per year, and the southern lagoon subsiding at 3 to 4 mm (0.12 to 0.16 inches) per year.
"Our combined GPS and InSAR analysis clearly captured the movements over the last decade that neither GPS nor InSAR could sense alone," said study team member Shimon Wdowinski, associate research professor of marine geology and geophysics at the University of Miami.And tilting
The team also found that the area was tilting a bit, about a millimeter or two eastward per year, something never noticed before. That means the western part — where the city of Venice is — is higher than the eastern sections.
What's causing the sinking?
The forces causing the subsidence now are likely natural ones that have been impacting the area for a long time, particularly plate tectonics. The Adriatic plate, on which Venice sits, is subducting beneath the Apennines Mountains and causing the city and its environs to drop slightly in elevation. The compaction of the sediments beneath Venice also remains a factor
The Moon and Tides
So simple even a child, including Greta Thunberg, can and should understand..
"Tides are really all about gravity, and when we're talking about the daily tides, it's the moon's gravity that's causing them.
“High tides and low tides are caused by the moon. The moon's gravitational pull generates something called the tidal force. The tidal force causes Earth—and its water—to bulge out on the side closest to the moon and the side farthest from the moon. These bulges of water are high tides.
As the Earth rotates, your region of Earth passes through both of these bulges each day. When you're in one of the bulges, you experience a high tide. When you're not in one of the bulges, you experience a low tide. This cycle of two high tides and two low tides occurs most days on most of the coastlines of the world. “
Greta says listen to the scientists. Are you? I certainly am.
The science says tides come in and go out. The science says the moon affects the Tides.
Venice is built on more then a hundred small islands, which are sinking due to plate tectonics. It's a shame that's for sure, but, it's the way of the earth and the larger system having zero to do with "climate change" as spun. Still the planet is not on fire.