Does it make sense to believe this bombing was some type of warning to Turkey to "end it's ways" As some are suggesting? Perhaps? Or, not. If not, why?
The perception managing media has glossed over this fact, building their own straw man to tear down, which doesn't change the fact that yes multiple invitations were extended to Turkey, by Russia.
Invited. Via Invitation
The agreement is here. Excerpts that are relevant to Turkey's presence in Idlib are below:
Strawman #2 : NATO Coming to the Aid of Turkey?
Hahaha even NATO won't come to Turkey's aid. Hahaha. Seen stuff like that out there? I have.
As has been written here for years and years and years now- backed up with credible and multiple sources- NATO has tossed Turkey to the curb.
A small sampling below:
Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey. or Pt.2- Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey or Pt-3: Destabilizing Turkey. Pre- Election Bombing/Explosion at Kurdish Rally or Carving Turkey After a NATO Roasting- Claims vs Reality How about? NATO bows out on Turkey. Turkey & Article 4 or *Turkey/US: Cat & Mouse. Creating Kurdistan aka Israel 2.0 Has Been A Mass Bloodletting
NATO was not going to aid Turkey. They are now and have long been on two different paths. If that fact was grasped here, then Turkey's leadership surely knew that as well.
So the false claim of NATO rescuing Turkey only to be shunned, spurned or turned away is useful as an appeal to ridicule... Hahaha. Sadly it's an effective tool to manipulate the masses.
We're not going down that road here.
As was reported last night: Erdogan, Putin Try To Calm Tensions After Troop Deaths
Additionally: Russia, Turkey reaffirm commitment to deescalate Idlib hostilities – Moscow
TODAY: Feb 29/20:Erdogan and Rouhani Talk
It's extremely unlikely these persons are tied to Turkey, in fact it's acknowledged. And vastly more likely they are French Foreign Legion FFL
- 1- This is a really bad way to send a message to a nation with a much larger army.
- 2 -This kind of action puts you and your ally ( Russia) in a very unflattering spotlight & perception does matter
Is that what "friends" do to "friends"?Especially if these types of actions can be used to create a justification for intervention. As mentioned here:Idlib Media Coverage Hyper Inflated To Prep For US Intervention In Syria?
China's representative is more realistic. Not agenda pushing. Much more along the lines of what has been written here.
"But China’s representative, Zhang Jun, pointed out that the Syrian conflict had its complicated background"Obviously, the idea of a 'warning to Turkey' serves to reinforce a certain train of thought.
NortherntruthseekerFebruary 28, 2020 at 8:35 AM
"The issue presently is WHY the Turks are still even in Idlib considering they were never invited"
Hey North:
The Turks are still in Idlib because they made an agreement with Russia- back in 2018. Russia made that agreement with what had to be minimally the understanding of Damascus.

Invited. Via Invitation
Invitation: A document written or printed, or spoken words, conveying the message by which one is invited.Russia handed Turkey the invitation. On multiple occasions. In the memorandums that they both agreed to. And the Russian green lighting of Turkey's entries onto Syrian territory. Reread the 2018 Idlib agreement signed between Turkey and Russia. Which refers back to a 2017 agreement (More relevant sections below)
The agreement is here. Excerpts that are relevant to Turkey's presence in Idlib are below:
Memorandum on Stabilization of the Situation in the Idlib De-escalation Area
The Republic of Turkey and the Russian Federation, as guarantors of the
observance of the ceasefire regime in the Syrian Arab Republic,
-guided by memorandum on creation of de-escalation areas in the Syrian Arab
Republic as of May 4, 2017 and arrangements achieved in the Astana Process
-in order to stabilize the situation in the Idlib de-escalation area as soon as
Have agreed on the following:
1. The Idlib de-escalation area will be preserved and Turkish observation posts
will be fortified and continue to function.
3. A demilitarized zone, 15-20 kms deep in the de-escalation area will be
4. The delineation of exact lines of the demilitarised zone will be determined
through further consultations.
7. Turkish Armed Forces and the military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will conduct coordinated patrols and monitoring with UAVs along the boundaries of the demilitarised zone.
