Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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Vegan Parents, Child Malnourishment, Grossly Impaired Development & Death. More Green Cult Madness

2nd report for today is a definite partner to the earlier post:

 Yet more cases of vegan parents causing harm and death to their own children due to malnourishment.These two incidents are first world occurrences. I’m quite certain the parents had the best of intentions and they are undoubtedly distraught over what has happened to their children.At least I hope so?But the reality, the truth is, the vegan diet is a threat to the health and well being of infants, children and adults for that matter.  Despite whatever spin doctoring comes from questionable authorities. Like the UN, as an example.
Healthy Baby/Happy Baby

This is a topic that ‘s been covered here previously. And, yes, the previous posts will be relinked.

 Sadly we can expect more incidents reports like the two below.As veganism is pushed through the media, the UN and by the "Green" Life Hating Carbon Cult. When the society is sick what can realistically be expected of the people who live in that society? Veganism is extolled for it’s alleged virtuousness. Which is rubbish.  There is nothing virtuous about veganism. It’s not better for humans. It’s not better for the environment. You can argue against cruelty if you’d like, but, then I’d suggest your argument for cruelty will fail with a bears (polar, grizzly and black)  lion, tigers, hyenas and many other meat eating beings, like ourselves,  that understand what they need for their life. Including my beloved hawks, eagles and other flesh eating birds.
 Only humans are so stupid as to allow themselves to be indoctrinated with elitist rubbish that is presented with the goal of causing mass harm to human kind.
I’m comfortable expressing this opinion because it’s an informed statement based on  knowledge and information taken in by myself. 

This reporting was from a few days ago. The child died in September

US Florida couple arrested for manslaughter after 18-month-old son dies of malnourishment   

The parents of an 18-month-old boy who died in September from malnourishment have been arrested by Florida police on charges of manslaughter and child neglect.

The paramedics who responded to a 911 call later that day pronounced the boy dead at the home in Cape Coral, Fla.; he weighed 17 pounds when he died, according to police reports, significantly under the average weight for a child his age, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Yes, 17 pounds is SIGNIFICANTLY under weight for an 18 month old boy.
Sheila and Ryan O’Leary told investigators that the vegan family only eats fruit, vegetables and raw foods, such as mangoes, rambutans, bananas and avocados, according to the News-Press. The parents  supplemented the toddler’s diet with breast milk.
Local news coverage of this sad incident
The couple turned themselves in to authorities on Nov. 6, after the medical examiner’s office released its autopsy findings:the cause of death was malnutrition and complications, including dehydration, microsteatosis of the liver, and swollen hands, feet and lower legs.

Australia- Reported earlier this year- child died last year.
Parents who fed their toddler a strict vegan diet have avoided jail after the child became so malnourished her bones fractured and teeth fell out.

The mother, 33, and father, 35, pleaded guilty in 2018 to failing to provide for their child and were sentenced on Thursday to 300 hours of community service in Australia.

Their three children were taken away from them after Sydney police found their 20-month-old daughter,  suffering from rickets and a preventable bone disease as a result of her diet in March 2018.
Judge Sarah Huggett condemned the couple’s“reckless failure to provide the necessities of life”, and said: “This was not an isolated act or a momentary decision that caused danger to the child.

“The child was seriously underweight, underdeveloped and undernourished. That would have taken time to occur.”

Aged 19 months, she weighed less than 5kg, suffered impaired motor skills and looked just three months old, the court previously heard. Her parents had never taken her to a doctor.
At just over a year and a half of age the child weighed little more then 12 lbs?
The girl’s health has improved but her future development remains in doubt. She was receiving physiotherapy and speech training, local media reported her foster carer as telling the court. 
Judge Huggett said that regardless of dietary preferences every parent has a responsibility to ensure their children’s diet is “balanced and contains sufficient essential nutrients and vitamins for optimum growth and development”.
Veganism can't provide essential nutrients for optimum growth and development- That's just the reality. 
brains need meat

UN Report: Eat Less Meat to Reduce Carbon = Reduced Life & Life Quality

Clinical research finds that people on vegan diets commonly suffer from a variety of nutritional deficiencies. One study, for instance, showed that more than half of vegans tested were deficient in vitamin B12, putting them at risk of mental health problems such as fatigue, poor concentration, decreased brain volume with aging and irreversible nerve damage.

     Most of the data we have regarding vitamin B12 deficiency in infants comes from case studies of breastfeeding mothers on vegan or vegetarian diets. That is because lack of B12 in the diet is the most common cause of deficiency, and vegan and vegetarian mothers are more likely to have a vitamin B12 deficient infant.
    Typical signs of deficiency in infants include:

        Failure of brain development and cognitive skills
        Failure of overall growth and development
       Tremors        Hyper irritability        Anaemia.
    It is important that treatment is given in time, because of the long term cognitive effects of B12 deficiency.
“In particular, babies breastfed by mothers with vitamin B12 deficiency, for example due to a vegan diet, can be affected by serious and irreversible CNS (central nervous system) damage.”

The Crucial Brain Food All Children Need
The first 1,000 days of life are crucial for brain development — and food plays an important role.
The ways that the brain develops during pregnancy and during the first two years of life are like scaffolding: they literally define how the brain will work for the rest of a person’s life. Nerves grow and connect and get covered with myelin, creating the systems that decide how a child — and the adult she becomes — thinks and feels. Those connections and changes affect sensory systems, learning, memory, attention, processing speed, the ability to control impulses and mood, and even the ability to multitask or plan.
Those connections and changes cannot be undone, either. How the brain begins is how it stays.
Meat is listed first as a crucial protein for brain development and maintenance.

Vitamin B-12 Deficiency Accelerates Cognitive Aging

Plants Are Aware When They Are Being Consumed
Vegetarian Diet? No Panacea for Environment or Health- Meat Lies Told To Justify Meat Tax 

Green madness has really taken hold. And it hurts me to say that. As an individual who has spent decades growing their own food. Drying herbs. Foraging. Recycling. Reducing waste etc.,
Who carries any garbage home in her pockets and car rather then tossing it carelessly on the ground. What "green" has become is a malady. A sickness. A derangement. 

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