"Realpolitik is the ability to adapt as realities change. It speaks of resilience, strength and determination"
The empire's opinion makers are positively drooling at the prospect of a Russian/Turkish falling out. They want it so bad their willing to fabricate a reality that doesn't exist at this time. Imagining and presenting all sorts of scenarios to manage our minds.
Mentioned some of this yesterday in the postSecuring the M4 and M5 Highways in Syria a Blow to Turkey? Or for US/ Israel & Their "Greater Kurdistan" Plan? I'm simply not seeing the blow to Turkey.
There are claims that Turkey and Russia are not talking- along the lines of "Putin is not taking Erdogan's phone calls" LOL. Do people who make these claims think this is kindergarten? "I'm not talkin' to you no more!" Foot stomping and all. Oh my goodness this is the real world, ya know? And really what a meaningless claim since both Putin and Erdogan have foreign ministers who can and will handle matters at hand.
Here, at PFYT, we're hoping Turkey and Russia keep it together and settle Syria in the manner that has been written about for years. With an eye to keeping Greater Kurdistan aka Israel 2.0, and the further death and destruction that will bring, at bay.
So as usual we're going to deal in reality here. As best as can be discerned.
Where does Turkey Stand in the Syrian Endgame
Whereas the mainstream western and Arab media (zio media alt and msm) have been claiming a ‘serious rift’ between Russia and Turkey over the death of Turkish soldiers in a Syrian offensive in Idlib, this is far from the case. While there is no gainsaying that Russian and Syrian interests do not always converge fully and that there are some contentious areas, this then is also quite equally true of Turkey’s relations with the US/NATO as well. Therefore, expecting Turkey to take a full wheel U-turn to the US/NATO as a result of the so-called ‘serious rift’ with Moscow/Damascus is not only an extremely unlikely event to happen but also geo-politically an unrealistic assumption; for, the major disagreement, as it stands, does not exit between Russia and Turkey per se, it exists, if at all, between an increasingly assertive Syrian army, ambitiously advancing to regain control of their country, and a Turkish a resolve to prevent the emergence of a ‘Kurdistan’ along its border with Syria.
Whereas both Syria and Turkey, as also Russia, aim to prevent the establishment of ‘Kurdistan’ along Syria-Turkey border, the disagreement remains over who will prevent this i.e., whether Turkey will do this through a direct military presence or the Syrian army through directly taking control of the territories.
It was this political disagreement that was at the heart of Putin’s visits to Damascus and Istanbul in the end of January 2020. As the reports suggest, the Russians had ‘strongly advised’ the Syrian army to halt their offensive and allow Turkey to relocate its troopsAs we know they didn't.
This also tells us Russia was in all probability less then pleased with what occurred- given the position they expressed to both Damascus and Ankara.
"Yet, the candid disagreement and/or failure to honour the deal has not led to a total breakdown of the Sochi process itself, a process that continues to provide the main framework for joint operations inside Syria. Therefore, while the mainstream media were projecting the Turkey-Syria clash, it probably purposefully failed to notice that Russia and Turkey still conducted yet another joint patrol in the countryside of Al-Darbasiyah and Ras Al-Ain in the northeast extreme of the Turkish-Syrian border.
That's right it was Russia that green lighted Turkey's last entry into Syria. As they green lighted all previous entries.Let’s not forget that these joint operations come as a part of a deal between Turkey and Russia to force the YPG fighters out of the region bordering Syria and Turkey."
As such, notwithstanding the disagreement regarding who would control and manage Idlib and the rest of the northeast border region of Syria, it also remains a fact that Turkey’s most fundamental interest i.e., prevention of a ‘Kurdistan’ along its border with Syria can only be realised through an alliance with Russia and Turkey than through an alliance with the US/NATO.
US/NATO attempt to 'convince' Turkey of their undying loyalty was covered here:A Turkish full-wheel U-turn to the US/NATO and the EU, despite the latter’s various attempts, therefore does not seem possible for obvious strategic reasons. An alliance with the US/NATO would be counter-productive in that these countries/alliances favour the establishment of ‘Kurdistan’ and continue to arm and aid Kurdish militias dedicatedly fighting for a nation-state of their own.
And the empire's mouthpieces are out in full force because, in my opinion, the empire is livid!
My hubby was commenting to me regarding his sheer amazement at the many, over the top of headlines, he'd read.
What's really going on with Russia and Turkey?
And seriously we want the discussion with sights on resolution to continue. That's the perspective around here-
Putin and Erdogan |
The Turkish and Russian delegations will discuss at the Monday talks in Moscow the possibility of the two presidents’ next summit meeting in the wake of the Idlib crisis, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Saturday after his talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference.
"The summit meeting [between Vladimir Putin and Tayyip Recep Erdogan] will take place if needed, but at first we will see how the meeting in Moscow will go off. We will be discussing all the issues," he said.
"We have touched upon all the issues [on Idlib - TASS] in a positive tonality with Sergey Lavrov," Cavusoglu went on to say."We will take a decision on Monday whether the presidents’ new meeting is needed."Idlib crisis not to affect Russia’s S-400 deliveries to Turkey - foreign minister
Disagreements between Moscow and Ankara over Syria’s Idlib will have no impact on the deliveries of S-400 air defense systems, nor on the two countries’ ties in general, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Saturday after his talks with Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference.If Turkey was in serious disagreement with the securing of the highways would SAA continue to make progress?
"Regime forces secure M5 highway completely by capturing Kafrnaha"
My contention is still this- the securing of the highways has set the Usrael empire into a tizzy and not the other way around.
This most probably reality is reflected in the extreme disinfo making the rounds still today!
As stated yesterday:
Concluding: The securing of the two highways is more of an obstruction to the Usrael remake agenda then it is to Turkey.
* Turkey will initially see the greater benefit from increased trade. * Iran benefits via continued trade and access to the Mediterranean, where they have port facilities. * Benefit will accrue to Syria as well.
So why all the teeth gnashing and hand wringing? Is it due to the fact the Usrael Kurdish remake is being slowed and hopefully stopped completely? And,by and large, the opinion makers on line are zionist ( US/Israel first) in their agenda pushing? Not all opinion makers, but, by and large.... most are.After all these years of covering this region the the level of spin/ disinfo and the sheer numbers of purveyors still throws me for a loop. Let's hope Russia and Turkey keep the lines of communication open.An Israel 2.0 will be double the trouble for the ME/NA- More of that is absolutely unnecessary!
PS: Stay Tuned