With a view to ensuring free movement of local residents and goods and restoring trade and economic relations:
8. Transit traffic on the routes M4 (Aleppo-Latakia) and M5 (Aleppo-Hama) will be restored by the end of 2018.
9. Effective measures will be taken for ensuring sustainable ceasefire regime
within the Idlib de-escalation area. In this regard, the functions of the Joint Iranian-Russian-Turkish Coordination Center will be enhanced.
That dear readers is a written invite! We don't have to like it or agree with it, which doesn't matter anyway. The fact of the matter is these agreements are invitations to be present in Syria. And Damascus is very well aware of this reality.
Quoting Putin :“Turkey’s operation in Syria was not something unexpected for us. Foreign Affairs and Intelligence exist so that we face fewer unexpected developments. We understood what was going on and where things would lead.”
“Turkey appears to have secured the approval of several of its other neighbors before launching Wednesday’s intervention, including apparently Russia. Presidents Erdogan and Putin met in Moscow on 9 August”These memorandums, approvals and green lights turn the claim of not by invitation into a straw man argument. It's quite clear multiple invitations have been extended. One straw man down. One more to go.
Strawman #2 : NATO Coming to the Aid of Turkey?
Hahaha even NATO won't come to Turkey's aid. Hahaha. Seen stuff like that out there? I have.

A small sampling below:
Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey. or Pt.2- Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey or Pt-3: Destabilizing Turkey. Pre- Election Bombing/Explosion at Kurdish Rally or Carving Turkey After a NATO Roasting- Claims vs Reality How about? NATO bows out on Turkey. Turkey & Article 4 or *Turkey/US: Cat & Mouse. Creating Kurdistan aka Israel 2.0 Has Been A Mass Bloodletting
NATO was not going to aid Turkey. They are now and have long been on two different paths. If that fact was grasped here, then Turkey's leadership surely knew that as well.
So the false claim of NATO rescuing Turkey only to be shunned, spurned or turned away is useful as an appeal to ridicule... Hahaha. Sadly it's an effective tool to manipulate the masses.
We're not going down that road here.
As was reported last night: Erdogan, Putin Try To Calm Tensions After Troop Deaths
Additionally: Russia, Turkey reaffirm commitment to deescalate Idlib hostilities – Moscow
TODAY: Feb 29/20:Erdogan and Rouhani Talk
A political solution remains the only possible way to end the Syria crisis, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday in a phone call with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.
"Erdogan named political dialogue as the only solution to Syrian problems," the Iranian presidential press office said.
According to the press office, the Turkish president pointed out that "the talks [within the Astana format] have yielded meaningful results and they should be continued for the sake of a stable peace [in Syria].".Despite what ever claims were being tossed about yesterday...
- Turkish and Russian delegations on Friday continued their talks on the recent situation in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province, where Bashar al-Assad regime’s airstrikes martyred 33 Turkish soldiers on late Thursday.
According to diplomatic sources, the meeting was held at the request of the Russian side.
The Turkish delegation stressed the need for an immediate and sustainable ceasefire in Idlib and de-escalation in the region. The delegation also told the Russian side that Syrian regime forces need to withdraw to areas determined in the 2018 Sochi deal.
It's extremely unlikely these persons are tied to Turkey, in fact it's acknowledged. And vastly more likely they are French Foreign Legion FFL
"Legionnaires are highly trained infantry soldiers and the Legion is unique in that it is open to foreign recruits willing to serve in the French Armed Forces."
From France 24: "Images show that dozens of French jihadists are active in Syria in the battle of Idlib.
"There are a few dozen people who have been in the area since 2013 and who have set up a camp on the Syrian-Turkish border," said FRANCE 24's Wassim Nasr, a specialist in jihadist networks, who spoke for two hours via Skype with French recruiter Omar Omsen, the head of the jihadist group Furkat-al-Ghuraba. Women and children are also there"Remember this? France has been busy, busy, busy.
And finally Janes: Russia denies involvement in airstrike that killed Turks
"Fighting between Syrian and Turkish regular forces dramatically escalated on 27 February when at least 33 Turkish soldiers were reported killed in an airstrike in Idlib province, raising the number of Turkish fatalities in Syria in February to over 50.Still hoping for a less bloody resolution to this situation. And a lot less gibberish too!
Turkish sources put the death toll at 33, while the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that 34 Turks were killed in an incident that took place between Balioun and Al-Barah in southern Idlib, where Syrian government troops have been making rapid advances since 23 February"