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Pt. 1: ISIS Went To Syria From It’s Birthplace In Iraq- Rewriting History for Perception Management

  The 5 eyes alt media is up to tricks, as usual.What is meant by that statement is the 5 eyes alt media is re- presenting the 5 eyes mainstream media spin.  And rewriting historyat the same time as well.   Yes, when the message, the main message is the same in the msm and alt despite their different windowdressing, we should ask ourselves a few questions.

1- Where is the real alternative media??  
2- Why is known and documented history as it unfolded being reconfigured? 
3- Is a specific empire friendly agenda being created?

 The newest message from the 5 eyes alt and msm is that Turkey created and succored ISIS. This defies everything known and stated about ISIS these past many years. Going back to 2006. The usual suspects have been presenting this mind control, which saw it’s debut, October 27/19, in a Washington Post oped written by Brett McGurk aka Lawrence of Kurdistan.  Mr McGurk came  right out and officially presented a connection between Turkey and ISIS, without offering any proof and the alternative media marched in lock step.

Brett McGurk’s spinfest of October 27 was covered in a report here October 28/2019
Commentary from yours truly:
The narrative gaining traction is a continuation of "bad Turkey" with a twist. Turkey was sheltering Baghdadi. There is no proof of that, other then aspersion and conjecture. Which is what Brett McGurk engages in all throughout his oped. Sadly that is good enough for most. Should be interesting to see how/who this spreads through the 'alternative' media.

Moon of Alabama flogged this horse little more then a week after McGurk’s oped. Not a coincidence, in my opinion
Nov. 06/2019: Turkey's continued Care for ISIS will end badly

And Zero Hedge is presenting this very same perception management as well. Secrets spilled by ISIS..

I certainly wouldn’t take the, in Kurdish custody, alleged ISIS fighter’s word at face value. Oh and the award winning “The Investigative Journal- Truth in Journalism ” whose work is being touted by Zero Hedge. Check it out for yourself. Cutting edge journalism from London, England?  Award winning? Or something else?
 On twitterTake some time go go through that twitter stream. Notice anything curious about it?
It’s seems like a mouthpiece for the PKK.  And worse a site obfuscating the remake agenda.

How very curious. Lindsey Snell had a report from Quandil... PKK territory. Curious and curiouser? It seems to miss Lindsey Snell is in thrall of the PKK. 
Check the website out: Investigativejournal. org  What do you think of their 'investigative journalism'?

Below I’ll present the know history of ISIS. 
Including it’s roots and creation in Iraq covering the expansion into Syria via Iraq. 

We’ll start with Lavrov:

The Russian foreign minister reminded that IS emerged "after an illegal intervention [by the US and its allies] in Iraq, after the Iraqi state was destroyed and extremists from prisons were released.""That's why to a certain extent, Americans eliminated someone for whose emergence they themselves were responsible, if this really did take place," Lavrov said.”   

Lavrov states clearly that ISIS came from Iraq. Birthed in and created in a US occupied Iraq.

In 2014- more then 5 years ago a series of posts were written here at PFYT's covering the creation, expansion, emergence of ISIS.  Each posts contains several external links. Take the time to read through all those events as they occurred. Because that history is being rewritten to give us a desired perception. Desired by the regional remakers that is.

 June 2014: ISIS- A US created "stay behind" using Iraqs plundered wealth

    - The roots of ISIS go back to Oct. 15, 2006, when what is known as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) was established.

    -The group emerged in the ashes of the U.S.-led invasion to oust Saddam Hussein as al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)

ISIS was formed in Iraq- Emerging from the ashes of the US led invasion? Nice language. Romantic, evocative  language. But, what does it really mean? This tells me the US invaders birthed ISIS.

June 2014: Al Qaeda + "Awakening Councils" = ISIS

"After much haggling, the Americans managed to persuade Nuri al-Maliki's government to take over the Awakening program and to incorporate it into the newly established security and state structures"

Al Qaeda in other clothes... You see Al Qaeda was not subordinated in Iraq, they were simply infused/morphed/rebranded into the "Awakening Councils"
"After much haggling the Americans persuaded Maliki"? Haggling or threatening?

 August 2014: ISIS = Smoke & Mirrors. Giving cover now for strikes on Syria

We have to realize that ISIS is the smoke and mirrors to the ME reshape.
ISIS is the deception. The distraction. While we are spoon fed the ISIS soma, NATO headed by the US, in cahoots with Israel and the GCC nations reorder the globe to suit their agenda

ISIS = Smoke and Mirrors. Covering for the agenda that has been in the works for sometime now
And it's multifaceted. Kurdistan is being created with the cover of ISIS- Iraq is being further destroyed, it's elected government tossed out under cover of ISIS. Syria, is still struggling and is my focus today

Rereading these older posts jogged my memory on the fact that Syria had been previously blamed as the creator of ISIS too.... From all my reading and writing as is being reiterated here today and will be  in Part 2,  ISIS came from Iraq! From the arms of it's overlord (satanic?) creator (US/UK/Israel) to the rest of the region. As the regional remake that started so many years ago continues on....

This was getting very long so the rest will come in a second part- There's lots to read should you choose to avail yourself of all the older information. Stay tuned for part 2

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