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“Friday’s for the Future”. Will that become as widely used as TGIF? If "everybody's workin' for the week end",is Friday really the future?
Maybe it's Saturday?
As the life hating cult continues to exploit the inculcated, we can simply imagine the merchandise that can be sold for profit..
Undoubtedly lots of unnecessary junk can be created to enrich Greed-a and her ilk.
Then of course the fees that will be required to use her trademarked words... Guess all that livin’ green consumes well, lotsa green! Not to mention all those resources. Of course, Greed-a travels on luxury yachts. First class train rides and undoubtedly first class plane trips as well. It's all first class for Geed-a. All that best of everything surely requires Greed-a to enrich herself and her family further...
Well that’s Greed-a’s claim. Is it true or accurate? Who the heck knows? Since Greed-a hadn’t trademarked her name and the multiple hashtag memes- Her consent and the subsequent payment to her wasn’t required. Oh the loss of green for our Green Greed-a. Well she just had to do something about that!

“Friday’s for the Future”. Will that become as widely used as TGIF? If "everybody's workin' for the week end",is Friday really the future?
Maybe it's Saturday?
As the life hating cult continues to exploit the inculcated, we can simply imagine the merchandise that can be sold for profit..
Undoubtedly lots of unnecessary junk can be created to enrich Greed-a and her ilk.
Then of course the fees that will be required to use her trademarked words... Guess all that livin’ green consumes well, lotsa green! Not to mention all those resources. Of course, Greed-a travels on luxury yachts. First class train rides and undoubtedly first class plane trips as well. It's all first class for Geed-a. All that best of everything surely requires Greed-a to enrich herself and her family further...
“Climate change activist Greta Thunberg says she is trademarking her name and the #FridaysForFuture movement to stop people from impersonating her.
In 2018, Ms Thunberg's school strike grew into a global movement that became known as #FridaysForFuture.
She said on Instagram that people had tried to sell products and collect money in the movement's name.“Her name and # Fridays for future are constantly being used for commercial purposes without any consent whatsoever”
"My name and the #Fridaysforfuture movement are constantly being used for commercial purposes without any consent whatsoever," the 17 year old said.
Well that’s Greed-a’s claim. Is it true or accurate? Who the heck knows? Since Greed-a hadn’t trademarked her name and the multiple hashtag memes- Her consent and the subsequent payment to her wasn’t required. Oh the loss of green for our Green Greed-a. Well she just had to do something about that!
“Ms Thunberg has also applied to trademark Skolstrejk för klimatet (school strike for climate), the phrase used on her protest sign that she has carried around the world to #FridaysForFuture protests. “Let’s be blunt here- Greed-a is livin’ high on the hog and that costs money. Lots of money can be made by trademarking words. Capitalists understand this very well. Exploitative capitalists understand it best of all.
Ms Thunberg also announced she has set up a non-profit foundation to handle the financial side of #FridaysForFuture.
It will manage money raised from donations and book royalties.
"The foundation's aim will be to promote ecological, climatic and social sustainability as well as mental health," she told her Instagram followers.The foundation will promote ecological and climatic social sustainability as well as mental health? That's so odd because on Greta's instagram/facebook post about this move to trademark everything in Point 3 she states ( Or someone stated for her? Her father let's say? Or an Indian delegate to the UN, maybe? Read the post linked below)
Greed-a Thunberg
She claims philanthropic intent but contradicts by stating there are no interests in philanthropy. So where is all the money going to go? To Greed-a and her family undoubtedly." Together with my family, I'm setting up a foundation. It's already registered and existing but it is not yet up and running....This is strictly non profit, of course and there are no interests in philanthropy"
Greed-a Thunberg- no trademark fees required and much more fitting
Uber Privileged Greta Thunberg Busted For Lying To Advance An Agenda
The Greta Thunberg Juggernaut Attempts to Steam Roll Deuthsche Bahn- Ridiculous!
Fake-Green Zero Carbon Frauds