Think “War of the Worlds’ On a global scale. Alien invasion switched out to viral invaders.
Yet, people were so filled with fear...
Let's talk rationally so we don't titillate our amygdala any more then has already been done.
What is novel, different and lethal for you and me is the drama being created around it. The mass hysteria. Mass manipulation. Mass fear.
What about this new meme "self-quarantining"? That sounds so scary, right?
But, it's really just staying home. Ya know, as has been done all along? When you are sick- stay home! So why the rebrand?
1- The name "coronavirus" is derived from Latin corona, meaning "crown" or "wreath", itself a borrowing from Greek κορώνη kor nē, "garland, wreath".
2- “Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that are typically mild, much as some cases of the common cold “
In rare cases, like any other virus it can cause death.
3- “Coronaviruses were first discovered in the 1960s”
Quite obviously Coronavirises have caused previous illness which did not result in hysteria.
4- Coronavirus is NOT causing an exceptionally large rate of death.
See the John Hopkins map in the side bar- The rate of death is just under 4% making it on par with seasonal flu in some years and some locales.
Citing this additional information from the US Death rates vary from 1.5 percent to 4.9 percent
This "pandemic" has felt very much like a “hard sell”. In fact it didn't exist as a "pandemic" until it was named to be one by WHO. Had they not labeled it a "pandemic" would you have thought it one?
Don’t Panic It Makes You Stupid
I have serious concerns about where this is going.Apparently, so do others
That about sums up my feeling/thoughts on this situation.
War of the Worlds Broadcast Spreads Hysteria Through Out the USWas there an alien invasion? Of course there wasn't.
Yet, people were so filled with fear...
How the US Flooded the World With Psyops
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But wounds to your mind can always be opened up again |
There is nothing about the Corona virus that is worthy of the level of hysteria it has generated- Nothing.It is not novel, new, different or particularly lethal.
It’s a virus. It’s been labeled as a “novel” virus in order to create the perception in your mind of it being unusual/different or new.
What is novel, different and lethal for you and me is the drama being created around it. The mass hysteria. Mass manipulation. Mass fear.
What about this new meme "self-quarantining"? That sounds so scary, right?
But, it's really just staying home. Ya know, as has been done all along? When you are sick- stay home! So why the rebrand?
" Novel Virus""Self Quarantine""Pandemic"
1- The name "coronavirus" is derived from Latin corona, meaning "crown" or "wreath", itself a borrowing from Greek κορώνη kor nē, "garland, wreath".
2- “Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that are typically mild, much as some cases of the common cold “
In rare cases, like any other virus it can cause death.
3- “Coronaviruses were first discovered in the 1960s”
Quite obviously Coronavirises have caused previous illness which did not result in hysteria.
4- Coronavirus is NOT causing an exceptionally large rate of death.
See the John Hopkins map in the side bar- The rate of death is just under 4% making it on par with seasonal flu in some years and some locales.
Citing this additional information from the US Death rates vary from 1.5 percent to 4.9 percent
This "pandemic" has felt very much like a “hard sell”. In fact it didn't exist as a "pandemic" until it was named to be one by WHO. Had they not labeled it a "pandemic" would you have thought it one?
Yes, we do have to realize how much 'reality' is simply spoken into existence.Speaking reality into existence. Presenting in a “hard sell” fashion. These ideas have been discussed here on more then one occasion regarding more then one topic. It's like the hysteria generated around "human caused global warming" along with the requisite fear mongering. All the while ignoring the real world and inconvenient truths.
Don’t Panic It Makes You Stupid
The amygdala, known as the fear center, one of the most primitive brain regions, overrides the prefrontal cortex, which handles working memory and executive function. "When those deep brain areas are active, they shanghai your cortical neurons," says psychiatrist Edward Hallowell, author of CrazyBusy. "Your IQ plummets. Your creativity, your sense of humor — all of that disappears. You're stupid."Which begs the question of why through the extensive heavy handed use of fear , the governments of the world in unison with the UN (detestable bureaucracy) are working so hard to make YOU stupid, dumb and docile
I have serious concerns about where this is going.Apparently, so do others
Fear makes people act irrational, and then they are easier controlled, willingly giving up freedom, rights, etc. It activates the reptilian brain of pure physical survival instinct.
It’s easier to mind control people when they are in a state of fear. People then also start to police each other and keep each other in check. They can even become afraid of each other because of fear of getting infected. They turn into authoritarian followers to the extreme, following all orders, laws, and rules without questioning driven by fear (most people anyway).
They may also want to trigger a social/economic “meltdown”, “shortage”, and travel restrictions to keep “people in check” and then appear as the “saviors” to bring the “cure” (i.e. vaccine), create new systems, regulations, and laws they’ve been waiting to implement anyway but needed a “reason” to do so.Why is this hysteria being intentionally generated? And, yes, it is being intentionally & willfully, generated. The media, as they always have done, is playing the role of propagator (spreading and promoting ideas and thoughts)
That about sums up my feeling/thoughts on this situation.
Flashback 2010 : Using Stress to dumb you down and control population?
Or how about the WHO and their global pandemic scenario? Fear 24/7 for months on end.
H1N1, H5N1, Sars etc., something is going to get you!
If not terrorists, then viruses.
A reactionary infantile mind is easier to control, easier to distract, easier to confuse, then a mind that is capable of some rational, creative thought processes.