It's not at all clear if fighting has really intensified, since fighting has been consistent in Idlib for years now. How would the intensity be quantified? It can't be and that's why the 'chicken little' approach to covering Idlib has been avoided here.
Much more likely is that media coverage has been hyper exaggerated to excuse (seek to defend or justify) a US intervention. Now that I can vouch for. Reporting has been amplified and magnified many times over this past week.
This hyperventilating media coverage began immediately after their had been success due to the Russian/Turkish agreement on Idlib. As had been reported here this turn of events signified the beginning of better ties between Iran, Syria and Turkey. Also serving to severely impede the hoped for Mediterranean connection for the desired Greater Kurdistan. Iran, Turkey, Russia and Syria make a break through and suddenly over the top Idlib coverage abounds in the main stream and alt media.
* Securing the M4 and M5 Highways in Syria a Blow to Turkey? Or for US/ Israel & Their "Greater Kurdistan" Plan?
* Chicken Little and Extreme Media Drivel VS Reality: Turkey, Russia, Iran & Syria
* Intense Battles For the Mind Are Raging! Turkish/ Russian Dissolution or Adapting to Changing Realities?
While ignoring other pertinent information. Such as that of many weapons convoys that have made their way into Syria's north east this last little while. And the news of YAT/ Kurdish special forces.
Hope not.
ABC- Pressure Rising For US Intervention
The US has NOT concerned itself with Turkey for a long time now
Except that will result in hellfire raining down on Turkey.
Much more likely is that media coverage has been hyper exaggerated to excuse (seek to defend or justify) a US intervention. Now that I can vouch for. Reporting has been amplified and magnified many times over this past week.
This hyperventilating media coverage began immediately after their had been success due to the Russian/Turkish agreement on Idlib. As had been reported here this turn of events signified the beginning of better ties between Iran, Syria and Turkey. Also serving to severely impede the hoped for Mediterranean connection for the desired Greater Kurdistan. Iran, Turkey, Russia and Syria make a break through and suddenly over the top Idlib coverage abounds in the main stream and alt media.
* Securing the M4 and M5 Highways in Syria a Blow to Turkey? Or for US/ Israel & Their "Greater Kurdistan" Plan?
Concluding: The securing of the two highways is more of an obstruction to the Usrael remake agenda then it is to Turkey. * Turkey will initially see the greater benefit from increased trade. * Iran benefits via continued trade and access to the Mediterranean, where they have port facilities. * Benefit will accrue to Syria as well.Sure looked to me as if Usrael didn't like the success that Turkey, Russia and Iran were having as Astana Partners.. Reflected in the Lavrov statement
* Chicken Little and Extreme Media Drivel VS Reality: Turkey, Russia, Iran & Syria
Lavrov:He also argued that Damascus took control over M4 and M5 highways, in line with Putin and Erdogan's agreement on Idlib.
"I speak about this in such detail, because the coverage of what is happening gives the impression that no one remembers what was agreed in September 2018 and October 2019."
( Except those that actually covered the agreement in 2018. We remember! )
Lavrov "According to comments of some Western representatives, we can get the impression that in Idlib at the time, Russia and Turkey agreed to simply freeze the situation, not touch the terrorists there, allow them to do what they want, firing at everything from this so-called de-escalation zone," he said.Where it's also reported..
Yes, the breathless media coverage mainstream and alt went into full tilt gasping mode3- Turkey DID NOT request NATO support for an Idlib operation- TASS
The diplomat emphasized that not all NATO members shared Turkey’s goals in Syria and Libya, and the issue of providing military support to Turkey had not been raised at a meeting of NATO defense ministers on February 12-13.
* Intense Battles For the Mind Are Raging! Turkish/ Russian Dissolution or Adapting to Changing Realities?
While ignoring other pertinent information. Such as that of many weapons convoys that have made their way into Syria's north east this last little while. And the news of YAT/ Kurdish special forces.
*Russia: US Floods NE Syria With Weapons, SDF/PKK's "YAT" Special Ops Trained & Armed by US To Target Turkish Forces
Perhaps the frenzied coverage is prepping for a US/Coalition intervention?
Hope not.
ABC- Pressure Rising For US Intervention
"As fighting over Syria's last rebel-held stronghold intensifies and puts U.S. ally Turkeyin direct conflict with Russia, there is a growing chorus for the U.S. to do something about the dire humanitarian crisis."US Ally Turkey- That's farcical. The focus is on the "humanitarian crisis". Not Turkey.
The US has NOT concerned itself with Turkey for a long time now
"But for the four million civilians in Idlib, there is no where to go as Assad's forces back them closer to the border with Turkey, which remains shut as Turkey struggles to host nearly four million Syrian refugees already.
"What's happening in Idlib is the worst case scenario we have worried about in Syria since 2011. We never wanted it to come, we hoped it wouldn't come, and it's here," said Ambassador Robert Ford, who was forced to leave Syria amid threats from Assad when he served as U.S. envoy from 2011 to 2014.
He continued, "This is not just another problem in Syria. The scale is much greater than anything the world has seen in recent decades."
"What's also more outrageous is the lack of outrage that we're seeing across the United States and in the Western world," said Mouaz Moustafa, executive director of the Syrian Emergency taskforce, an advocacy group. "No one is talking about what's unfolding there, no one is speaking out for children, some of whom have been burned to a cinder."See Scott's video embedded in yesterday's post: Chicken Little and Extreme Media Drivel VS Reality: Turkey, Russia, Iran & Syria
President Donald Trump once claimed credit for "saving" Idlib by tweeting his opposition to a previous Assad offensive in 2018. But while he told Assad and Russia "Don't do it!" in December, his tweet was undercut by his clear unwillingness to take action to stop any fighting that he does not see as America's problem.As already asked how do we quantify this "intensified fighting"? When fighting has been occurring all along.
"While the Turkish-Syrian border is closed for now, al Khateeb and Mohamad both said there are plans to storm the border because they say it may be Syrians' only option to survive.
Even if it kills "1,000 people, the rest will save their lives and cross the border and be in safety," al Khateeb said"That's provocative- Storming Turkey's border. Perhaps the Trump approach can be taken?
Except that will result in hellfire raining down on Turkey.
"According to an excerpt, the president privately suggested to aides that soldiers shoot migrants in the legs, but he was told it would be illegal.Ugly, ugly, ugly...
Previously, Mr Trump had made a public statement suggesting soldiers shoot migrants who throw rocks"