In 2018 I'd posted a series of reports that explained how it was, hopefully, Idlib, would be returned to Syria. Perhaps not entirely, initially, but most of it will be retaken by Damascus. As explained by Firas Tlass, coming to fruition in the Idlib agreement of 2018.
This required the removal of the US/UK/French/Israeli terror crowd and the cooperation of Syria, Turkey and Russia. The Usrael Kurd/coalition occupation force are of course the wild cards
This agreement formed the parameters for the process- it was not etched in stone with fixed dates and the like.
hattip to Scott at nomadiceveryman for another great video
This required the removal of the US/UK/French/Israeli terror crowd and the cooperation of Syria, Turkey and Russia. The Usrael Kurd/coalition occupation force are of course the wild cards
This agreement formed the parameters for the process- it was not etched in stone with fixed dates and the like.
- August 15/2018 Firas Tlass: SAA Will Invade Idleb with Russian and Turkish Help
- September of 2018Idlib Agreement A Victory for Syria As Trade Routes Reopen
- September 18/2018: Idlib Agreement: A few more details (Agreement to be rolled out in phases)
Apparently only a handful of people bothered to read the actual agreements or there would have been lots less flotsam resulting in clearer waters Much has been ongoing in that Syrian province. But it appears that diplomacy has been working, more or less. Who would want to prevent this from being the case? I'd say parties that undertake actions of the type reported below. Parties that plot against the Russian/Turkish cooperation. Veto ceasefire agreements and work toward encouraging war to for their own foreign policy benefit.
US Vetoes Russian/Turkish Ceasefire Agreement at the UN Security Council- Birth Pangs
* US Doesn't Want Turkey to Partner With Russia, Sees Benefit in Idlib Getting Out of Control
hattip to Scott at nomadiceveryman for another great video